HK | Trifles with Hong Kong Work Visa

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Anything you should know before start working in Hong Kong?
Global Mobility is a major trend in the world’s current labor market, and the expertise of individuals is one of the key components of this trend. In this context, many regions are active in recruiting professionals they lack, and generally offer to foreign talents employment conditions that are at least as good as local conditions in order to fill the shortages.
While socioeconomic factors in Hong Kong in recent years have led some business sectors to enter a complete state of paralysis, some industries have benefited from the opportunities that arise from fluctuating markets. Despite the uncertain business environment, the city survives as one of the world's leading metropolises with excellent salaries and benefits, and a distant leader over other major Asian cities by a wide margin. As a result, the demand for professionals in Hong Kong remains high, and the demand for Hong Kong work visas from foreigners is unaffected.
For instance, in April 2021, as Citigroup moves to shed most of its consumer banking operations in 13 overseas markets, of which 10 are in Asia, it concurrently planned to recruit 1,100 private bankers, relationship managers and 1,200 technical and operational staffers in Hong Kong and Singapore as part of its strategic deployment of wealth centers in Hong Kong, London, United Arab Emirates and Singapore and its effort to scale up its asset under management for Asian clients. As its Hong Kong center will be dedicated to serving high net worth entrepreneurs and corporations in Asia, the hiring of local and imported expertise and talents will be vital.

Some public opinion claims that foreign workers are the biggest competitor for local seekers – especially workers at the technician level or below – therefore affecting the labor market in Hong Kong. Some further conjecture that overseas workers are willing to accept jobs at lower salaries, therefore affecting the local salary level in the long run. In fact, the Hong Kong Immigration Department (IMMD) and the Labour Department have clear guidelines on the recruitment of and issuance of work visas to all foreign and overseas workers.
For instance, the employment visa arrangement under the Imported Workers under the Supplementary Labour Scheme (SLS) provides that:
The SLS [Supplementary Labour Scheme] allows employers with genuine difficulties in finding suitable staff locally to import workers at technician level or below. However, to ensure the priority of local workers in employment and to safeguard their salaries and benefits, employers must accord priority to fill available job vacancies with local workers and make active efforts to train up local workers for the vacancies.” — Supplementary Labour Scheme (SLS), Labour Department
This instruction means to set certain standards for the remuneration of foreign workers at technician level or below. Employers in Hong Kong must comply with the statutory provisions – including the Employment Ordinance, the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance and the Immigration Ordinance – and perform their responsibilities as employers in accordance with the employment contract and the SLS. As such, the remuneration provided to these workers should be higher or at least equivalent to the level offered to locals:
Imported workers under the SLS are required to be paid at least median monthly wages of local workers in comparable positions and be accorded no less favourable treatment as that enjoyed by local workers under the labour laws. As the statutory minimum wage becomes effective on 1 May 2011, the amount of wages offered must be in compliance with the statutory minimum wage requirements. They are only allowed to work for the employers and in the positions with stipulated job duties, and for the duration of employment as stipulated under their employment contracts, and they must return to their place of origin on expiry of their contracts…An employer who wishes to continue employing imported workers upon the expiry of their contracts are required to submit an application afresh to the Labour Department, and the application will be considered on its own merits. — Supplementary Labour Scheme (SLS), Labour Department
The underlying employment visa or work permit will therefore only be issued to the foreign technician with considerable and matching skills; under the Labour Department’s arrangement, not only will the foreign worker be prevented from competing with local job seekers, but his presence will be conducive to the training of local employees.

In addition, employers who wish to recruit foreign workers need to fulfill the following 3 requirements:
  1. Placing recruitment advertisements in local newspapers;
  2. Posting local recruitment at the Labour Department compulsorily for a period of time; and
  3. If necessary, organizing retraining programmes with the assistance of the Employees Retraining Board (ERB).

The SLS has stringent requirements for employers. Apart from showing recruitment records, conducting regular local recruitment, and arranging retraining for employees, employers are also required to provide proper accommodation for the foreign employees, guarantee their living expenses, and are responsible for the cost of the foreign employees’ return to their place of origin upon termination of the employment contract.
The employment visa application for Imported Workers under the SLS only fulfills half of the requirements for entering Hong Kong. The application must then be submitted to the IMMD and approved by two separate government departments before an entry visa can be issued.
The issued visa under the SLS does not allow foreign workers to bring along their accompanying relatives, nor to change employer. They are required to leave Hong Kong immediately upon completion of the contract unless the employer submits an extension of stay application to the department if they continue to meet the SLS requirements.
In sum, employing foreign workers is not exactly a way for employers to lower their costs. Not only should the employer go through multiple tedious procedures with two government departments, but the offered salaries must also meet the median of the labor market in Hong Kong, and the foreign worker must be provided with extra welfare. Instead, the work visa issued under the SLS is designed to encourage the hiring and the technical training of local workers, thereby enhancing their technical skills and competitiveness.

