2024-11-22|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 0 分鐘

查理·蒙格 : 把問題徹底想明白,問題就解決一半

股神巴菲特的傳奇合伙人查理.蒙格(Charles Munger),也是他終生摯友,證實於2023年11月28日在美國加州聖塔芭芭拉一間醫院去世,享壽99歲。綽號「窮查理」的他,曾擔任波克夏海克威的副董事長,在57年間為該公司創下19.8%年複合回報率的奇蹟。此外,蒙格最為外界熟知的,是提供給一般人看似普通又寶貴的投資常識,以下集合他歷年來曾談到的金句,重新體會其箇中智慧。

1. 把問題徹底想明白,問題就解決一半。

If you thoroughly understand a problem, you are halfway to solving it.

2. 如果想要在資本主義的世界中取得人生的成功,一定要去競爭少的地方。

To achieve success in a capitalist world, you must go where competition is minimal.

3. 進步不總是肉眼可見,而是往往出現在不經意間,但進步總是源於長期堅持,源於每一天的努力。

Progress is not always visible to the naked eye; it often occurs subtly, driven by long-term persistence and daily effort.

4. 當別人把子彈打光時,你的機會就來了。

Your opportunity arises when others have exhausted their ammunition.

5. 在別人避之唯恐不及的地方發掘投資機會,是一種很好的投資方式。

Finding investment opportunities where others avoid is an excellent strategy.

6. 品牌是一種巨大的競爭優勢。

A strong brand is a significant competitive advantage.

7. 如果一生的投資次數有限,你會更認真考慮每一個投資決定,因此你會做得更好。

If your lifetime investment opportunities were limited, you'd consider each decision more carefully and perform better.

8. 所有人潛意識裡都有這樣的偏見:給別人建議時,以為是在為別人考慮,其實是從自己的利益出發。

Everyone subconsciously has this bias: when giving advice, they believe they are considering others but are actually thinking from their own interests.

9. 已經明確知道是好機會,還有什麼好討論呢?最重要的就是去做。

If you clearly know it's a good opportunity, there's no need for further discussion—just act.

10. 好名聲可以讓人終身受益。

A good reputation can benefit a person for a lifetime.

11. 追求智慧是人類應盡的道德義務,只要有能力就應該去做。

The pursuit of wisdom is a moral duty; if you have the ability, you should strive for it.

12. 養成習慣,熟練使用多種以現實為基礎的心智思考模型,是你所能做最棒的事。

Cultivating the habit of skillfully using multiple reality-based mental models is one of the best things you can do.


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