2023-09-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘



    The sky on an overcast day resembles a black and white ink painting, and it possesses its own unique beauty.


    Definition (定義):

    • English: "Overcast" is an adjective used to describe the weather condition when the sky is covered with clouds, and there is little or no direct sunlight. It typically indicates a cloudy or gloomy sky.
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "多雲的",是一個形容詞,用來描述天氣情況,當天空被雲層覆蓋,幾乎沒有直射陽光時,通常表示多雲或陰沉的天空。

    Related Words (相關詞語):

    • English: Cloudy, overcast sky, gloomy, cloud cover
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 陰天,多雲天空,陰沉,雲層覆蓋

    Example Sentences (例句):

    1. English: The picnic was canceled due to the overcast weather and the possibility of rain. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 野餐因多雲的天氣和可能的雨天而取消。
    2. English: She preferred sunny days for outdoor activities and found overcast days to be less enjoyable. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 她更喜歡晴朗的天氣進行戶外活動,而覺得多雲的天氣不太愉快。
    3. English: The overcast sky gave the cityscape a moody and dramatic atmosphere. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 多雲的天空為城市風景增添了一種情緒化和戲劇性的氛圍。


    Definition (定義):

    • English: "Resemble" is a verb that means to be similar or alike in appearance, characteristics, or qualities to something or someone else. It indicates a visual or qualitative likeness.
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "類似",是一個動詞,指的是在外觀、特徵或品質方面與某物或某人相似或相像。它表示視覺或質的相似。

    Related Words (相關詞語):

    • English: Similar, alike, resemble, look like, comparable
    • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 相似,相像,類似,看起來像,可比較的

    Example Sentences (例句):

    1. English: The young girl closely resembles her mother, sharing the same smile and eyes. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 這個年輕女孩非常像她的母親,分享同樣的微笑和眼睛。
    2. English: The new building design resembles the architecture of the historic district, blending old and new styles. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 新的建築設計與歷史區的建築風格相似,融合了新舊風格。
    3. English: His handwriting closely resembles that of his grandfather, which is quite distinctive. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 他的筆跡非常像他的祖父,而祖父的筆跡非常獨特。
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