
更新於 發佈於 閱讀時間約 1 分鐘
  1. I like chilling at home. 我喜歡在家放鬆
  2. I like watching TikTok at home.
  3. I like reading at home.
  4. I like cooking at home.
  5. I love watching movies by myself.
  6. I love working out by myself. 我超愛自己健身
  7. I love meditating by myself. 我超愛自己冥想
  8. I love doing yoga by myself.
奈特王的宇宙教室 的其他內容
I bet she's excited. I bet they're worried. I bet you're nervous. I bet he's scared. I bet they're excited. I bet you're worried. I bet they're
I bet she's a good teacher. I bet he's really hungry. I bet she'll give him some treats. 我打賭她會給他一些好吃的 I bet she'll love it here. 我打賭她一定會喜歡這裡的 I be
I forgot to make the bed. 我忘記整理床舖了 I totally forgot to clean the kitchen. I totally forgot to do the dishes. 我完全忘記洗碗了 I totally forgot to do the la
Whose drinks is this? Whose drinks are these? Whose shoes are these? Whose purse is this? 錢包 whose seats is this? Whose seats are these? Are the
It's Lunar New Year! 農曆新年 It's the Dragon Boat Festival! 端午節 It's the Mid-Autumn Festival! 中秋節 It's National Day. 國慶日 It's Women's Day. 婦女節 It's
He's outgoing. 外向 He's hardworking.勤奮 She's shy. He's friendly. She's quiet. He's loud. 他很吵 She's cool. He's nice. He's fun. She's funny.
I bet she's excited. I bet they're worried. I bet you're nervous. I bet he's scared. I bet they're excited. I bet you're worried. I bet they're
I bet she's a good teacher. I bet he's really hungry. I bet she'll give him some treats. 我打賭她會給他一些好吃的 I bet she'll love it here. 我打賭她一定會喜歡這裡的 I be
I forgot to make the bed. 我忘記整理床舖了 I totally forgot to clean the kitchen. I totally forgot to do the dishes. 我完全忘記洗碗了 I totally forgot to do the la
Whose drinks is this? Whose drinks are these? Whose shoes are these? Whose purse is this? 錢包 whose seats is this? Whose seats are these? Are the
It's Lunar New Year! 農曆新年 It's the Dragon Boat Festival! 端午節 It's the Mid-Autumn Festival! 中秋節 It's National Day. 國慶日 It's Women's Day. 婦女節 It's
He's outgoing. 外向 He's hardworking.勤奮 She's shy. He's friendly. She's quiet. He's loud. 他很吵 She's cool. He's nice. He's fun. She's funny.
Google News 追蹤
我有時候在想著, 是照片、影片吸引人,還是那一字字敲出的分享,能成為連結你我的關鍵?
給自己獨處的時間,耐心傾聽,靠近自己, 安靜陪伴自己當下片刻的寧靜, 是你在,心也在。
生活實驗 六二○ 他們說的是做做 音樂、藝術、文章 我也做作了 前面二個還沾不上邊 但最後一個卻高興地 在外圍繞大圈 我做作了 還如此腳勤
生活實驗 六一一 你找了我會喜歡的人 或者是我想成為的那種人 我拿個小板凳乖乖坐下 然後忘了自己轉台 現在我沒有坐在那裡了 因為那裡早就沒有我了 我已經學會說自己的話 原來我只要說說話 和聽別人說說話 就可以了
我有時候在想著, 是照片、影片吸引人,還是那一字字敲出的分享,能成為連結你我的關鍵?
給自己獨處的時間,耐心傾聽,靠近自己, 安靜陪伴自己當下片刻的寧靜, 是你在,心也在。
生活實驗 六二○ 他們說的是做做 音樂、藝術、文章 我也做作了 前面二個還沾不上邊 但最後一個卻高興地 在外圍繞大圈 我做作了 還如此腳勤
生活實驗 六一一 你找了我會喜歡的人 或者是我想成為的那種人 我拿個小板凳乖乖坐下 然後忘了自己轉台 現在我沒有坐在那裡了 因為那裡早就沒有我了 我已經學會說自己的話 原來我只要說說話 和聽別人說說話 就可以了