Enegix Global opens new office in Brazil to expand its opera

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São Paulo, Brazil – Enegix Global, a leading data centre infrastructure company, has today announced the opening of its new office in São Paulo, Brazil. This expansion represents a significant step in the company’s strategy to extend its reach and strengthen its presence in Latin America.


Yerbolsyn Sarsenov, CEO of Enegix Global, expressed his enthusiasm for the new office, stating, “The regional office in São Paulo will be responsible for identifying potential facilities across the entire South American continent. Initially, our goal is to increase our foot print, starting in Brasil, and achieving 80 megawatts by the end of 2025". Mr. Sarsenov added "Brasil offers clear rules about cryptocurrency and energy”


As part of its expansion strategy, Enegix is considering Paraguay, Argentina, and other Latin American countries as potential locations for future data centres. This reflects the company's recognition of the growing importance of Latin America in the digital mining sector and its desire to capitalise on emerging opportunities in the region.


Enegix, founded in 2017, has rapidly positioned itself as a powerhouse in the Bitcoin infrastructure arena. Its flagship facility, situated in Kazakhstan, spans 50,000 square feet and boasts a robust 180-megawatt capacity. The facility features eight cutting-edge hangars meticulously crafted by Enegix's own technical engineering team, epitomising the company's unwavering dedication to innovation and excellence in the digital mining industry.


The company is currently constructing the first phase of the data centre powered by natural gas, with a capacity of 40 megawatts in Western Kazakhstan. Enegix is also undertaking a pilot test in Texas. The company's long-term strategy is to expand its global presence and diversify its capacities worldwide, using environmentally friendly energy sources.


Enegix Global



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