更新於 2024/06/14閱讀時間約 5 分鐘

每日英語 #028: Borrowing Money

Borrowing Money 借錢

Everyone has been “short on” (not had enough) money at one time or another. No matter how well you plan, unexpected things can happen and leave you “strapped” (with little or no money).


Whether it is because of poor economic times, low pay, or poor planning, people may sometimes need to “hit up” (borrow money from) friends or family to “tide them over” (help one until one can help oneself or other help is available). Some may need some extra money “to get them through” (to help them survive) their “financial” (related to money) difficulties. If you are looking for someone to give you some financial help, whom should you talk to?


According to a 2005 study by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the agency of the United States government that collects “taxes” (money the government collects to provide services to its citizens), women are much more likely to give away money to people, including friends and family, than men are. Here are some surprising “figures” (numbers; facts in the form of numbers): women gave “nearly” (almost) 30% more than men did in the year that the IRS studied this issue (in 2005). The study found that “women have more of a ‘tendency’ (are more likely) to give without ‘ulterior motives’ (secret reasons or reasons other than what they tell you).”


So if you need a little extra “cash” (money), you might want to talk to your wife, mother, or sister before hitting up your husband, father, or brother.



  1. short on:不夠 /ʃɔrt ɑn/
  2. strapped:捉襟見肘 /stræpt/
  3. hit up:借錢 /hɪt ʌp/
  4. tide them over:渡過難關 /taɪd ðəm ˈoʊvər/
  5. financial:財務的 /faɪˈnænʃəl/
  6. taxes:稅收 /ˈtæksɪz/
  7. figures:數據 /ˈfɪɡjərz/
  8. nearly:將近 /ˈnɪrli/
  9. tendency:傾向 /ˈtɛndənsi/
  10. ulterior motives:隱藏動機 /ʌlˈtɪriər ˈmoʊtɪvz/
  11. cash:現金 /kæʃ/
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