2022-12-14|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘


Thor Alvis on Unsplash
Thor Alvis on Unsplash
【燈光 Light】 獻給在天堂的摯友, 也獻給每一位時常鼓勵別人的人,謝謝你們善良的靈魂與陪伴, 只是如果真的覺得努力到不行了,就請不要再故作樂觀堅強。
因為我們永遠都做不成24小時開朗的太陽, 但是我們能夠成為彼此心裡的燈光
Best wishes for the friend in the heaven,
For all those who always encourage the others,
Thank you for the goodhearted spirit and company,
There is one thing should remember--
if you think you are working too hard for you to keep doing this, please do not pretend that you are positive, strong and "fine".

When it is time to be weak then you could be weak, when you want to scream out loud for your pain then you just do it. There is no reason, no reason that there is a thing should confined your freedom.

Because we are never able to being a sun shining twenty-four hours a day,
Nevertheless, we could be the light, light shines in the heart of each other.
2017年,我走進學校諮商室,同年3月,我踏入醫院住院病棟;bipolar disoder「雙極性疾患」,也就是普通群眾指涉訕笑情緒陰晴不定的人群的「躁鬱症」,正式附身於我,成為我生命中必須承受之重。
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