3 Stories Guaranteed To Give You Nightmares - YouTube
Behind the Curains
- amiss : not quite right; out of place. Ex: nothing was amiss = nothing was out of ordinary. →不對勁
- chilss : not equal to the word "chill". It means that a feeling of coldness, often caused by fear. → 起雞皮疙瘩、寒毛豎立
- swift : happening quickly. Ex: swift run, swift turn→急速地
- stumble : like dumb .to lose balance while walking or running . Ex: stumble out→行為笨拙的,笨拙地失去平衡、跌倒
- yank: to pull something quickly and forcefully. 衍伸思考:New York Yankees? Why? yank means insulted people. 現在的Yankee 等於美國人,該不會是英國人覺得美國人很粗魯,所以這樣叫美國人,而美國人以這個字自豪吧~
- double-time: run away as fast as you can. 用於軍中,像是快速原路折返?
- met with silence: 氣氛尷尬,沒人回應
The Shower
- flipped on the light: 跟平常用的turn on不太一樣,用在turn it onto the other side
- walk top to bottom: 從上走到底部
- bumber of the car: 車子的防撞桿(前後方都有)
- drop off: pick up的相反