2023-06-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 18 分鐘

拜登廣島G7記者會(有關中國部份) 白宮 20230521 / Taimocracy翻譯

    拜登廣島G7記者會(有關中國部份) 白宮 20230521 / Taimocracy翻譯
    NHK Masaru Q: Hi. Good evening, Mr. President. The Chinese military is more active at this time in the Taiwan Strait, with expectations this might increase leading up to Taiwan’s presidential election next January. Despite — despite some, you know, diplomatic communication recently between the U.S. and China, the military hotline is not working. NHK的Masaru問:你好。晚安,總統先生。中國軍方此時在台灣海峽更加活躍,預計明年 1 月台灣總統大選前這種情況可能會增加。儘管——儘管你知道,最近美中之間進行了一些外交交流,但軍事熱線無法正常工作。 Under this circumstance, how will you manage the diplomatic, you know, relationship with China? And how will you strengthen the U.S. alliance with Japan and ROKin order to counter China? Thank you. 在這種情況下,您將如何處理與中國的外交關係?你將如何加強美國與日本和韓國的聯盟以對抗中國?謝謝。
    THE PRESIDENT: Well, number one, you’re right — we should have an open hotline. At the Bali conference, that’s what President Xi and I agreed we were going to do and meet on. And then this silly balloon that was carrying two freight cars’ worth of spying equipment was flying over the United States, and it got shot down, and everything changed in terms of talking to one another. I think you’re going to see that begin to thaw very shortly. 總統:嗯,第一,沒錯——我們應該開通熱線。在巴厘島會議上,習主席和我同意我們將要做的事情和會面的內容。然後這個載著相當於兩輛貨車的間諜設備的愚蠢的氣球在美國上空飛行,它被擊落了,就相互交談而言,一切都變了。我想你很快就會看到它開始解凍。
    But in the meantime, what’s happened is: I think it’s fair to say, for those of you who have dealt with — dealt with the Japanese government and reported from here for a long time, the situation in terms of our relations with Japan have never, ever, ever in American history been stronger. Never. Never. 但與此同時,發生的事情是:我認為可以公平地說,對於那些長期與日本政府打交道並從這裡進行報導的人來說,我們與日本關係的情況從未如此,在美國歷史上,從未如此強大。不會就是不會。
    And we started this relationship when I came to see — some of you were with me on my first trip here — when I came to see President K- — President [Prime Minister] Kishida’s predecessor and made the case that what was happening in Europe was the sma- — the world is getting smaller. 當我去拜訪岸田總理的前任時,我們開始了這種關係——你們中的一些人和我一起第一次來這裡,並確認歐洲正在發生的事情會影響這裡——世界正在變得更緊密。
    What’s happening in Europe and the invasion of Ukraine is it affects everyone, including people here in the Pacific basin. And so we’ve ended up where you have Japan stepping up in a way that’s of real consequence, in terms of your defense budget, number one, and a beginning of a rapprochement with South Korea. 歐洲正在發生的事情和對烏克蘭的入侵影響到每個人,包括太平洋盆地的人們。因此,我們最終讓日本以一種具有真正影響的方式加強,就你的國防預算而言,第一,以及與韓國和解的開始
    I’ve spoken at length with President Loon [Yoon] of South Korea. He came to Washington of late. He’s agreed — we’re all of the same agreement that, in fact, we are not going to — we’re maintaining — we all agree we’re going to maintain the One China policy, which says — everybody kind of forgets — I mean, you all know it, but the public kind of forgets that it says that neither country, Japan — I mean, China or Taiwan — neither er- — territory can independently declare what they’re going to do. Period. There has to be a mutually agreed to outcome. 總統詳細談過了韓國尹總統。他最近才來華盛頓。他同意——我們都同意,事實上,我們不會——我們正在維持——我們都同意我們將維持一個中國的政策,它說——每個人都忘記了——我意思是,你們都知道,但公眾有點忘記它說的是,任一國家,日本——我的意思是中國或台灣——這兩個——呃——領土都不能獨立宣布他們將要做什麼。就這樣。必須有一個共同同意的結果
    And so we’re — we’re sticking by that. We’re not going to tell China what they can do. We ma- — we made it clear that we don’t expect — we don’t expect Taiwan to independently declare independence either. 所以我們 - 我們堅持這一點。我們不會告訴中國他們能做什麼。我們可以——我們明確表示我們不期望——我們也不期望台灣獨立宣布獨立
