09. 小畜 110111 風天-巽乾 (Quarter 1-7)

更新於 2022/01/28閱讀時間約 19 分鐘
亨密雲,不雨,自我西郊。 -- 天上有風,是因為冷空氣的密度高,空氣往密度低的地方移動,於是產生氣流。此時高處的雲氣正在密佈集結,但是還沒有下雨,氣流來自西邊城郊的上空。西風東漸,這是西邊的熱水蒸氣上升到天空後又冷卻下來而逐漸累積形成的。小的積蓄,經過不斷的累積,就會產生大的影響。

初九:復自道,何其咎吉?/ 變卦巽為風 -- 西邊的雲氣累積、西風東漸,是要順風退返?還是要逆風前進?此時因為自己內心的選擇盤算而在道路上反覆不定的思索徘徊著,這樣的結果有什麼好奇怪的呢?冷熱疏密的空氣在天空中互相牽引而徘徊流動,這不就是旋風的本質嗎?

九二:牽復吉。/ 變卦風火家人 -- 之所以會反覆進退、難下決定的結果,通常是因為有所牽掛、有所顧慮。火旺則氣動,氣動則風生,訊息的累積是互相牽連的,就像一家人有時候也會彼此影響、彼此縴絆一樣。

九三:輿說輻,夫妻反目。/ 變卦風澤中孚 -- 車軌受熱膨脹而與車輪的輪輻尺寸產生偏差,於是互相脫離;電波訊號因為太陽風暴強烈的電磁波干擾而中斷了輻射頻道;夫妻之間也會因為意見不和而逐漸無視對方的存在。看不見的小偏差會因為不斷的累積而逐漸擴大、變成大的偏差,結果在彼此中間浮顯出很大的距離和沖激。

六四:有孚,血去惕出,無咎。/ 變卦乾為天 -- 內心有訊息、有靈感浮現,就像血流在身體內需要暢通的循環,遇到阻礙就自然呈現出情感訊息的變化或舒發暢言的思緒,這有什麼好奇怪的呢!人類敏感、好奇和警覺、多疑的天性不就是如此形成的嗎?

九五:有孚,攣如,富以其鄰。/ 變卦山天大畜 -- 內心有訊息浮現,雙手同時展現出手勢和動作,這是因為情緒訊息的累積量很大,所以看起來感情豐富,感染鄰人的影響力也大。當資訊累積到像通天的高山一般時,傾吐出來的意念往往源源不絕,就像大量累積黃磷的礦場在空氣中也會發生連鎖反應的大爆炸,煙霧直衝九霄雲外呢!

上九:既雨既處,尚德載。婦貞厲,月幾望,君子征凶。/ 變卦水天需 -- 內在訊息的紓發如同天空下了大雨之後就風平浪靜一般,高尚的德性可以承載情緒的發洩。婦人通常對於危險的偵察很敏感,就連月亮快圓的時候也會說:君子前往異地的行動是要再三考慮盤算的,如果沒有真正迫切的需要,還是暫緩外出行動吧!

"I'm very interesting to this Hanese word '畜'. It seemed like symbolize a heavy and dark cloud with a spiral something above a grid field."

"Do you think it looked like a tornado above a city with grid system roads and streets?......"

"Yes, I think it might be some kind of ancient graphical description about 'Urban Heat Island Effect' when a small town became a large city with many dry pavings and high density buildings."

"That's why the winds were coming from the west side of the place where the author of 易經 had been lived. But......if the western side was a great desert, it would arouse the same weather effect."

"Western land was a mysterious place to the ancient Hanese. Do you know the Silk Road in history? I mean 絲路...... It was a very mysterious and dangerous long path to the west for the ancient Hanese travelers, there were many strange flowers and hot mountains on the road."

"Ancient Roman and Hanese had been connected on the Silk Road, is that why the road was called a road? ......It must be a nice path for rolling wheels to move fast under the weird weather. It's different to the narrow street with many trees."

"Silk Road was not built in one day, so do railroad. I think the Great Wall in ancient northern China had been used as a mass rapid transport system - Great MRT, not just a boring long wall for defense......many historians lost the other meaning of its possible function,.......but as that Great MRT extending to the western land with desert, it lost and stopped,......couldn't go on constructing anymore......"

"Hot air and hot wind could melt the stone, melt the wall, and let them become sands,.......become glass,......even become jades......Then the jades were becoming a kind of important exchangeable goods in commercial trade between west and east,......even were treated like the credit matters in the markets on the way of Silk Road ....."

"If you owned many jades on the Silk Road, you could exchange a lot of things included the finest silks. Those ancient trade merchants addicted and carried jades on the roads,.......across thousands milestones for a long time,.......then the so-called Silk Road was established."

"As the Silk Road was established, the different cultures from the west and east were compacted together, and the speed of affection between them became faster than ever, even became some kind of impact,......seemed like bursting hot wind and speedy spiral tornado......"
"Can you imagine the strong wind on the desert?.......It will arouse the sands and dusts up to the whole sky, cover your eyes and let you miss your sight, lose the foot steps for tracing, all you can do is follow the connected silk ropes to recognize and correct the moving direction on the desert of Silk Road......"
"Why sands could be sent in a long distance? Why sands could gather again after they are separated?......Because of they are the same dots, they are similar to each other......They created the land of miss, but not missed themselves at all......"

