13. 同人 111101 天火-乾離 (Quarter 1-11)

更新於 2023/12/18閱讀時間約 17 分鐘
同人于野,亨,利涉大川,利君子貞。-- 文明發展的曙光就像天下的燈火,從城鎮市中心到郊區和荒野,光輝漸次照向四方。此時,能與在野地的人和同相處,這是應該高興的!這樣可以順利渡過大河川去和人交涉,這樣君子可以順利在異地偵測事物。所謂「禮失求諸野」,不見得在野地的人就比較無禮啊!

初九:同人于門,無咎。/ 變卦天山遯 -- 能與同門同地的人和同相處,這樣很不錯啊!退後一步、給別人留點空間、留點地位,姿態低調的和同門同地的人來往是沒錯的。

六二:同人于宗,吝。/ 變卦乾為天 -- 只能和同宗同族的人和同相處,小器啊!同宗同族的,天生就是同類,如果彼此還不能和同相處,那就太糟糕了!

九三:伏戎于莽,升其高陵,三歲不興。/ 變卦天雷無妄 -- 埋伏配備著矛戈盾牌的防衛人員在草莽之地,或是登上高高的山陵觀望對方,經過許多年歲,彼此進行實際往來的興致還是不高昂。和異地的人進行交涉往來,可不能一廂情願的心存過度的妄想啊!(P.S. 此處「三歲」代表「多年」。)

九四:乘其墉,弗克攻吉。/ 變卦風火家人 -- 邊境土墉或土牆的封閉程度加乘了一倍,鼓勵彼此進行連結的努力似乎也愈來愈沒力。最後,雙方只好以婚嫁的方式來連結,成為一家人、化解彼此的矛盾。(P.S. 此處「攻」字本來的意義可能是「鼓勵雙方連繫」,即類似 encourage for connecting with each other 之類似含意。)

九五:同人,先號咷而後笑,大師克相遇。/ 變卦離為火 -- 與人和同的過程,情況常常是如此:雙方的領導者先是彼此火爆的號叫、挑悻、嗆聲、爭辯,甚至崩潰而號咷大哭,而後纔達成協議、笑著言歸於好,接著雙方的群眾都能克服彼此的嫌隙,互相禮遇、和同往來,成為一大伙人了。

上九:同人于郊,無悔。/ 變卦澤火革 -- 與定居在城市郊區的人和同相處,有什麼好後悔的呢?城市的繁榮和變革,通常經由郊區從異地引進各種資源的供給,往後的革新和未來的遠景就存在於城市的郊區啊!

"About the peaceful contract, it seemed like the relationship between sun and earth. Why sun kept its regular moving in the sky? It knew the living beings on earth need heat and light......"

"But sometimes sunlight was too hot, that's why the earth must have day and night,......and God being might also create another tender light in the night sky, it was called moon and looked like big enough as the sun......"

"So, lately the contract between sun and earth was participated with the moon,......then the other planets might join in this party, and how about those stars and galaxies far away from the earth?......."

"Actually, it's an endless contract, isn't it?......But the contracts in the whole universe are not made done deal in one day,......it's a very very naturally long story......"

"In this qua, the village on the farm land was going to become a town, because of this Hanese word '同' was sounded like 'town', the people lived there probably had a similar tone in speaking, they were familiar with each other, but still ignored the other strange people who were living outside their town at a distance......"

"I suppose that times was also called Bronze Age, because bronze was marked as '銅' in Hanese words......"

"Yes! Bronze was an important metal element found by ancient human and it could reflect the sunlight, even made their civilization become more shining and bright...... "

"Bronze is a plastic-able and flexible metal element, its age might be also full with flexible characters......That's the reason why those civilian lived in town could peacefully and speedily make many contracts with the other strange people......"

"Actually bronze is a useful material for electrical power supply and electrical informative transmission, too. The ancient people might use it to create some auto electrical machines, even robots for aiding their regular or repeating works, that's why this word '同' also had a meaning about the ordinary model or pattern in its original pictogram......"


"As a lot of peaceful contracts being made con-solidly, that small town might gradually become a linking center of multiple consciousnesses which was formed by multiple cultures,......and became a big city with mass population and information......It was a so called metropolis......"

"Then what will happen?......"

"If you knew the next qua named '大有' and recognized the structure of the Hanese ancient pictogram word about '有', you probably could imagine those ancient people might have ever tried to take the big moon far away above their land ......"

"But what will happen?......"

"Yes!.....What will happen?......This is a good question, but I think no one could answer this question in those very old times.....Who could answer a question based on an awareness-less and outside the contracted space?......"

