2024-06-16|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

【IELTS高頻率出題】雅思口說Part 3:Getting News

Q1: How do people in your country typically follow news and current events?
Q2: Do you think people should get news from different sources?
Q3: How have news viewing habits changed in your country in recent years?


Q1: 你們國家的人通常如何關注新聞和時事?


People in Taiwan typically follow news and current events through a mix of traditional and digital media. They watch TV news programs, read newspapers, and use online news websites and social media platforms. This combination allows them to stay updated with both local and international news efficiently.


Potentially 6.0

People in Taiwan follow news by watching TV and using the internet. They read news on their phones and computers. They like to know what is happening around them.


Q2: 你認為人們應該從不同來源獲取新聞嗎?


Yes, I believe it's essential for people to get news from various sources. Different outlets often provide different perspectives, which can help individuals form a more well-rounded understanding of events. Relying on multiple sources also helps to identify and avoid potential biases in reporting.


Potentially 6.0

Yes, people should get news from many sources. Different sources give different news, and it's good to know more. It helps to see the whole picture of what's happening.


Q3: 近年來,你們國家的新聞觀看習慣發生了哪些變化?


Recent years have seen a significant shift in news viewing habits in Taiwan towards digital platforms. Many people now prefer to access news through their smartphones and social media instead of traditional television or newspapers. This change has been driven by the convenience and immediacy of online news, as well as the increasing integration of multimedia content.


Potentially 6.0

In recent years, people in Taiwan watch news more on their phones and the internet. They use apps and social media a lot instead of watching TV. This is because it's faster and easier to get news online.


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