The Hong Kong We Knew我們印象中的香港

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還記得印象中的劉德華、黎明、梅艷芳等等這些陪著我們長大的港星。隨著最近香港的反送中,看得每個台灣人怵目驚心,多麼與台灣相關與感情的地方”香港”。隨著最近的港版國安法發佈,美國已取消香港優惠關稅地位,香港要變色了嗎?一國一制? 為什麼會這樣? 有人說因為過去香港人不斷的只非常努力重視賺錢,香港人過去漠視”政治”。一味地相信中共。被美麗謊言”香港一國兩制,50年不變”徹底騙了。中共片面不守中英共同聲明承諾。台灣人真的以選票來證明何謂”一國兩制”。影響衝擊最大的是國民黨。投錯老闆了。讓國民黨也窮途末路。民意與媒體一面倒向民進黨。
那台灣呢? 台灣還有一線希望,重要事就讓我們開始關心政治吧!
April Yang
translation by Andy Hoggan
The Hong Kong We Knew

In my mind, I remember Andy Lao, Li Ming, Mei Yan Fang and other Hong Kong stars we grew up with.
With the recent takeover of Hong Kong by China, all the Taiwanese who watch, feel shocked and appalled that it could happen to Kong Kong, a place so similar and close to Taiwan.
With the recent declaration of national security laws, the United States has cancelled Hong Kong's special, tax-exempt status. Is Hong Kong changing to one country one system? How could this happen?
Some people say it's because in the past, the people of Hong Kong only focused on working hard to earn money, and they didn't pay attention to politics.
They blindly believed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They were completely deceived by the sweet-sounding lie of "one country, two systems for the set time of 50 more years." The agreement between the British and China was one-sided, because the CCP did not honor their promise.
Taiwanese elections truly prove what "one country, two systems" means. The impact had the largest effect on the Nationalist Party (KMT). They elected the wrong leader who led the KMT down a dead-end street. The choice of the people and media, together turned toward the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).
Hong Kong and Taiwan are like blood brothers. They both face China in the same way.
The Hong Kong friends I know all work hard to earn a living, their living spaces are very small, but also very modern. Hong Kong's movie industry is the third-biggest in the world, next to Hollywood in the USA, and Bollywood in India.
Hong Kong's most popular comedy star is Stephen Chow. My schoolmates and I grew up watching his movies.
Hong Kong's over-night change, abruptly startled the Taiwanese from our peaceful and deep slumber where we have become accustomed to living freely under the leadership of the DPP. Now we fear, "Today Hong Kong, tomorrow, Taiwan."
Right now, many people from Hong Kong have no choice but to immigrate to Taiwan. They envy Taiwan's political system.
In a very humanitarian way, Taiwan has opened its borders and eased the requirements for Hong Kong citizens to immigrate to Taiwan. Taiwan has even contributed economically to assist the Hong Kong citizens who will never see the same Hong Kong again, and who feel they have no tomorrow and no future.
So what about Taiwan? Taiwan still holds a line of hope, and the important thing to remember is to start caring more about what happens in politics!

    我是April, 畢業於 Utah Valley University, 擁有英國心理諮詢師執照, 愛戀天使工作室負責人,輔導個案多年。
    April 的其他內容
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