2023-09-08|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 12 分鐘



    Reminders for College Students Moving to a New Dorm

    Important Reminders for College Students Moving to a New Dormitory

    Moving to a new dormitory can be an exciting yet challenging experience for college students. Here are some essential reminders to make your transition smoother and more enjoyable:

    1. Plan Ahead (提前計劃):
      • Start packing early to avoid last-minute stress.
      • Create a checklist of items you'll need and stick to it.
      • Coordinate with roommates about shared items like appliances or furniture.
    2. Label Everything (標記所有物品):
      • Use labels or colored tape to mark your boxes and belongings.
      • This makes unpacking and settling in much easier.
    3. Essentials First (先處理基本需求):
      • Pack a separate bag with essentials like toiletries, clothes, and important documents.
      • You might not have immediate access to all your belongings when you arrive.
    4. Roommate Communication (與室友溝通):
      • Get to know your roommates' preferences and establish open communication from the beginning.
      • Discuss shared responsibilities, rules, and boundaries.
    5. Safety Measures (安全措施):
      • Familiarize yourself with the dormitory's safety protocols.
      • Ensure your room has working smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.
    6. Decorate Thoughtfully (謹慎裝飾):
      • Personalize your space with decorations but be considerate of your roommates' tastes.
      • Avoid causing damage to walls or furniture with adhesives or heavy decorations.
    7. Storage Solutions (儲物解決方案):
      • Invest in storage solutions like under-bed bins and hanging organizers to maximize space.
      • Keep your area neat and organized for a pleasant living environment.
    8. Socialize and Make Friends (社交交友):
      • Attend dormitory events and meet fellow residents.
      • Building connections can enhance your college experience.
    9. Respect Quiet Hours (尊重寂靜時段):
      • Be mindful of quiet hours in your dormitory.
      • Respect your neighbors' need for a peaceful environment, especially during study time.
    10. Stay Informed (保持資訊更新):
      • Stay informed about dormitory updates and important announcements.
      • Be aware of any maintenance or cleaning schedules.

    Moving to a new dormitory is an opportunity for growth and independence. With careful planning and consideration, you can create a comfortable and enjoyable living space. Best of luck in your new dormitory adventure!



    1. 提前計劃
      • 提早開始打包,避免臨時壓力。
      • 創建所需物品的清單並遵循它。
      • 與室友協調共享物品,如家電或家具。
    2. 標記所有物品
      • 使用標籤或有色膠帶標記您的箱子和物品。
      • 這樣做可以使拆包和安頓變得更加輕鬆。
    3. 優先處理基本需求
      • 準備一個分開的包裝,其中包括洗漱用品、衣物和重要文件。
      • 當您到達時,您可能無法立即取得所有物品。
    4. 與室友溝通
      • 了解您室友的喜好,從一開始建立開放的溝通。
      • 討論共同責任、規則和界限。
    5. 安全措施
      • 熟悉宿舍的安全協議。
      • 確保您的房間配備工作正常的煙霧探測器和滅火器。
    6. 謹慎裝飾
      • 使用裝飾品個性化您的空間,但要考慮室友的口味。
      • 避免使用膠黏劑或重型裝飾品對牆壁或家具造成損害。
    7. 儲物解決方案
      • 投資於儲物解決方案,如床下箱和掛式組織,以最大化空間。
      • 保持區域整潔有序,以營造愉快的生活環境。
    8. 社交交友
      • 參加宿舍活動,認識其他居民。
      • 建立關係可以豐富您的大學生活。
    9. 尊重寂靜時段
      • 注意宿舍的安靜時段。
      • 尊重鄰居在特別是學習時需要寧靜的環境。
    10. 保持資訊更新
      • 保持宿舍更新和重要公告的信息。
      • 注意任何維護或清潔計劃。


    Transition (過渡) - 指的是一個過程中的轉變或變化。

    • 慣用語: "In transition" (處於轉變中),表示某事物正在改變或轉變中。
    • 例句: The company is in transition as it adopts new technology to improve efficiency. (公司正在轉變,採用新技術以提高效率。)

    Coordinate (協調) - 意味著安排和組織不同元素以實現共同的目標。

    • 慣用語: "Coordinate efforts" (協調努力),表示多個人或團隊合作以實現共同目標。
    • 例句: We need to coordinate our efforts to complete this project on time. (我們需要協調努力,按時完成這個項目。)

    Essentials (必需品) - 表示必要的或不可或缺的物品。

    • 慣用語: "Pack the essentials" (打包必需品),指的是將最重要的物品收拾好。
    • 例句: When going camping, make sure to pack the essentials like food, water, and a tent. (去露營時,確保打包必需品,如食物、水和帳篷。)

    Personalize (個性化) - 意味著根據個人喜好或需求來定制或裝飾。

    • 慣用語: "Personalize your space" (個性化您的空間),表示將房間或物品按照自己的風格定制。
    • 例句: She likes to personalize her workspace with photos and artwork to make it feel more comfortable. (她喜歡在工作空間個性化,用照片和藝術品使其更加舒適。)

    Organize (組織) - 表示將事物整理或安排成有條理的方式。

    • 慣用語: "Get organized" (讓事情井井有條),表示整理東西或安排計劃以更有效地處理事情。
    • 例句: I need to get organized before the big move to the new apartment. (在搬到新公寓之前,我需要整理一下。)

    Communication (溝通) - 意味著信息交流和互動。

    • 慣用語: "Effective communication" (有效的溝通),指的是能夠清晰地傳達信息並理解對方的能力。
    • 例句: Good communication is essential in any successful team to avoid misunderstandings. (在任何成功的團隊中,良好的溝通都是必不可少的,以避免誤解。)

    Considerate (體貼) - 表示考慮到他人感受和需求的行為。

    • 慣用語: "Be considerate of others" (考慮他人),表示尊重他人的感受和需求。
    • 例句: It's important to be considerate of your neighbors by keeping the noise down during quiet hours. (在寂靜時段保持安靜,是對鄰居的體貼表現。)

    Boundaries (界限) - 指的是物理或情感上的限制或分界。

    • 慣用語: "Set boundaries" (設定界限),表示明確標明對某事物或行為的限制。
    • 例句: It's essential to set boundaries in a relationship to maintain a healthy balance of personal space. (在關係中設定界限是維護個人空間的健康平衡的關鍵。)

    Maintenance (維護) - 意味著定期照顧和修理以確保事物正常運作。

    • 慣用語: "Routine maintenance" (定期維護),表示按照計劃進行的定期維修。
    • 例句: Regular maintenance of your car can extend its lifespan and prevent unexpected breakdowns. (定期維護您的汽車可以延長其使用壽命並防止意外故障。)

    Environment (環境) - 表示周圍的自然或社會環境。

    • 慣用語: "Protect the environment" (保護環境),指的是採取行動以保護自然環境。
    • 例句: It's our responsibility to take steps to protect the environment for future generations. (保護環境是我們的責任,為了子孫後代,我們必須採取行動。)
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