"If they didn't understand what the meanings of the moon's language, how could they make contracts with moon-land?......"

"Moon is not a continent, it's very big as a companion planet besides earth......It always keeps silence, but seems like watch over the earth during the night since the very old time......."

"I had ever heard an old and mystical Hanese story '嫦娥奔月', it was talking about an ancient woman ate magic pills and flew to the moon,......and she built a palace on the moon......"
"Look that word '常', it looks like a long cloth, also seems like a long cloud projected from some kind of flying object.......Maybe that old story was true, the ancient human-being might really have ever made a landing on the moon and tried to negotiate or make contracts with moon land very long time ago......"

"Don't know why,......I suppose 嫦娥 must be one of the top models in her times, she must be very strong and have a healthy even flexible body, just like a most standard astronaut......"

"What can I say?......When I look the symbol '111101' of this qua again, I feel it seems like a flying arrow with the bursting fire exploded from one side of it.......Oh! My!.......According to that old mystical story, 嫦娥's husband was just skillful in archery,.......and actually he might be a top flying object producing scientist at that time, this incredible match makes me feel '同人' must include some well training astronauts, and their major jobs were including the interspace traveling and exploring from earth........"

"But......from another side, maybe the moon had been just the old earth in the very old ancient time, and our ancestors were all came from the moon,......seemed like 嫦娥's clones,........because some scientists already found moon's age is very older than the earth......"

Sometimes I felt I was falling into a mixing times or a four dimensional spiral space when I talked with Mermaid E. about 易經......The ancient mystical stories that I knew were mixing with the knowledge of nowadays........Is it the especial effect as a person trying to read and decode 易經?......

A lot of contracts might cause something to become a system,........but actually many contracts even orbits in the universe are invisible and imagined by the human's mind......The real truth might be, there is no man-made contract within the great natural.......The Solar System was imagined, The Galaxy Systems were imagined,.....because of they just looked like stable in existence.......
No matter what, we can be aware of this English word 'astronaut' is sounded like 'as-tron-aut', and 'Tron-Aut' is just sounded like that ancient mystical Hanese female name '嫦娥'......Is it an incredibly mysterious coincidence?.......

