月光灑在窗外靜靜擁抱著夜 星星在耳邊呢喃捎來妳的誓言 藏在心中的秘密無法對妳說起 我在夢中見妳微笑綻放如花 夜風吹動了心弦彈奏著愛戀曲 妳是遠方的詩篇寫滿甜蜜的字 每踏一步靠近妳心跳如雷震響 我在夢中尋覓輕訴愛的樂章 夢鄉裡我們相依彼此不分離 一瞬間世界變得如此美麗 在妳耳邊低語愛的旋律 每個夢裡都有我的心意 妳的眼中閃爍無盡的溫柔光 我在夢中緊握不想放手不想醒 如風般迷幻的愛纏繞夜晚 我在夢中吻妳的唇瓣感受溫暖 現實與夢境交錯模糊了界線 愛在心中悄然滋長不知不覺 我們的愛是如幻亦真 在夢鄉裡遍布芳香的花園 夢鄉裡我們相依彼此不分離 一瞬間世界變得如此美麗 在妳耳邊低語愛的旋律 每個夢裡都有我的心意
這首詩我也有做成歌曲,喜歡聽歌的朋友可以點擊這個YouTube 連結:
(Moonlight pours outside the window, quietly embracing the night, Stars whisper in my ear, carrying your vows. Secrets hidden in my heart, I cannot tell you, I see you smile like a blooming flower in my dreams. The night wind stirs the heartstrings, playing a love tune, You are the distant poem, filled with sweet words. Every step closer to you, my heart thunders, I search for you in my dreams, softly singing love's melody. In dreams, we lean on each other, never apart, In an instant, the world becomes so beautiful. Whispering love's melody in your ear, Every dream contains my heartfelt thoughts. The endless gentle light in your eyes, I hold tightly in my dream, not wanting to let go, not wanting to wake. Love, as enchanting as the wind, entwines the night, I kiss your lips in my dream, feeling the warmth. Reality and dreams intertwine, blurring the lines, Love grows silently in my heart, unnoticed. Our love is both illusion and reality, In the dreamland, a garden full of fragrance. In dreams, we lean on each other, never apart, In an instant, the world becomes so beautiful. Whispering love's melody in your ear, Every dream contains my heartfelt thoughts.)