2024-07-20|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 26 分鐘

逮住機會Small Talk:不同業者外送員在送餐空檔分享時光

Rivals Share a Moment Between Deliveries

Rider A (wearing a red uniform): (Nods at the other rider) Slow night, huh?(穿著紅色制服):(朝另一位騎手點頭)今晚生意很慢啊,是吧?

Rider B (in blue): Yeah, been here for 20 minutes without a ping. You with RedRush?(穿藍色):是啊,在這裡等了20分鐘都沒接到單。你是RedRush的?

Rider A: Yep. You're BlueZoom, right? How's their new app working out?對。你是BlueZoom的,對吧?他們的新APP用起來怎麼樣?

Rider B: Buggy as hell. Keeps crashing mid-delivery. You guys have that problem?糟透了。老是在送餐途中當機。你們有這種問題嗎?

Rider A: Nah, but our GPS is whack. Sent me to a river instead of a restaurant yesterday.沒有,不過我們的GPS有問題。昨天把我導航到河邊去了,而不是餐廳。

Rider B: (Laughs) Classic. Hey, you heard about that new sushi place on 5th?(笑)典型。嘿,你聽說過五街那家新開的壽司店嗎?

Rider A: Yeah, got an order from there last week. But their packaging is excessive, not very eco-friendly. These days, it's all about minimalist packaging.對,上週接過那裡的訂單。不過他們的包裝太多,很不環保。現在講求精簡包裝。

Rider B: Oh really? That's disappointing to hear. I guess customers are getting more environmentally conscious too.哦,真的嗎?聽起來很令人失望。我猜顧客也越來越有環保意識了。

Rider A: Definitely. I've had a few customers comment on it. Some even prefer places that use biodegradable containers.確實如此。有幾個顧客對此發表了評論。有些人甚至更喜歡使用可生物降解容器的餐廳。

Rider B: That's good to know. Maybe we should give that feedback to the restaurants we deliver from.知道這點很好。也許我們應該把這個反饋告訴我們送餐的餐廳。

Rider A: Not a bad idea. It could help them improve their business too.這主意不錯。這也可能有助於他們改善業務。

Rider B: Good point. How long you been at this gig?說得好。你做這行多久了?

Rider A: About six months. You?大約六個月。你呢?

Rider B: Going on two years now. It's not bad if you know the tricks.快兩年了。如果你懂得竅門的話,這工作還不錯。

Rider A: Any tips for a relative newbie?對於相對新手來說,有什麼建議嗎?

Rider B: Yeah, avoid the university area during finals week. It's chaos.有,期末考試週避開大學區。那裡簡直是災難。

Rider A: (Phone pings) Oh, finally got an order. Thanks for the chat, man.(手機響起)哦,終於接到訂單了。謝謝聊天,兄弟。

Rider B: No problem. Stay safe out there!不客氣。注意安全!

Rider A: You too! (Rides off)你也是!(騎車離開)

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