2023-04-27|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 19 分鐘

20230426〈美韓華盛頓宣言〉Washington Declaration The White House 2023

【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯 The Washington Declaration between the ROK and the US on April 26, 2023, addressed the nuclear threat of North Korea (DPRK) to the ROK. It is believed that Beijing supports the nuclear technology of both North Korea and Iran, expecting the two countries to act as Chinese proxy players in their respective regions. The ROK and the US are serious. Besides the goal of deterring North Korea and China (which operates behind the scenes) from being the first to use nuclear weapons, the declaration also establishes agencies and mechanisms to achieve this objective. According to the Washington Declaration, the US and ROK do not intend to initiate a nuclear war against the DPRK; instead, their aim is to deter North Korea and China from using nuclear weapons first.
2023年4月26日,韓美簽署《華盛頓宣言》,闡述了朝鮮對韓國的核威脅。據信,北京支持朝鮮和伊朗的核技術,希望兩國成為中國在該地區的代理人。 他們是認真的。除了目的之外,他們還建立了實現目標的機構和機制。根據《華盛頓宣言》,美韓的目的不是對朝鮮發動核戰爭;相反的,他們的目標是威懾朝鮮,當然還有中國(它躲在幕後的指使者),以防止其率先使用核武器。
20230426〈美韓華盛頓宣言〉Washington Declaration The White House 20230426 / Taimocracy 翻譯
President Joseph R. Biden of the United States of America and President Yoon Suk Yeol of the Republic of Korea (ROK) met on this 26th day of April, 2023 to mark the 70th anniversary of the U.S.-ROK Alliance. The Alliance between our two nations has been forged in shared sacrifice, fortified by enduring security cooperation, and nourished by our close kinship that has enabled both countries to leverage their diplomatic resources to peaceably achieve crucial, strategic outcomes. What began as a security partnership has grown and expanded into a truly global Alliance that champions democratic principles, enriches economic cooperation, and drives technological advancements. Our Alliance has been tested many times, and in every instance we have risen to the occasion and responded to the changing threats on the Korean Peninsula and in the Indo-Pacific. 2023年4月26日,美國總統拜登和韓國總統尹錫悅舉行會晤,紀念美韓同盟成立70周年。我們兩國之間的聯盟是在共同犧牲中形成的,通過持久的安全合作得到加強,並得到我們密切親屬關係的滋養,這種關係使兩國能夠利用其外交資源和平地取得重要的戰略成果。最初的安全夥伴關係已經發展壯大,成為一個真正的全球聯盟,宣導民主原則,豐富經濟合作,推動技術進步。我們的聯盟經受了多次考驗,在每一種情況下,我們都挺身而出,應對朝鮮半島和印太地區不斷變化的威脅。
To commemorate this historic year for our Alliance, President Biden and President Yoon have committed to develop an ever-stronger mutual defense relationshipand affirm in the strongest words possible their commitment to the combined defense posture under the U.S.-ROK Mutual Defense Treaty. The United States and the ROK are committed to peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific, and the measures we take together are in furtherance of that fundamental goal. 為了紀念我們聯盟的這一歷史性一年,拜登總統和尹總統承諾發展日益牢固的共同防禦關係,並以最強烈的措辭申明他們對《美韓共同防禦條約》下跨國防禦態勢的承諾。美國和韓國致力於印太地區的和平與穩定,我們共同採取的措施是為了促進這一基本目標。
The ROK has full confidence in U.S. extended deterrence commitmentsand recognizes the importance, necessity, and benefit of its enduring reliance on the U.S. nuclear deterrent. The United States commits to make every effort to consult with the ROK on any possible nuclear weapons employment on the Korean Peninsula, consistent with the U.S. Nuclear Posture Review’s declaratory policy, and the Alliance will maintain robust communication infrastructure to facilitate these consultations. President Yoon reaffirmed the ROK’s longstanding commitment to its obligations under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty as the cornerstone of the global nonproliferation regime as well as to the U.S.-ROK Agreement for Cooperation Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. 韓國對美國的延伸威懾承諾充滿信心,並承認到其長期依賴美國核威懾的重要性、必要性和益處。美國承諾盡一切努力與韓國就朝鮮半島任何可能的核武器使用進行磋商,符合美國《核態勢評估》的宣言性政策,北約將保持強大的通信基礎設施,以促進這些磋商。 尹總統重申,韓國長期致力於履行作為全球不擴散制度基石的《核不擴散條約》以及《美韓和平利用核能合作協定》規定的義務。
