FastLane received CPA Australia's acceptance

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CPA Australia’s Recognized Employer Program is one of the most prestigious professional development partnerships available to accounting and advisory firms. It is the recognition that an organization has met its commitment to the professional development of its accounting and finance employees. Furthermore, it is evidence that a firm can provide their staff with the highest standards of professional development and support through training and mentorship.

Under the Recognized Employer Program, Fastlane’s accounting and finance staff are now able to have their employment recognized as meeting the practical experience requirement dictated by CPA Australia.

In addition, our staff will no longer be required to record their mentoring activities with CPA Australia for the duration of their employment. They will also be able to claim 40 continuing professional development hours per year for the duration of their employment at FastLane!
FastLane has always been dedicated to the professional development of our staff. We value teamwork and always aim to bring out the best in each other and to create strong and successful working relationships with both our colleagues. As such, we are delighted to have our efforts recognized!
Please contact FastLane for your enquiries regarding how we can help your professional development and your pursuit of obtaining professional certification!

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我的好朋友CPA接觸賣方不久,竟然決定要去上一堂三小時近20K的課,我很佩服他的學習力。很汗顏,我交易了賣方17年多,完全是自學,從來沒有想過要去上賣方神人的課,我有點擔心他參加的太早了,希望賣方神人的課教的深入淺出。 參加付費的課程的好處就是強迫讓自己學習,建議CPA要把你想提的問題先理順一遍。
The Story of Elizabeth of Austria is one of the saddest in the history of royalty.
“嘿,Abby,給你參考一下,你可能有興趣。” 打開一則墨爾本朋友轉貼的email,內容大概是:急徵一名有咖啡師經驗的志工加入到塔斯馬尼亞(Tasmania)參加『癌症研究募款單車』活動。 我把信讀了幾遍,時間是...下個禮拜就出發,關鍵字「塔斯馬尼雅」、「咖啡師」、「志工」,根本是為我量身打造的機
年歲漸長,慢慢的喜歡上用皂>液態清潔液清潔皮,用在身上比較不會有沖不乾淨的膜感。 後來慣用的大概是Costco買的澳洲精油皂(Australian Botanical)、印度皂(Medimix)及雅聞倍優的芬多精透明皂。 不確定CP值有沒有比較高,但至少是沖洗的時候用的水少一點XD
In January, the foreign and defense ministers of the US and Japan met virtually to discuss closer defense ties. The virtual meeting was in the spotlig
我的好朋友CPA接觸賣方不久,竟然決定要去上一堂三小時近20K的課,我很佩服他的學習力。很汗顏,我交易了賣方17年多,完全是自學,從來沒有想過要去上賣方神人的課,我有點擔心他參加的太早了,希望賣方神人的課教的深入淺出。 參加付費的課程的好處就是強迫讓自己學習,建議CPA要把你想提的問題先理順一遍。
The Story of Elizabeth of Austria is one of the saddest in the history of royalty.