2012-11-09|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 12 分鐘





    但中文報導說,61%選擇建「州」,而BBC報導,2/3選擇「完整的國格」(full statehood),意即獨立。哪裡出問題?一如帝國,聯邦國是個肚子裡擁有許多「國家」(states)的國家(state)。我們在美國總統選舉看出端倪:美國總統是由各成員州(國)所選舉出來的大家長選舉權在50個成員州,不是人民。人民僅決定本州(國)的意向而已。很像神聖羅馬帝國的「選王侯」呢。


    想當美國第51 波多黎各公投過關◎自由時報(2012.11.09




    45年來四次公投 首次多數支持建州







    Puerto Rico wants to become the 51st state of the USBBC2012.11.07

    Voters in Puerto Rico have supported a non-binding referendum to become a full US state.

    The measure will require approval from the US Congress, but President Barack Obama has said he will respect the vote.

    The island is currently a US territory, which uses the dollar and whose citizens travel on US passports.

    But it does not return senators to the US Congress and is represented in Washington by a non-voting delegate.

    Almost 80% of the island's electorate took part in the referendum, the fourth in the past 45 years.

    With almost all the votes counted, almost 54% voted to change the island's relationship with the US.

    And in reply to a second question on what future they favoured, nearly two-thirds wanted full statehood.

    If Congress grants its approval, Puerto Ricans would have the right to vote in all US elections, but would also have to pay federal taxes, something at present they are excused from.

    The island came under US control in 1898 when Spain lost the island at the end of the Spanish-American war.

    Ties were strengthened in 1917 when Puerto Ricans became US citizens and were allowed to serve in the military.

    'No other option'

    There are now almost a million more Puerto Ricans in the US than on the island.

    Supreme Court judge Sonia Sotomayor, singer Jennifer Lopez and the former jazz musician Tito Puente are all of Puerto Rican descent, though all three were born in New York.

    Ties between the island and the mainland are strong and many on the island considered it inevitable that a full union be requested.

    A young voter in the capital San Juan, Jerome Lefebre, said: "Puerto Rico has to be a state.  There is no other option.

    "We're doing okay, but we could do better.  We would receive more benefits, a lot more financial help."

    But that opinion was rejected by Ramon Lopez de Azua: "Puerto Rico's problem is not its political status.

    "I think that the United States is the best country in the world, but I am Puerto Rican first."

    The island has been hit hard by the current recession - it has debts of $68bn (£42bn) and unemployment is more than 13%.

    President Barack Obama, who visited the island last year, has said he will respect the will of Puerto Ricans if there is a clear majority.

    Any change would require approval by the US Congress.


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    Puerto Rico

    • In 1898 the Spanish lost the Caribbean Island at the end of the Spanish-American war and it came under US control
    • In 1917 its people became US citizens - they are allowed to serve in the military but still do not have the right to vote in US presidential elections
    • The country is a self-governing territory of the US but the US Congress and the president have ultimate control, providing social services, foreign policy and defence
    • They have a congressional representative who does not have voting rights
    • Becoming a state would see the Puerto Ricans having to pay federal taxes - currently they are exempt - but they would have the same rights as those on the mainland


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