2024 0426 今日塔羅:慈悲 Compassion

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2024 0426 今日塔羅:慈悲 Compassion













































領航者塔羅對於『慈悲』這張牌是這樣認為的 ~
















「慈悲是讓一個人得到比他應得的還更寬容的對待。 透過耶穌基督的贖罪,才可能有慈悲。 我們的天父知道我們有弱點和罪。 祂寬恕我們的罪,幫助我們回去與祂同住,這就是慈悲的表現。」






資料來源:金菩提宗師 https://www.jinbodhi.org/79729/



Today's Tarot: Compassion


Are you someone who holds yourself to strict standards?

Are you demanding of others?

Do you take everything seriously?

Do you hold onto every word spoken?


When you don't reach your set goals, how do you feel? What's the first emotion that surfaces? Do you analyze the reasons for failure? How does such failure make you see yourself?


Do you get angry with yourself?

Do you feel disappointed?


Amidst the chaos of so many negative emotions and thoughts swirling in your mind, have you ever felt a hint of tenderness? Have you ever wanted to tell yourself some comforting words like "You did great" or "You've done your best"?


Compassion, we give it to elders, to the weak, to parents, to children, to friends. Compassion, the one we often forget to give to ourselves.


During my years of relentless work, whenever unexpected situations arose, I often blamed myself, feeling inadequate and poorly prepared, failing to anticipate all possible scenarios.

So, after every project, I would review the relevant materials and jot down things to pay attention to next time.

Then, I would create a folder in my computer for similar future projects, storing drafts of plans for activities similar to what I had just finished.


Perhaps because of this, my body collapsed every six months during those years, taking over a week each time to slowly recover.

These past few days, my physical and mental condition has been terrible, unable to eat, unable to swallow even powdered medicine or liquid without my body rejecting it, even vomiting due to excessive resistance, and my strength unable to sustain me, only able to fall into a deep sleep.


Years later, I forgave myself and left that high-pressure work environment.

The severe internal strain from before led to a strong backlash from my body.

The price to pay, still not fully settled until today.

It's unbearable, but I have to endure it myself. It's truly self-inflicted suffering, making it difficult to live comfortably and freely.


Looking at my friends around me, so many of them have high demands on themselves.

Novels depict dominant CEOs as tall, handsome, and aloof, everything being "very" to the highest degree.

In real life, those who rise through the ranks in the workplace through their own efforts are very serious, hardworking, and diligent, also embodying "very" in every aspect.

They are also expected to have high emotional intelligence, high coordination ability, high cooperation, high resistance to pressure, and high endurance.

Seeing so many people in society striving and sacrificing their health without much happening, could I also be one of the lucky ones?

But who can guarantee that one won't be the "one in a million"?


In your heart, what do you think "compassion" is?

How do you view "compassion"?


In moments of sadness, being able to remember the good in others is empathy, thoughtfulness, and also a form of compassion. If in anger, when the flames are about to erupt, suddenly remembering the intimacy of the past and the smiles shared, instantly calming down, I think this is a form of compassion for both others and oneself.

If the person in front of you is someone who has once mistreated you, disappointed you, and now seeks your help and forgiveness, and you, being able to let go and forgive, this is not just compassion; in terms of the internet novels of recent years, this is a level of great love akin to a saint or a deity, something I believe I couldn't achieve.


According to the Navigator Tarot, this card "Compassion" is seen as follows ~

In the world of love, you are adept at infusing warmth and peaceful energy into love.

Wherever you are, everyone will feel joy and happiness.

You always possess strong empathy and compassion.

In your heart and arms, there is always more understanding and tolerance.


Compassion bears a golden Buddha's palm imprint.

This imprint endows the one drawing the card with the ability to use love, healing, and stabilizing power to assist and heal those who seek guidance from you.


Because of compassion and generosity, wealth always follows the kind-hearted.

Wealth, its scope is not limited to just money and material possessions, there are also many intangible or abstract forms.

There are often opportunities to have pleasant encounters with strangers, which is a kind of beautiful wealth.



In Buddhism, "compassion" is a compound word, composed of the "loving-kindness" (maitri) and "compassion" (karuna) of the Four Immeasurables, with similar meanings.

I saw an explanation of "compassion" by a Buddhist master on the internet, which resonated deeply with my inner thoughts. He said:

 "Compassion, originally a Buddhist term, when broken down, 'loving-kindness' is giving happiness to others, and 'compassion' is alleviating the suffering of all beings.

When beings suffer, we help them solve their problems and bring them happiness.

This heart is called 'compassionate.'


Master Jin Bodhi teaches us:

'True compassion is a special kind of love, like the spirit of a mother caring for her child, including caring, tolerance, sincerity, love, and understanding of others.'


The love generated by compassion is very extensive, with compassion for all life, from the mountains and rivers of the natural world, to flowers, animals, and any people in need, having a heart of compassion and mercy."


In Christianity,

"Compassion" is treating someone more leniently than they deserve.

Compassion is only possible through the atonement of Jesus Christ.

Our Father knows our weaknesses and sins.

He forgives our sins and helps us return to dwell with Him, which is the expression of compassion.



Regardless of the faith, or lack thereof, I believe "compassion" starts from loving oneself and understanding oneself, without needing reminders, naturally able to perceive others' intentions and difficulties, responding with gentleness due to understanding and empathy.

Compassion is like "goodness," spreading out like ripples, never ceasing.











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