【作者】Eileen Caddy
KEEP your standards high; the higher the better. Be not careless or slapdash about anything you undertake. Perfection must always be the aim. It maybe seemingly impossible to reach, but nevertheless go on reaching, go on stretching. Never be satisfied with anything mediocre, or anything that is done half-heartedly and without love. Let all you do, whatever it maybe, be done to My honour and glory, for when your aim is to do everything for Me, your aim will always be of the very highest, and you will not be satisfied unless you are giving of your very best. Learn to forget the self in service to others. You will find real joy in giving on every level. Always remember, there are many different levels on which you can give, from the highest to the lowest, from the spiritual to the physical. Whatever level it may be, give and give whole-heartedly, and1 you will find that as you give, so will you receive.