The Alliance commits to engage in deeper, cooperative decision-making on nuclear deterrence, including through enhanced dialogue and information sharing regarding growing nuclear threats to the ROK and the region. The two Presidents announced the establishment of a new Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG) to strengthen extended deterrence, discuss nuclear and strategic planning, and manage the threat to the nonproliferation regime posed by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). In addition, the Alliance will work to enable joint execution and planning for ROK conventional support to U.S. nuclear operations in a contingency and improve combined exercises and training activities on the application of nuclear deterrence on the Korean Peninsula. In keeping with the Presidents’ commitments, the Alliance has established a new bilateral, interagency table-top simulation to strengthen our joint approach to planning for nuclear contingencies. 聯盟承諾就核威懾問題進行更深入的合作決策,包括就韓國和該地區日益嚴重的核威脅加強對話和資訊共享。兩國元首宣佈成立新的核協商小組(NCG),以加強擴大威懾,討論核和戰略規劃,並管理朝鮮民主主義人民共和國(DPRK)對不擴散制度構成的威脅。此外,該聯盟將努力在緊急情況下聯合執行和規劃韓國對美國核行動的常規支援,並改進在朝鮮半島應用核威懾的聯合演習和訓練活動。根據兩國元首的承諾,聯盟建立了一個新的雙邊、機構間兵推,以加強我們規劃核應急的聯合方法。
President Biden reaffirmed that the United States’ commitment to the ROK and the Korean people is enduring and ironclad, and that any nuclear attack by the DPRK against the ROK will be met with a swift, overwhelming and decisive response. President Biden highlighted the U.S. commitment to extend deterrence to the ROK is backed by the full range of U.S. capabilities, including nuclear. Going forward, the United States will further enhance the regular visibilityof strategic assets to the Korean Peninsula, as evidenced by the upcoming visit of a U.S. nuclear ballistic missile submarineto the ROK, and will expand and deepen coordination between our militaries. Furthermore, the United States and ROK will strengthen standing bodies for consultations on extended deterrence, including the Extended Deterrence Strategy and Consultation Group, to better prepare the Alliance to defend against potential attacks and nuclear use and conduct simulations to inform joint planning efforts. 拜登總統重申,美國對韓國和朝鮮人民的承諾是持久和堅定的,朝鮮對韓國的任何核攻擊都將得到迅速、壓倒性和果斷的回應。拜登總統強調,美國對韓國擴大威懾的承諾得到了包括核能力在內的美國全方位能力的支援。展望未來,美國將進一步提高對朝鮮半島戰略資產的常規可見性,美國核彈道導彈潛艇即將訪問韓國就是證明,並將擴大和深化我們兩軍之間的協調。此外,美國和韓國將加強就擴大威懾進行磋商的常設機構,包括擴大威懾戰略和磋商小組,以更好地準備聯盟防禦潛在的攻擊和核使用,並為聯合規劃工作提供資訊進行兵推作業。
President Yoon affirmed that the ROK will apply the full range of its capabilities to the Alliance’s combined defense posture. This includes working in lockstep with the United States to closely connect the capabilities and planning activities of the new ROK Strategic Command and the U.S.-ROK Combined Forces Command. Such activities will include a new table-top exercise conducted with U.S. Strategic Command. 尹總統申明,韓國將全力以赴,以配合聯盟的聯合防禦態勢。這包括與美國步調一致,將新的韓國戰略司令部和美韓聯合部隊司令部的能力和規劃活動緊密聯繫起來。這些活動將包括與美國戰略司令部一起進行的新桌面演習。
In view of these critical developments, President Biden and President Yoon send a firm message to the international community that the United States and the ROK will stand together in the face of any and all threats to their shared security, and continue their close consultations on further steps to strengthen extended deterrence. In parallel, both Presidents remain steadfast in their pursuit of dialogue and diplomacy with the DPRK, without preconditions, as a means to advance the shared goal of achieving the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. 鑒於這些關鍵事態發展,拜登總統和尹總統向國際社會發出堅定的資訊,即美國和韓國將站在一起,面對對其共同安全的任何和所有威脅,並繼續就強化延伸威懾的進一步步驟進行密切磋商。與此同時,兩國元首仍然堅定不移地無預設條件地與朝鮮民主主義人民共和國進行對話和外交,以此作為推進實現朝鮮半島完全無核化的共同目標的手段。
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