Beside visas and permits for technicians and low-skilled workers, the Hong Kong labour market has a strong appetite for skilled professionals and offers various types of work visas to foreign nationals through its General Employment Policy (GEP), Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP), Technology Talent Scheme (TechTAS), and Investment as Entrepreneurs. A work visa may also be issued to foreigners who come to Hong Kong for a Training.
Looking at the GEP and ASMTP closely, we find minimal differences between the two programs. They both aim at recruiting foreign professionals to fill the skills and expertise shortages among Hong Kong-based employers, and they have very similar eligibility criteria. The main distinction lies in the target applicant, who must be a Chinese resident of the Mainland China in the case of the ASMTP, and any other foreign nationals in the case of the GEP (with a few exceptions).
It is also worth noting that, unlike the imported workers under the SLS, applicants under the GEP or the ASMTP are allowed to apply for dependent visas and are not bound by any industry restrictions. GEP or ASMTP visa holders may also apply for the Hong Kong permanent residency after they have lived in Hong Kong for 7 years, whereas the SLS visa does not grant such right.

Because they are given such possibility of obtaining permanent residency, the eligibility criteria for both the employers and employees are also considerably higher. Only foreign nationals or mainlanders with proven skills, knowledge or experience that Hong Kong lacks may apply to work in Hong Kong as professionals under the GEP and ASMTP.
Specifically, if you decide to apply for an employment visa under the GEP or ASMTP, you must satisfy the following requirements:
  1. No known serious criminal record and no security concerns;
  2. Have a good educational background (usually bachelor’s degree or higher) or have good technical credentials, proof of professional competence, work experience with relevant professional qualifications, or achievements;
  3. Evidence that the hiring company has a job vacancy;
  4. Professional skills or qualifications that match the vacancy to be filled by the hiring company;
  5. The remuneration package (including salary, bonus, accommodation, medical subsidies, meal allowance, etc.) offered by the employing company is commensurate with the Hong Kong labour market.
Applicants are required to provide supporting documents for each of the above conditions, namely:
  1. Photocopy of a valid travel document;
  2. Proof of academic qualifications;
  3. Professional or technical licenses;
  4. Proof of achievements, such as awards, certificates, etc.;
  5. Employment records;
  6. Curriculum Vitae;
  7. Other documentation demonstrating work details, such as business portfolio.
The supporting documents requested from the Hong Kong hiring employer are more onerous:
  1. Reasonably explain and demonstrate that the position is unfillable within the local labor market;
  2. Evidence of the financial strength of the company;
  3. Documentation showing the company’s background and status (e.g., business activities, operations, product lines, sources and markets, etc.).
For companies that have been established for less than 12 months, a detailed business plan (e.g., source of funds, capital investment, estimated turnover, turnover, gross profit, net profit, etc.) is required, together with the company structure and local hiring plan, etc. It is important to provide IMMD with a copy of all the documents used to establish the company (business registration, certification of incorporation, tax registration, etc.).
Alternatively, if a foreign national wishes to establish or join a business in Hong Kong and work for or be sponsored by that company, he or she may apply for a work visa under the Investment as Entrepreneurs program, which is a also under the administration of the GEP.

In a nutshell, the employment visa application in Hong Kong is straight forward but cannot be taken for granted. All non-resident expatriates or residents of Mainland China must apply for a work visa before taking on any employment in Hong Kong, whether it is for a short-term or long-term job, paid or unpaid. The application must be submitted to (and approved by) the IMMD before the applicant can start working. It is an offense under the laws of Hong Kong to submit false statements or forged documents to the IMMD, and a reviewing officer may conduct on-site visits when deemed necessary. If you are found guilty of misrepresentation after your visa is approved, your Hong Kong work visa and permission to stay will be invalidated, with immediate effect. It is therefore not recommended to test your luck, and such record will remain with the IMMD. Seek out the help of professionals when needed.

