Taiwan's Traditional Educational Philosophy

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Taiwan's Traditional Educational Philosophy

English / 英文

The educational philosophy in Taiwan has been significantly influenced by Confucianism, a Chinese philosophical and ethical system that emphasizes respect for authority, filial piety, and the importance of education. Throughout its history, Taiwan has experienced a hybridization of educational philosophies, which includes influence from Japanese colonization and American educational models. The traditional focus has generally been on rote memorization, hierarchical teacher-student relationships, and a strong emphasis on exams.

Traditional Chinese / 繁體中文


Academic Context / 學術背景

From an academic standpoint, the Confucian-oriented educational philosophy in Taiwan has been both praised and criticized. While it has produced a strong work ethic and high academic achievement, concerns have been raised about the lack of critical thinking and creativity in such a system (Huang, 2012; Tsai, 2017).

從學術角度看,台灣的儒家導向教育哲學既受到讚譽也受到批評。雖然它培養了優秀的職業道德和高學術成就,但也有人對這種制度中缺乏批判性思維和創造力的問題提出了擔憂(Huang, 2012; Tsai, 2017)。

References / 參考文獻

  • Huang, L. (2012). Educational Philosophy in Taiwan: Taiwanese Post-Colonial Experience. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 44(6), 666–682.
  • Tsai, C. C. (2017). The Influence of Confucianism on Education in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Education Review, 18(1), 67–77.
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