2024-06-22|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

野生動物的看護者 A caretaker of wildlife- Jane



Jane had always been drawn to the quiet whispers of the forest near her village. As a young girl, she would spend hours watching the creatures scuttle and the birds soar. Her passion for animals only grew as she did, blossoming into a dedicated effort to rescue and rehabilitate the wildlife around her. Now, in her fifties, Jane had transformed her small cottage into a sanctuary, a haven for all beings in need.

One misty morning, Jane discovered a small, injured fox beside a bush, its leg caught in an old trap. With gentle hands and a soothing voice, she freed it and nursed it back to health. Over weeks of care, a unique bond formed between them, one of mutual respect and understanding. The fox, which she affectionately named Ember, became a regular visitor, even after its release back into the wild.

Jane’s connection with Ember opened her heart wider, reinforcing her commitment to her mission. Her story spread throughout the village and beyond, inspiring others to notice and protect the natural world. Jane often spoke at local schools, sharing her knowledge and experiences, fostering a new generation of wildlife protectors.

In her tranquil moments, sitting by her cottage window, Jane would reflect on the paths she had chosen. Each creature she had helped seemed to leave a part of itself with her, weaving into the tapestry of her life. As the sun set, casting golden hues over the lush greenery, she felt a profound sense of fulfillment. With Ember’s silhouette darting through the trees, Jane knew she had found her life’s calling amidst the whispers of the forest.





My Name is Jane.

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