Find inner balance and harmony

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Hiram ip is determined for world peace. You are welcome to share with me more ways to help world peace. Maybe I will write it in the article later.

Hiram Ip 的其他內容
Recently, I tried a board game with a group of friends called "Xia Yang", which is a world full of ancient mysteries and fantasy. In this game, we pla
Recently, I played an exciting board game with a group of friends, "Star Explorer". This game takes us into the uncharted realms of the universe, allo
There is a book that makes me feel a link across time and space, and it is called "The Bridge of Time". The book is based on a special time
Recently, I have begun to think about the meaning of life and the importance of pursuing inner peace. In the modern busy society, we are often bus
Stepping into this coffee shop again, I felt a warm and familiar atmosphere. Every time I visit, this place always brings me infinite surprises an
Recently I embarked on a journey of rethinking, a reflection and reorientation of myself and my life. I realized that the ideas and perceptions of
Recently, I tried a board game with a group of friends called "Xia Yang", which is a world full of ancient mysteries and fantasy. In this game, we pla
Recently, I played an exciting board game with a group of friends, "Star Explorer". This game takes us into the uncharted realms of the universe, allo
There is a book that makes me feel a link across time and space, and it is called "The Bridge of Time". The book is based on a special time
Recently, I have begun to think about the meaning of life and the importance of pursuing inner peace. In the modern busy society, we are often bus
Stepping into this coffee shop again, I felt a warm and familiar atmosphere. Every time I visit, this place always brings me infinite surprises an
Recently I embarked on a journey of rethinking, a reflection and reorientation of myself and my life. I realized that the ideas and perceptions of
Google News 追蹤
我單身我驕傲 一直被歸納為厚片系列的我,儘管言情與耽美小說從青少年時期起便充斥著我的生活,但對於自己的感情似乎沒有太大想像,畢竟跟陌生人建立情感這種事,高風險、低成功率,實在是難以激發遇甚至是求的念頭。 某次,因緣際會之下嘗試了探訪元辰宮體驗,一種透過超自然探訪潛意識的儀式。在老師的引導下"看"著屬
Linux FAQ : find 用法 find 目錄 參數 條件 參考 :
一個人出生一定有個目的,一定有重要的事情等待我(你)去完成。 今天說說自己 我在20歲時開始認識耶穌,而在那之前...
Find 輸入一個 id 參數後,尋找相對應的一筆資料。 在 SQL 的部分: 如果 find 找不到相對應的資料時,會跳出兇殘的錯誤訊息: Find_by 輸入一個或多個參數後,找到相對應的一筆資料。 在 SQL 的部分: Where 輸入一個或多個參數後,找到相對應的多筆資料。
在來美國將滿一個月的時候,Matthew 問我這個問題,當時我還想天氣還不冷,問我手套幹嘛呢?(笑爛)。下禮拜我來美國就要滿兩個月了,不知為何感覺日子過得特別慢,大概是因為一直期望領薪水或回台灣。這邊的生活沒什麼不好,道路總是綠意盎然,只是交通不便,沒有朋友也沒帥哥,去亞超變成生活唯一的樂趣。在這小
Writing this article to share my experience finding apartments (or condos as Thai calls it) in Bangkok when I first moved to Thailand. Scroll down for
最近發生了一件在別人看來只是微不足道的小事,卻感動了近日因每日工作內心而變得逐漸麻木的我。 昨天晚上,我如常綁好鞋帶,出門跑步去。怎料一踏出家門口,就感覺到不對勁,一陣熱風迎面吹來,估計室外溫度接近三十度,還沒開始跑已經開始流汗。本來想打退堂鼓,但心想都已經出門口了,不至於吧! 於是咬緊牙關,大步跑
In recent times, it looks as if there are as many different types of desks as there are people in the earth (okay, perhaps not that many, but there a
我單身我驕傲 一直被歸納為厚片系列的我,儘管言情與耽美小說從青少年時期起便充斥著我的生活,但對於自己的感情似乎沒有太大想像,畢竟跟陌生人建立情感這種事,高風險、低成功率,實在是難以激發遇甚至是求的念頭。 某次,因緣際會之下嘗試了探訪元辰宮體驗,一種透過超自然探訪潛意識的儀式。在老師的引導下"看"著屬
Linux FAQ : find 用法 find 目錄 參數 條件 參考 :
一個人出生一定有個目的,一定有重要的事情等待我(你)去完成。 今天說說自己 我在20歲時開始認識耶穌,而在那之前...
Find 輸入一個 id 參數後,尋找相對應的一筆資料。 在 SQL 的部分: 如果 find 找不到相對應的資料時,會跳出兇殘的錯誤訊息: Find_by 輸入一個或多個參數後,找到相對應的一筆資料。 在 SQL 的部分: Where 輸入一個或多個參數後,找到相對應的多筆資料。
在來美國將滿一個月的時候,Matthew 問我這個問題,當時我還想天氣還不冷,問我手套幹嘛呢?(笑爛)。下禮拜我來美國就要滿兩個月了,不知為何感覺日子過得特別慢,大概是因為一直期望領薪水或回台灣。這邊的生活沒什麼不好,道路總是綠意盎然,只是交通不便,沒有朋友也沒帥哥,去亞超變成生活唯一的樂趣。在這小
Writing this article to share my experience finding apartments (or condos as Thai calls it) in Bangkok when I first moved to Thailand. Scroll down for
最近發生了一件在別人看來只是微不足道的小事,卻感動了近日因每日工作內心而變得逐漸麻木的我。 昨天晚上,我如常綁好鞋帶,出門跑步去。怎料一踏出家門口,就感覺到不對勁,一陣熱風迎面吹來,估計室外溫度接近三十度,還沒開始跑已經開始流汗。本來想打退堂鼓,但心想都已經出門口了,不至於吧! 於是咬緊牙關,大步跑
In recent times, it looks as if there are as many different types of desks as there are people in the earth (okay, perhaps not that many, but there a