    But in the meantime, we’re going to continue to put Taiwan in a position that they can defend themselves. And there is clear understanding among most of our allies that, in fact, if China were to act unilaterally, there would be a response. There would be a response. 但與此同時,我們將繼續讓台灣處於可以自衛的位置。我們的大多數盟友都清楚地認識到,事實上,如果中國單方面採取行動,就會有回應。會有回應。
    But I — so I don’t think there’s anything inevitable about the notion that there’s going to be this conflict between the United States and the West and/or Japan and Korea and the Quad. 但是我——所以我認為美國和西方之間和/或日本和韓國以及四國聯盟之間會發生衝突的想法並不是不可避免的。
    And if you take a look at what’s happened, we are more secure, with all the talk about China’s building its military — it is building its military, and that’s why I’ve made it clear that I am not going to prepare — I’m not prepared to trade certain items with China. 如果你看看發生了什麼,我們會更加安全,所有關於中國正在建設軍隊的討論——它正在建軍,這就是為什麼我明確表示我將不會準備——我不會與中國交易某些項目。
    And when I was asked by President Xi why, I said, “Because you’re using them to build nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, and I’m not going to do it.” And we’ve now got commitment from all of our allies they’re not going to either provide that kind of material that allows them to do that. 當習主席問我為什麼時,我說,「因為你要用它們來製造核武器和其他大規模殺傷性武器,而我不會這樣做。」我們現在已經得到我們所有盟友的承諾,他們不會提供允許他們這樣做的那種材料。
    But that’s not a hostile act. That’s an act that says we’re going to make sure that we do everything we can to maintain the status quo ante. 但這不是敵對行為。這是一種表示我們將確保盡一切努力維持先前原狀
    And what’s going on now is the — look at the meeting we had here today — today and yesterday of the Quad. 現在正在發生的事情是——看看我們今天在這裡舉行的會議——今天和昨天的四方會議
    I bet you — I would — maybe some of you thought it, but I doubt many people in this audience or any other audience would have said that two years after being elected, I’d be able to convince India, Australia, Japan, and the United States to form an organization called the Quad to maintain stability in the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. 我打賭你——我會——也許你們中的一些人會這麼想,但我懷疑在座的很多人或任何其他聽眾會說,在當選兩年後,我能夠說服印度、澳大利亞、日本和美國成立一個名為Quad的組織,以維護印度洋和南海的穩定。
    Well, when asked by the Prime Minister — by President Xi why we’re doing that, I said, “Simple: We have — international organizations have agreed upon what constitutes open airspace and sea space. And we’re not going to allow that to be unilaterally altered. Period.” We’re not changing any rules, we’re just making sure that we unite democracies in the conviction that the Pacific basin remains what it was before: open and clear. 好吧,當總理——習主席問我們為什麼要這樣做時,我說,「很簡單:我們有——國際組織已經同意開放領空和海洋空間。我們不會允許它被單方面改變。就這樣。」我們沒有改變任何規則,我們只是確保我們團結民主國家,堅信太平洋盆地仍然像以前一樣:開放和清晰。
    So I guess what I’m saying is — I don’t “guess” what I’m saying — what I’m trying to say is I think we’re more united than we’ve ever been — ever been in the Pacific, in terms of maintaining stability and — and maintaining a sense of security. 所以我想我想說的是——我不「猜測」我在說什麼——我想說的是我認為我們比以往任何時候都更加團結——在太平洋地區,就維持穩定和——以及維持安全感而言。
    So I’m not sure that answers your question, but I hope it does. If it doesn’t, you want to follow up with any portion of that question? 所以我不確定這是否能回答您的問題,但我希望它能回答。如果沒有,您想跟進該問題的任何部分嗎?
    Q And on China, you will not lift sanctions on China’s defense minister? Because Lloyd Austin was trying to meet with him, but he’s currently sanctioned by the U.S. government. 問中國議題,你不會解除對中國國防部長的制裁嗎? 因為勞埃德·奧斯汀試圖與他會面,但他目前受到美國政府的制裁。
    THE PRESIDENT: No, I know that. That’s under negotiation right now.
    I thought you said would I lift sanctions on material I was going to send — sell their defense department, meaning would I sell some — the answer to that is under discussion. 不,我知道。目前正在談判中。我以為你說我取消了對我打算發送的物資的制裁 — 出售給他們的國防部,這意味著我會出售一些 — 答案是:正在討論中。
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