  1. Jing Yang, (2021, April 20). 花旗調整亞太戰略重心,將撤出消費者銀行業務, The Wall Street Journal
  2. Ben Otto, (2021, May 18). 花旗亞洲業務今年已招聘650名理財專業人員, The Wall Street Journal
啓源集團總部設於香港,自成立至今近20年,已於北京、上海、深圳、臺灣、新加坡、紐約和倫敦設立辦事處。集團成員包括會計師事務所、知識産權代理及移民顧問公司等。 會計事務官網︰ 簽證事務官網︰
優秀的勞動力市場與人才流動全球化(Global Mobility)相輔相承次下,員工轉工、離職可說是職場常態。但當在外地工作,就需要特別考慮簽證的問題了。
優秀的勞動力市場與人才流動全球化(Global Mobility)相輔相承次下,員工轉工、離職可說是職場常態。但當在外地工作,就需要特別考慮簽證的問題了。
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留用外國中階技術人力相關法規實務運用 法源 外國人從事就業服務法第四十六條第一項第八款至第十一款工作資格及審查標準 第 1 條 本標準依就業服務法第四十六條第二項及第五十二條第七項規定訂定之。 §46.2 從事前項工作之外國人,其工作資格及審查標準,除其他法律另有規定外,由中央主管機關會
根據Robert Walters最新調查,香港對合同職位的需求依然強勁。超過300名商業決策者表示,63%的僱主計劃在2024年招聘合同制員工,其中,資訊科技、會計與金融、人力資源和業務支援等行業對合同人才的需求最為強烈。
︎︎移工膳宿費各國的態度: 各移工來源國,均要求雇主採行定型化之契約, 1除須支付基本工資外, 2尚須免費供應食宿費用。 不過菲律賓政府從2013年起、為了保護輸出的菲律賓勞工,在勞動契約明確載明菲律賓移工在台雇主須「免費提供食宿」,但另外一份官方驗證的「工資費用切結書」,又同意雇主收取2
引進外籍移工法令繁雜,雇主怎麼會知道那麼多法令呢? 委任仲介公司辦理外籍移工相關事宜也是實務需要。 但是有些規定,雇主還是需要知道,不能說不知道! 被主管機關開罰,就是千金難買旱知道。 雇主聘僱外國人許可及管理辦法 第 22 條 雇主申請第二類外國人之招募許可,應備下列文件: 五
對於許多台灣專業人士來說,大陸的就業市場是一個充滿吸引力和機遇的地方。然而,要想進入大陸就業,必須面對各種審核程序和法律限制。在這方面,擁有台胞證成為了關鍵性的因素之一。本文將深入探討台胞證對台灣專業人士在大陸就業的專業發展機會,以及辦理台胞證的相關流程。 1. 台胞證的重要性 台胞證,是指
對於持有台胞證的人來說,在大陸就業是一個極具吸引力的選擇。大陸的經濟發展迅速,提供了許多就業機會,而持有台胞證的人也能享受到許多便利。在這篇文章中,我們將討論台胞證持有者在大陸就業的機會,以及一些建議關於行業選擇。 1. 就業機會 在大陸,持有台胞證的人可以選擇的行業非常廣泛。其中一個最受歡
移工留才久用方案,之技術條件(需符合以下3擇1條件) (1) 專業證照:全國技術士技能檢定之指定項目考試合格並取得證明。 (2) 訓練課程:產業類訓練時數達80小時。 (3) 實作認定:通過經濟部產業發展署之審認,取得實作認定證明。 具體怎麼進行實作認定....
留用外國中階技術人力相關法規實務運用 法源 外國人從事就業服務法第四十六條第一項第八款至第十一款工作資格及審查標準 第 1 條 本標準依就業服務法第四十六條第二項及第五十二條第七項規定訂定之。 §46.2 從事前項工作之外國人,其工作資格及審查標準,除其他法律另有規定外,由中央主管機關會
根據Robert Walters最新調查,香港對合同職位的需求依然強勁。超過300名商業決策者表示,63%的僱主計劃在2024年招聘合同制員工,其中,資訊科技、會計與金融、人力資源和業務支援等行業對合同人才的需求最為強烈。
︎︎移工膳宿費各國的態度: 各移工來源國,均要求雇主採行定型化之契約, 1除須支付基本工資外, 2尚須免費供應食宿費用。 不過菲律賓政府從2013年起、為了保護輸出的菲律賓勞工,在勞動契約明確載明菲律賓移工在台雇主須「免費提供食宿」,但另外一份官方驗證的「工資費用切結書」,又同意雇主收取2
引進外籍移工法令繁雜,雇主怎麼會知道那麼多法令呢? 委任仲介公司辦理外籍移工相關事宜也是實務需要。 但是有些規定,雇主還是需要知道,不能說不知道! 被主管機關開罰,就是千金難買旱知道。 雇主聘僱外國人許可及管理辦法 第 22 條 雇主申請第二類外國人之招募許可,應備下列文件: 五
對於許多台灣專業人士來說,大陸的就業市場是一個充滿吸引力和機遇的地方。然而,要想進入大陸就業,必須面對各種審核程序和法律限制。在這方面,擁有台胞證成為了關鍵性的因素之一。本文將深入探討台胞證對台灣專業人士在大陸就業的專業發展機會,以及辦理台胞證的相關流程。 1. 台胞證的重要性 台胞證,是指
對於持有台胞證的人來說,在大陸就業是一個極具吸引力的選擇。大陸的經濟發展迅速,提供了許多就業機會,而持有台胞證的人也能享受到許多便利。在這篇文章中,我們將討論台胞證持有者在大陸就業的機會,以及一些建議關於行業選擇。 1. 就業機會 在大陸,持有台胞證的人可以選擇的行業非常廣泛。其中一個最受歡
移工留才久用方案,之技術條件(需符合以下3擇1條件) (1) 專業證照:全國技術士技能檢定之指定項目考試合格並取得證明。 (2) 訓練課程:產業類訓練時數達80小時。 (3) 實作認定:通過經濟部產業發展署之審認,取得實作認定證明。 具體怎麼進行實作認定....