2008-01-18|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 13 分鐘

大清「聯盟帝國」皇帝的博格達汗(Bogd Khan)身份







    以下是翻譯自朋友的說明,與所提供Pamela Kyle Crossley 所著:A Translucent Mirror: History and Identity in Qing Imperial Ideology的段落(翻譯是雲程自己幹下的勾當,與朋友無關)。.



    蒙古有三座佛教的聖山,其中一座為博格達汗山(Bogd Khan mountain)。




    以下的段落是摘自由Pamela Kyle Crossley所著:《半透明的鏡子:大清帝國意識型態的歷史與身份》(A Translucent Mirror: History and Identity in Qing Imperial Ideology

    在女真(Jurchen)政治詞彙中,「汗」的意義為領袖。有時,此頭銜會是用在皇帝身上,如明帝國的尼勘(Nikans)皇帝(nikan i han)、或者國王(或親王),如朝鮮王(solgo i han),或佛陀(蒙語的Burkhan,或滿語的Burhan)。(138頁)





    起先,給努爾哈赤蒙古語的「喀爾沁部」(Khorchins)做為「汗」第一個頭銜。在1606年努爾哈赤擊敗蒙古後,則尊稱努爾哈赤為「昆督倫汗」(Kundulun khan)或「女真昆督連汗」(Jurchen Kundulen han)。此頭銜的崇高性專為努爾哈赤「個人」,而非給「建州女真」。其「汗」等級,是源於也限制在他個人與「喀爾沁部」的關係上。對其女真部眾而言,努爾哈赤仍為「智慧族長」(Wise BeileWise headman)。

    在一段短時間之內,他變更其頭銜為「開明之汗」(Enlightened KhanGenggiyan han)。在1616年,努爾哈赤宣布其為李氏朝鮮(Yi court)的「建州女真之汗」。1618年,努爾哈赤建立「金」。(142-143頁)










    There are three sacred (Buddhist) mountains in Mongolia . One of them is Bogd Khan mountain. (http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/936/)

    The following passages are cited from the book “A Translucent Mirror: History and Identity in Qing Imperial Ideology, written by Pamela Kyle Crossley.

    "In Jurchen political vocabulary, 'khan' meant a leader. With qualifications, the word was applied to emperors--for instance, 'emperor of the Nikans (nikan i han), the Ming emperors; to 'kings' (normally in Chinese wang, sometimes translated into English as 'prince'), as the kings of Korea (solgo i han); or to the Buddha (Mongolian Burkhan, Manchu Burhan)." (138)

    "[The term] depended upon frequent engagement in war and originally may have existed solely for the purpose of uniting multiple federations for more effective attack or defense. As such larger orders gained political stability the khans sometimes became dynastic, attempting to pass the khanship through a single lineage. This does not imply primogeniture, nor did it prevent internecine strife." (139)

    "Nurgaci's earliest model as khan was Wan (d. 1582), the leader of the Hada federation, who dominated commerce at Guangshun Pass , east of Kaiyuan.... [Wan]... institutionalize his khanship by passing it to his son Hurhan." (140)

    "As a kahn, Nurgaci became as a political person the primary owner of slaves. The 'slave' (aha) is a child, and the owner is the parent.... [The later Jin and Qing rulers] borrowed not only from Northeastern traditions but also from Mongolian great khanship, in which the khaghan had also ruled his Mongols as a master rules his slaves." (140)

    "The terms for fatherly support (ujimbi, yang, yu) that Nurgaci and Hung Taiji normally used to describe their relationship to the people under their control were extensions of the basic master-slave model... The term of affiliation was simple and level, applying to all regardless of language, custom, or habitat. It was also strongly marked by the affective basis that Manchu political vocabulary would retain: The lord and slave are linked by love...." (141)

    "The first to title Nurgaci 'khan' were Mongolian-speaking Khorchins. After their defeat by Nurgaci in 1606 they made themselves amiable by acknowledging him as Kundulun khan (Jurchen Kundulen han). The superiority the title implied was directed at Nurgaci personally (not at the Jianzhou Jurchens generally), and his khanal rank was derived from--and limited to--his relationship to the Khorchins. To his Jurchen followers he remained 'Wise Beile' [beile means headman] (Sure beile, which may have been inspired by the Mongolian Sechen khan)... Within a short time he changed his title again, to 'Enlightened Khan' (Genggiyan han)... In 1616 Nurgaci announced himself to the Yi court [of Korea ] as Khan of the Jianzhou; not until 1618 did he share the dynastic name Jin with them." (142-143)


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