"So, how can I do as I walk into the land of the miss? Should I need a pair of suitable shoes?......Should I wear a pair of nice sunglasses?......Should I find and follow the rails which looked like the silk lines?......"
"Look that word '畜' again!......Do you feel it's more looked like a little wire of silk was pulled out from a small silkworm cocoon?......That's why its Hanese vocal sound 'shu' was sounded like 'silk' and related to 'pull'......"
"Trust me!......If you have saved a lot of jades and silks, don't waste and expense them too fast on the Silk Road, because of the Silk Road is just a very very long road, you will need to ask for sharing the woolen clothes from kind sheep during those hardly coldest nights......"

At that moment, I saw a wire of strong flame was suddenly bursting out from the big round sun far away behind E.'s back as I talking with her on the beach, that made me feel there might be other possible meaning about this word '畜'......It was some kind of energy resource had ever been found by ancient people in somewhere in the dry desert land,......seemed like the oil field with bursting flames and heavy spiral dark clouds......Had it ever been another 'shining-sun' to the early humankind's civilization?......Was it another reason why '畜' was sounded like 'shù'?......

Actually the silk can be very minute and slim, even almost invisible, just like spider silk. So, the wireless transmitting system in communication might be another kind of Silk Road, that's why the third yao in this qua mentioned the Solar Storm with strong electromagnetic radiation might impact and interfere the wireless electrical transmission on the Earth.

"What are we thinking?......Why don't we focus our mind on this qua?......It's talking about savings or accumulating information for the possible judgements in our own life. What's the difference between '累積' and '積蓄'?......What's the difference between '累' and '畜'? "
"I see.......a seed......a small seed with its root silks seems like '累', and with its tiny branch or sprout seems like '畜'......It was a new fresh life as a live tree was just breaking out of the ground in struggling on the desert land......There would be a green land......There would be an oasis.......There would be a lot of oasis lands,......and the linking paths between those oasis lands would joint together,......and the travelers would be more busy on their ways......"
Finally, We found the original meaning of this Hanese pictogram word '畜' might be closer to ' small seed with fresh sprout', and the other word '累' might be more closed to 'land of oasis'.

"So, if we combined these two words together, they seemed like 'small seed land of oasis' or 'seedling land'. It might be also a 'station' or 'state' of the ancient Silk Road, and the linking system between those small oasis lands would be developed like a silky-net by those ancient merchants and travelers who tiredly strove to walk and move on the western desert lands near to the ancient China. That's why this pictogram word '累' had another meaning about 'tired'......"
"And......If you knew those kind and merciful ancient merchants and travelers, they might tell you a lot of wisdom about how to move, live and pass through those small and fresh oasis lands, stations or states on the desert of the Silk Road......"

