更新於 2024/10/08閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

People are splurging on their pets

    Reference: The Economist (2024.9.12)

    • The products of dogs, including cleansers, soothing balms, and cologne are free of genetically modified ingredients - and vegan, which dogs are not, at least by choice.
    • 狗的產品,包括清潔劑、舒緩香膏和古龍水,都不含基因改造成分,並且是純素食的,而狗則不是,至少在選擇上是這樣。

    --> 這裡的「純素」指的是不含動物來源的成分,強調這些產品符合某些消費者的道德選擇。然而,句子也指出,狗本身並不會選擇純素飲食,暗示它們的飲食習慣與這些產品的特性有所不同。

    • There is little, it seems, that people won't do for their pets. People spend more on pets than their childcare.


    • Analysts reckon the pet business will soon have the zoomies again.


    n. 瘋狂奔跑(通常指狗或其他動物在興奮時快速奔跑的行為)

    'Zoomies' 是一個非正式的術語,通常用來描述狗或其他動物在感到興奮或快樂時,突然開始快速奔跑和跳躍的行為。這種行為通常伴隨著高能量和快樂的表現,讓人感到有趣和可愛。在這個上下文中,'zoomies' 暗示著寵物行業將再次活躍,可能是因為人們對寵物的投入和消費正在增加。

    • The change is playing out across generations. Millennials, many of whom are put off having children, have more fur babies per household than any other generation in America. Gen Z is proving to be equally pet-loving.

    -->這一變化正在不同世代中展現出來。千禧(Millennials)世代中,許多人對生育感到卻步(put off) ,每個家庭擁有的毛小孩數量比美國其他任何世代都要多。Z世代同樣展現出對寵物的熱愛。

    • Some 95% of Gen Z owners surveyed last year by the American Pet Products Association, an industry group, said they bought their dog a gift at least once a year, compared with 81% of boomers.

    -->根據美國寵物產品協會(American Pet Products Association)去年對Z世代擁有者的調查,約95%的受訪者表示他們每年至少會為自己的狗買一份禮物,而嬰兒潮一代(boomer)中則有81%的人這樣做。

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