全民英檢中級口說 第二部分回答問題 ep.2

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What did you do last weekend?

  • Last weekend, I hung out with friends at the mall, watched a movie, and grabbed some pizza. It was super chill and a nice break from school.
  • I had a family gathering last weekend. We had a barbecue in the backyard, played games, and shared stories. It was nice to spend quality time with loved ones.
  • I spent last weekend studying for the upcoming SATs. I hit the books pretty hard, reviewed some practice tests, and worked on my math skills. It wasn’t the most exciting weekend, but I’m determined to do well on the test.
    上周末我在為即將到來的 SAT 考試覆習。我拼命看書,覆習了一些模擬考試,並練習了數學技巧。這並不是最令人興奮的周末,但我決心在考試中取得好成績。

Do you know how to cook?

  • Yeah, I can cook basic stuff like pasta and eggs. My go-to dish is spaghetti with marinara sauce. It’s pretty easy and tastes good.
  • Sure, I’ve learned a few recipes from my parents. Grilled cheese sandwiches and scrambled eggs are my specialties. They’re quick and delicious.
  • I’m still learning, but I can handle some beginner-level recipes. I’ve been experimenting with easy dishes like salads, smoothies, and sandwiches. It’s fun to try new things in the kitchen.

How old were you when you used a knife and fork for the first time?

  • I first used a knife and fork when I was around 5 years old. My parents taught me during family dinners, and it was a bit tricky at first, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly.
    我第一次用刀叉是在 5 歲左右。父母在家庭聚餐時教我,一開始有點麻煩,但我很快就掌握了訣竅。
  • I remember using a knife and fork for the first time when I was about 7 years old. It was at a friend’s birthday party, and we had a fancy meal. I was a little nervous, but everyone was learning together, so it was fun.
    我記得第一次使用刀叉是在我 7 歲左右。那是在一個朋友的生日聚會上,我們吃了一頓豐盛的大餐。我有點緊張,但大家都在一起學習,所以很有趣。
  • I think I started using a knife and fork around 6 or 7 years old. My grandma taught me during a special holiday dinner. It felt grown-up, and I felt proud that I could eat like the adults at the table.

What would you do if your house caught on fire?

  • First, I’d stay calm and remember my family’s emergency plan. Then, I’d quickly evacuate, making sure everyone gets out safely, including pets. I’d call 119 immediately and wait for the firefighters to arrive. Safety is the priority.
    首先,我會保持冷靜,記住我家的應急計劃。然後,我會迅速撤離,確保每個人都能安全離開,包括寵物。我會立即撥打 119,等待消防員的到來。安全是第一的。
  • In case of a fire, I’d feel for doors before opening them, staying low if there’s smoke. If I can’t leave my room, I’d signal for help from the window. Outside, I’d gather at our designated meeting spot and wait for firefighters.
  • During a fire, I’d never go back inside for belongings. Instead, I’d cover my nose and mouth with cloth and use the stairs if possible. Outside, I’d inform firefighters of anyone missing. Safety measures and quick action are key in such emergencies.

Have you learned a second foreign language? If so, what language is it?
你學習過第二外語嗎? 如果有,是哪種語言?

  • Yeah, I took Spanish for two years. It was challenging, but I enjoyed it. I can have basic conversations now.
  • No, I focused on mastering English. It’s essential, and I wanted to excel in my native language before diving into another.
  • I chose French as my second language. The culture and history fascinated me, and it's been a rewarding experience so far.
