February 29

閱讀時間約 3 分鐘
【作者】Eileen Caddy
Every soul needs to withdraw from the world from time to time to find the peace which passes all understanding. Every soul needs to be stabilised, and it can only come about in peace and stillness. Once that inner stability has been established, you can go anywhere and do anything without outer chaos and confusion affecting you in any way. Do you enjoy being still, or are you uncomfortable in the stillness? Does it make you squirm to find yourself in the silence, and do you long for noise and action all around you? Do you always want to be busy doing things, and find great difficulty in stilling your body and mind? There are millions of souls in the world who cannot bear silence; they have to have constant noise and action around them. They are restless within and without. I tell you, times of peace and stillness are very precious in a world of turmoil. Seek them, find them and remain in them.
年近花甲的中老年男同志。2014台北巿立國中教職退休,2019二月底遷居至台東、2020六月遷居至新竹過著自在悠哉的日子。2017創立「生命小彩坊」真人影音圖書館,已錄製150多集的影音專訪。2020二月25日起,開始跟隨Siraya老師學習《絲路薩滿》,正走在「尋回自己」、「回家」的途中 ^_^