每日英語 #047: Adding an "`s" at the End of Business Names

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Adding an “ ‘s ” at the End of Business Names

Sometimes, when Americans say they are going to a place, such as a friend’s house or a restaurant, they will attach an “ ‘s “, like this:

有時候,當美國人說他們要去一個地方,比如朋友的家或餐館時,他們會加上“ 's ”,像這樣:

  • ”I’m going to Juan’s to watch a movie.”
  • ”Let’s go to Starbucks’ to buy some coffee.” (There is no pronunciation difference between “Starbucks” and “Starbucks’ “.)

When the “ ‘s ” is used without a noun after it, we are implying that what follows should be “house,” “place,” “store,” “business,” or some other place. So in the examples above, what we really mean to say are:

當“ 's ”後面沒有名詞時,我們隱含的意思是後面應該是“house”(家)、“place”(地方)、“store”(商店)、“business”(企業)或其他地方。因此,在上述例子中,我們實際上的意思是:

  • ”I’m going to Juan’s [home/house/apartment] to watch a movie.”
  • ”Let’s go to Starbucks’ [cafe/coffee house/restaurant] to buy some coffee.”

Because of this “convention” (way of doing things), many American businesses, especially stores, restaurants, and bars have names with an apostrophe “s,” such as “Tony’s” (the name of several restaurants around the country) or “Molly Malone’s” (a bar in Los Angeles). Because we use this convention mainly in conversation, naming a business this way gives the business a friendly and informal “tone” (atmosphere; feeling).

由於這種“習慣”(做事的方式),許多美國企業,特別是商店、餐館和酒吧的名字帶有撇號“s”,例如“Tony’s”(全國幾家餐館的名稱)或“Molly Malone’s”(洛杉磯的一家酒吧)。由於我們主要在對話中使用這種習慣,這樣命名企業會給企業帶來一種友好和非正式的“語調”(氛圍;感覺)。

Keep in mind that while this is very common, it is fine not to use the “ ‘s ” convention, too. Both of these mean the same thing and you will hear both versions in daily conversation:

請記住,雖然這非常常見,但不使用“ 's ”習慣也沒關係。這兩者的意思相同,你會在日常對話中聽到這兩種說法:

  • ”Did you buy that sweater at Kmart’s?”
  • ”Did you buy that sweater at Kmart?”


  • Apostrophe /əˈpɒstrəfi/ 撇號
  • Convention /kənˈvɛnʃən/ 習慣
  • Tone /toʊn/ 語調
  • House /haʊs/ 家
  • Place /pleɪs/ 地方
  • Store /stɔːr/ 商店
  • Business /ˈbɪznɪs/ 企業
  • Friend’s house /frɛndz haʊs/ 朋友的家
  • Restaurant /ˈrɛstərɒnt/ 餐館
  • Atmosphere /ˈætməsfɪr/ 氛圍
  • Friendly /ˈfrɛndli/ 友好的
  • Informal /ɪnˈfɔrməl/ 非正式的
  • Sweater /ˈswɛtər/ 毛衣
  • Name /neɪm/ 名稱
  • Business names /ˈbɪznɪs neɪmz/ 商業名稱
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