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
LS. Salon / Rooms: 1.文字的堂奧與空間 Subtle Space of Texts 2.夢的原理 The Elements of Dream 3.易的故事 The Story of I.E. 4.橋接文字 Bridge Words 5.一籮筐詩詞 ALOPAL 6.爾爾藝廊 22Gallery
否之匪,人不利,君子貞:大往小來。-- 雖然渠道表面上是暢通的,但是底部卻可能沉積土石和難以辨識的雜物,日積月累便容易造成堵塞。阻礙和否定的排解不是一般人能輕易做到的。君子偵測的結果是:用大溝渠暢通廢排水,用小溝渠流通自來水。同時,還要謹慎處理溝渠裡的淤積物。......
小往大來,吉亨。-- 貢獻捐助個體擁有的一小部份,往後實現整體大目標的可能性就來了,這必須經由努力的溝通和廣泛的連結來達成。......
履虎尾,不咥人,亨。-- 穿著包覆虎皮花樣的鞋子,就像走在老虎尾巴後面,光澤亮麗、威風凜凜的,但是如果不像老虎一樣嚇唬人,那麼走到那裡都能受到歡迎,都能通暢無阻、來去自如。......
亨密雲,不雨,自我西郊。 -- 天上有風,是因為冷空氣的密度高,空氣往密度低的地方移動,於是產生氣流。此時高處的雲氣正在密佈集結,但是還沒有下雨,氣流來自西邊城郊的上空。西風東漸,這是西邊的熱水蒸氣上升到天空後又冷卻下來而逐漸累積形成的。小的積蓄,經過不斷的累積,就會產生大的影響。
吉原筮,元永貞,無咎。不寧方來,後夫凶。 -- 地上有水,水會比較地勢的高低而移動,會連結聚集成一處水源,也會分成數支水脈流動。這問題就像意識會連結成大而原始的意識、也會永續的偵察探索分析各種細節,這有什麼好意外的呢!高處的水如果不安寧、不安定而向低處移動,後勢會很凶猛,就像水壩放水時落下水來一樣。
貞,丈人吉,無咎。 -- 水面上有塊地,那就像個島嶼般的天然領域,或像是一艘舟船。一般偵測觀察的結果是,這樣的領域會自然形成一個讓眾人可以仰仗和連結的意識空間,這有什麼好意外的呢!月亮不就是飄浮在流動的星海中嗎?地球不就是飄浮在流動的星海中嗎?......
否之匪,人不利,君子貞:大往小來。-- 雖然渠道表面上是暢通的,但是底部卻可能沉積土石和難以辨識的雜物,日積月累便容易造成堵塞。阻礙和否定的排解不是一般人能輕易做到的。君子偵測的結果是:用大溝渠暢通廢排水,用小溝渠流通自來水。同時,還要謹慎處理溝渠裡的淤積物。......
小往大來,吉亨。-- 貢獻捐助個體擁有的一小部份,往後實現整體大目標的可能性就來了,這必須經由努力的溝通和廣泛的連結來達成。......
履虎尾,不咥人,亨。-- 穿著包覆虎皮花樣的鞋子,就像走在老虎尾巴後面,光澤亮麗、威風凜凜的,但是如果不像老虎一樣嚇唬人,那麼走到那裡都能受到歡迎,都能通暢無阻、來去自如。......
亨密雲,不雨,自我西郊。 -- 天上有風,是因為冷空氣的密度高,空氣往密度低的地方移動,於是產生氣流。此時高處的雲氣正在密佈集結,但是還沒有下雨,氣流來自西邊城郊的上空。西風東漸,這是西邊的熱水蒸氣上升到天空後又冷卻下來而逐漸累積形成的。小的積蓄,經過不斷的累積,就會產生大的影響。
吉原筮,元永貞,無咎。不寧方來,後夫凶。 -- 地上有水,水會比較地勢的高低而移動,會連結聚集成一處水源,也會分成數支水脈流動。這問題就像意識會連結成大而原始的意識、也會永續的偵察探索分析各種細節,這有什麼好意外的呢!高處的水如果不安寧、不安定而向低處移動,後勢會很凶猛,就像水壩放水時落下水來一樣。
貞,丈人吉,無咎。 -- 水面上有塊地,那就像個島嶼般的天然領域,或像是一艘舟船。一般偵測觀察的結果是,這樣的領域會自然形成一個讓眾人可以仰仗和連結的意識空間,這有什麼好意外的呢!月亮不就是飄浮在流動的星海中嗎?地球不就是飄浮在流動的星海中嗎?......
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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
「蘭雅玲,你最後有什麼意見?希望法院如何判決?」法官問。 「我沒有與李星發生性關係,請法官判我無罪。李星是因為打傷了我,我向他要求醫藥費,他就跟他老婆一起誣告我來報復我。他們告我的目的是要跟我要錢,他們另外對我提起刑事附帶民事請求我賠償一百萬元。他們真的很可惡,我是無辜的,請法院判我無罪。」蘭雅玲激
過年期間,終於有機會和幾位久未蒙面的朋友見面,除了相互祝福之外,也藉機交換彼此的近況。 有一位從上海回來的學長,談起了他獨自在異鄉工作的心情:「不知為何,我有時蠻疲憊的,常常產生想要放棄上海的工作,回來台灣的念頭,但每當我換好衣服,步行到公司的路上,進到辦公室的那一瞬間,我整個人好像演員上身,我突
他怎麼可能不知道這小孩嘴饞呢? 就算看不清楚田柾國的表情,金碩珍也能從先前的互動,推敲出這傢伙想喝酒──他也不討厭這孩子對於食物的直白渴求,甚至覺得這人自以為小心翼翼,卻偏偏非常明顯的舉止,有點可愛。
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
「蘭雅玲,你最後有什麼意見?希望法院如何判決?」法官問。 「我沒有與李星發生性關係,請法官判我無罪。李星是因為打傷了我,我向他要求醫藥費,他就跟他老婆一起誣告我來報復我。他們告我的目的是要跟我要錢,他們另外對我提起刑事附帶民事請求我賠償一百萬元。他們真的很可惡,我是無辜的,請法院判我無罪。」蘭雅玲激
過年期間,終於有機會和幾位久未蒙面的朋友見面,除了相互祝福之外,也藉機交換彼此的近況。 有一位從上海回來的學長,談起了他獨自在異鄉工作的心情:「不知為何,我有時蠻疲憊的,常常產生想要放棄上海的工作,回來台灣的念頭,但每當我換好衣服,步行到公司的路上,進到辦公室的那一瞬間,我整個人好像演員上身,我突
他怎麼可能不知道這小孩嘴饞呢? 就算看不清楚田柾國的表情,金碩珍也能從先前的互動,推敲出這傢伙想喝酒──他也不討厭這孩子對於食物的直白渴求,甚至覺得這人自以為小心翼翼,卻偏偏非常明顯的舉止,有點可愛。