Good info所有個股本益比資料共1403筆,有94.5%以上個股本益比比東科高,如果扣除以上我講的這些個股,應該98%的個股本益比都比東科高,中位數個股的本益比是20.5倍,東科大概只有一半,東科-KY本益比偏低,我還真的找不到原因,第三季三率皆創歷史新高,eps創單季新高,前三季eps已經勝過去年整年,首度突破一股本大關,10月營收為歷年同期最高,累積前10月營收年增18.2%,公司帳上現金20幾億元,是三個股本以上,銀行0負債,財務體質健全,展望第四季,目前油價跟塑膠粒價格都在今年低檔,有利第四季毛利,往年都在第三季認列翰廷股利,今年遞延到第四季才認列,第四季到目前為止美元兌台幣、人民幣、越南盾都強升,第四季有望有匯兌利益貢獻,去年第四季eps僅1.55元、基期低,所以第四季看起來並不悲觀,明年公告今年年報時,個人預期會有不錯的成績,另外,前陣子公司才剛開完法說,展望明年還會比今年成長,公司也表示配息不會讓股東失望,有望跟去年盈餘配發率82%差不多,以現在股價來看現金殖利率算相當高,我自己也在網路上找了一些機構的研調報告,報告預估sound bar跟耳機未來都有一定的年增成長,如果是以基本面來看,我還真的挑不到什麼毛病,近期看起比較差應該就是11月營收年減且月減,但如上述我的分析,其實影響並不大。但籌碼面來看確實就不太好,外資一直賣,從8/29賣到現在賣了12426張,千張以上大戶持股比例減少不少,散戶持股比例跟人數增加,籌碼看起來比較鬆散,外資為何要一直賣呢?這無從得知,對我個人來說,如果買進的理由沒有消失,我還是會維持原本的看法,當然我會繼續追蹤,如果之後開出來的成績不如預期,或是有什麼特別重大的事情,才會讓我去做調整的決策,投資就是這樣,股價不會都順著我們的意思走,我能做的只有耐心等待跟持續追蹤!!
Chris Titley recently interviewed James Fielding, the founder and managing director of Audeara, on the Sub11 podcast, shedding light on Audeara’s advancements in hearing health technology, strategic global partnerships, and recent announcements, particularly involving Apple and innovations in the Asian market.
Audeara, founded in 2015, has steadily evolved from a Kickstarter-backed headphone project to a global player in hearing technology, offering both direct consumer products and B2B solutions to major audiology providers worldwide.
James Fielding provided insights into Audeara’s journey from its initial focus on consumer hardware to a strategic shift toward B2B partnerships. “The real shift for us,” Fielding explains, “came when we recognised the potential in audiology clinics. Working directly with clinics not only increased awareness but also enabled us to skip the traditional hurdles of building awareness in the consumer market.”
Today, Audeara holds supply agreements with major audiology providers, including a global partnership with Amplifon, the world’s largest audiology clinic network. This transition has allowed the company to expand globally and secure supply agreements that now include Europe, Asia, and North America.
A pivotal moment for Audeara was the launch of the AUA Tech business unit, which integrates their personalisation technology into third-party brands. The collaboration with Zildjian, a 400-year-old musical instrument company, exemplifies this strategy. “Zildjian wanted a continuation of their legacy, and they chose us to bring our personalisation technology into their new product line,” Fielding stated. This partnership generated a $2.1 million purchase order, reinforcing Audeara’s commitment to scaling through technology licensing while delivering superior auditory experiences for end users.
An announcement from Apple added a unique dynamic to Audeara’s trajectory. On the same day Audeara launched its hearing aid-compatible earbuds in China, Apple unveiled hearing enhancement features in their AirPod Pro 2, targeting the U.S. market. Fielding addressed the competitive landscape optimistically, saying, “The presence of Apple creates a buzz around hearing health. We’re proud that our product can stand alongside theirs, serving users who seek hearing enhancement without the stigma often associated with traditional hearing aids.”
In Asia, Audeara’s partnership with Eastech signifies their intent to penetrate the massive Chinese medical device market. “This partnership de-risks our entry into China by leveraging Eastech’s manufacturing capabilities and their knowledge of the market. Our role is to provide the technology that underpins these devices,” Fielding said. Eastech’s well-established brand presence in China allows Audeara to focus on its core technology while reaching millions of potential users.
Reflecting on the last quarter, Fielding was clear that Audeara’s trajectory involves “growth at appropriate cost,” balancing ambitious expansion with capital efficiency. He credited the company’s board and team for navigating a challenging market environment, which included a focus on profitability and rigorous cost management. “This strategy has positioned us to pursue large-scale deals, especially in high-growth markets,” he added.
Audeara’s future is marked by a commitment to creating a sustainable business model through innovation, strategic partnerships, and global expansion. Fielding emphasized the importance of aligning with industry giants, “We’re proud to be working with the ‘gorillas’ in audiology, bringing our world-class tech to global markets.”
鉅亨網記者吳承諦 台北 2024年11月17日 週日 上午9:40
在美國 FDA 取消助聽器需醫生處方的規定後,加上蘋果 AirPods Pro 2 獲准作為非處方(OTC)助聽器,為助聽器市場帶來變革,令外界看好 OTC 助聽器潛力,台聲學供應廠東科 - KY、美律有望從中受惠。
AirPods Pro 2 將透過 Apple Health 應用程式提供臨床驗證的聽力測試,只需 5 分鐘即可完成測試並自動校準,大幅簡化傳統助聽器的配戴流程。由於售價僅 249 美元,遠低於傳統市場,並打破過去必須經由診所通路購買的慣例。
蘋果預計於 2024 年秋季在美國、德國、日本等 100 多個國家推出這項功能。儘管台灣仍未正式開放相關服務,但美國銀行指出,全球助聽器市場擁有 130 億美元的商機,再加上世界衛生組織統計全球約有 15 億人患有聽力損失,市場潛力備受矚目。
台灣聲學廠商已積極布局,美律 (2439-TW) 總裁黃朝豐表示,公司已進入全球六大助聽器品牌之一的供應鏈,憑藉電聲產業的領先技術及價格優勢,看好 OTC 助聽器前景。美律今年營收估突破 400 億元,下一階段目標挑戰 600 億元,助聽器將是重要成長動能。
東科 - KY (5225-TW) 執行董事張東益指出,公司已取得 ISO13485 醫療器材製造認證,目前透過澳洲上市公司 Audeara 打入診所通路,並積極協助 Audeara 打入全球最大助聽器廠商 WS Audiology 的供應鏈。