Etymology of the Word "Curriculum" / "Curriculum" 一詞的字源

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Etymology of the Word "Curriculum" / "Curriculum" 一詞的字源

The term "curriculum" originates from the Latin word "currere," which means "to run" or "to proceed." In this context, "curriculum" can be seen as the course or path of study that one "runs" through in an educational setting.

Conceptual Understanding / 概念理解

The word root "cur-" in "curriculum" provides insights into the purpose and function of a curriculum in education. It suggests that education is a journey or a path designed for learners to navigate through, with a beginning and an end, as well as various milestones in between.

Implications / 問題

The etymology of "curriculum" thus reminds educators to consider the holistic journey of a learner, not just fragmented pieces of knowledge or skills. It implies that the design of a curriculum should account for a seamless progression and comprehensive growth for learners.

References / 參考文獻

Oxford English Dictionary. (n.d.). Curriculum. In Oxford English Dictionary online.
Smith, M. K. (2000). Curriculum theory and practice. In The Encyclopedia of Informal Education.

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