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
LS. Salon / Rooms: 1.文字的堂奧與空間 Subtle Space of Texts 2.夢的原理 The Elements of Dream 3.易的故事 The Story of I.E. 4.橋接文字 Bridge Words 5.一籮筐詩詞 ALOPAL 6.爾爾藝廊 22Gallery
吉原筮,元永貞,無咎。不寧方來,後夫凶。 -- 地上有水,水會比較地勢的高低而移動,會連結聚集成一處水源,也會分成數支水脈流動。這問題就像意識會連結成大而原始的意識、也會永續的偵察探索分析各種細節,這有什麼好意外的呢!高處的水如果不安寧、不安定而向低處移動,後勢會很凶猛,就像水壩放水時落下水來一樣。
貞,丈人吉,無咎。 -- 水面上有塊地,那就像個島嶼般的天然領域,或像是一艘舟船。一般偵測觀察的結果是,這樣的領域會自然形成一個讓眾人可以仰仗和連結的意識空間,這有什麼好意外的呢!月亮不就是飄浮在流動的星海中嗎?地球不就是飄浮在流動的星海中嗎?......
有孚窒惕中吉,終凶,利見大人,不利涉大川。 -- 水氣會蒸發、往天上飄浮而停滯在天空中凝結、變成雲霧。雲霧不斷累積,最終也會從天空降下凶狠強勢的大雨,使得流水跟著暴漲、造成地域深水分隔,這是大人或一般的成年人、大多數人都明顯可見的事。不容易的是,在發生意識衝突的爭執訴訟之時,要怎麼......
有孚光亨,貞吉,利涉大川。 -- 有水氣飄浮在天上,而且高處的陽光會透過它,那通常是薄薄的雲層,還不到降雨的程度。經過偵察的結果是:在這樣的狀況下,面寬水淺的大河川通常不會因為降雨而暴漲,是可以涉水渡河的時候。此時如果有什麼需求,也是進行交涉的好時機呢!......
匪我求童蒙,童蒙求我,初筮告,再三瀆,瀆則不告,利貞。 -- 水氣蒸發往上騰,山頭一片霧濛濛。此時,可以遠眺四方的山頭就好像被遮住了眼睛,又像個矇眛幼稚、沒有遠見、懵懂無知的童子,只作著朦朦朧朧的春秋大夢,不知世間真相。不是我有求於懵懂無知的童子,是懵懂無知、求知心切的童子有求於我啊!......
元亨利貞,勿用有攸往,利建侯。 -- 流水之下有震動,一頓一頓的震動著,好像有什麼力量在水下作用、傳遞到水面來。此時,讓元神意識通暢銳利的偵察水面的變化,如果不能悠游自在的渡水前往,那就盡可能穩健自身的能力,然後等候適當的時機再出發吧!......
吉原筮,元永貞,無咎。不寧方來,後夫凶。 -- 地上有水,水會比較地勢的高低而移動,會連結聚集成一處水源,也會分成數支水脈流動。這問題就像意識會連結成大而原始的意識、也會永續的偵察探索分析各種細節,這有什麼好意外的呢!高處的水如果不安寧、不安定而向低處移動,後勢會很凶猛,就像水壩放水時落下水來一樣。
貞,丈人吉,無咎。 -- 水面上有塊地,那就像個島嶼般的天然領域,或像是一艘舟船。一般偵測觀察的結果是,這樣的領域會自然形成一個讓眾人可以仰仗和連結的意識空間,這有什麼好意外的呢!月亮不就是飄浮在流動的星海中嗎?地球不就是飄浮在流動的星海中嗎?......
有孚窒惕中吉,終凶,利見大人,不利涉大川。 -- 水氣會蒸發、往天上飄浮而停滯在天空中凝結、變成雲霧。雲霧不斷累積,最終也會從天空降下凶狠強勢的大雨,使得流水跟著暴漲、造成地域深水分隔,這是大人或一般的成年人、大多數人都明顯可見的事。不容易的是,在發生意識衝突的爭執訴訟之時,要怎麼......
有孚光亨,貞吉,利涉大川。 -- 有水氣飄浮在天上,而且高處的陽光會透過它,那通常是薄薄的雲層,還不到降雨的程度。經過偵察的結果是:在這樣的狀況下,面寬水淺的大河川通常不會因為降雨而暴漲,是可以涉水渡河的時候。此時如果有什麼需求,也是進行交涉的好時機呢!......
匪我求童蒙,童蒙求我,初筮告,再三瀆,瀆則不告,利貞。 -- 水氣蒸發往上騰,山頭一片霧濛濛。此時,可以遠眺四方的山頭就好像被遮住了眼睛,又像個矇眛幼稚、沒有遠見、懵懂無知的童子,只作著朦朦朧朧的春秋大夢,不知世間真相。不是我有求於懵懂無知的童子,是懵懂無知、求知心切的童子有求於我啊!......
元亨利貞,勿用有攸往,利建侯。 -- 流水之下有震動,一頓一頓的震動著,好像有什麼力量在水下作用、傳遞到水面來。此時,讓元神意識通暢銳利的偵察水面的變化,如果不能悠游自在的渡水前往,那就盡可能穩健自身的能力,然後等候適當的時機再出發吧!......
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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
  雪哉就這樣一路尾隨著白小石,直到抵達白小石的家。   原來這孩子住在土地廟隔幾條街的地方,如果抄近路的話,從土地廟步行到此只需要五分鐘左右的腳程,這就不難解釋為什麼常常可以看到他往土地廟跑了。   只是雪哉對這些調皮搗蛋的小孩討厭得不得了,所以根本不可能去關注他們,現在雪哉從不同的角度去看白
子瑛在下班前拿到古速遞來地小紙條,上面有Holly的聯絡電話。 在子瑛承租來的小套房裡,她開始嘲笑自己。身為女王不但讓奴主動對她提出解約,還在這裡糾結著是否要打電話給奴? 妳跟本沒資格待在圈子裡!心裡的瑛女王嚴厲指責子瑛,悅奴用她的奴性成就了妳,而妳給她的是什麼?一個軟弱的主人! 子瑛還是選擇撥出電
海平面上的雲仍厚,所以早早就躲到雲後。 但還是露了一點小綠光~
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
  雪哉就這樣一路尾隨著白小石,直到抵達白小石的家。   原來這孩子住在土地廟隔幾條街的地方,如果抄近路的話,從土地廟步行到此只需要五分鐘左右的腳程,這就不難解釋為什麼常常可以看到他往土地廟跑了。   只是雪哉對這些調皮搗蛋的小孩討厭得不得了,所以根本不可能去關注他們,現在雪哉從不同的角度去看白
子瑛在下班前拿到古速遞來地小紙條,上面有Holly的聯絡電話。 在子瑛承租來的小套房裡,她開始嘲笑自己。身為女王不但讓奴主動對她提出解約,還在這裡糾結著是否要打電話給奴? 妳跟本沒資格待在圈子裡!心裡的瑛女王嚴厲指責子瑛,悅奴用她的奴性成就了妳,而妳給她的是什麼?一個軟弱的主人! 子瑛還是選擇撥出電
海平面上的雲仍厚,所以早早就躲到雲後。 但還是露了一點小綠光~