2024-08-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 29 分鐘

被考官追問怎麼辦?這絕招可輕鬆搞定IELTS Speaking Part 3 Follow-up Questions


  • 測試考生的語言靈活性和即時反應能力。
  • 深入探討考生對話題的理解和分析能力。
  • 評估考生處理抽象概念和複雜話題的能力。
  • 檢驗考生是否能夠提供更多細節或例子來支持自己的觀點。
  • 給予考生機會展示更廣泛的詞彙和更複雜的語言結構。

What are the potential risks of following influencers' product recommendations?

From my observation, one big, main risk is the potential for financial strain resulting from impulsive spending. Influencers often promote expensive products that many of their followers can't afford and that their followers don't really need, such as luxury accessories or vouchers for trendy restaurants. This constant exposure can lead to poor financial decisions. To make matters worse, frequent small purchases can become huge debt over time, especially for those who prioritize keeping up with trends over financial stability due to following influencers' product recommendations.


  • "You mentioned luxury accessories and vouchers for trendy restaurants. Can you think of any other examples of unnecessary purchases that influencers might promote?" 你提到了奢侈配飾和時尚餐廳的禮券。你能想到其他一些網紅可能推廣的不必要購買嗎?
  • "Do you think there are any positive aspects to influencers recommending products? If so, what might they be?" 你認為網紅推薦產品有什麼建設性的面向嗎?如果有,可能是什麼?
  • "You talked about financial strain. Are there any other potential risks, perhaps social or psychological, that you can think of?" 你談到了財務壓力。您能想到其他潛在的風險嗎,譬如說社會或心理方面的?
  • "How do you think young people can protect themselves from the negative financial impacts of following influencers?" 你認為年輕人如何才能保護自己免受跟隨網紅帶來的負面財務影響?
  • "Do you think the responsibility lies more with the influencers or with their followers when it comes to managing these financial risks?" 在管理這些財務風險方面,你認為責任更多地在網紅身上還是在他們的追隨者身上?


Do you think the responsibility lies more with the influencers or with their followers when it comes to managing these financial risks?

I believe the primary responsibility lies with the followers. Followers should adopt practical strategies when facing influencers' recommendations, such as setting a strict monthly budget for discretionary spending, waiting 24 hours before making any purchase decision, or consulting with financially savvy friends or family members. Sometimes, people fall for scams or make poor financial decisions due to their own greed or desire for a lavish lifestyle. Therefore, individuals should take responsibility for their own financial decisions and carefully evaluate whether to accept an influencer's recommendation based on their actual needs and financial situation.

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