2024-03-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 22 分鐘

遇見米開朗基羅 投訴


    遇見米開朗基羅 投訴




    I am a tour leader from Taiwan so I have been to hundreds hotels in Europe.

    I took a group stay at this hotel.

    When I arrived the reception at night 31 Oct 2017.

    The reception asked me to show passport.

    I replied, May I send group to room then I will be here for u.

    The man at reception said, I told you last time, give me your passport ....That is the way we do.

    I never heard the reception speak like this, I TOLD YOU LAST TIME.

    If they have the way to do, he can say whatever instead of I TOLD YOU LAST TIME.

    I did not argue with him at that moment.

    I went back to reception after I send group back to room.

    I came to reception told to him.

    It is obviously he does not care what he said but I do.

    It is a really terrible experience to me.


    Hopefully, I am the last one to feel it at the hotel.

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