(照片取材自Rolling Stone雜誌網站)
Danny Federici,鍵盤、鐵琴、風琴手,六十年代末邀請一塊在紐澤西長大的Bruce Springsteen搞團,1972年和哥們兒正式組成E Street Band,此後的一切,便都是歷史傳奇了。 2008年4月17日,Federici和皮膚癌奮戰三年,終於不治,得年58歲。
他在2007年11月宣佈為了入院治療必須離開E Street Band。2008年3月20日,Danny重返舞台和哥們兒演出了一場,是他最後一次公開表演。
再會,Phantom,再會,Miami Dan,從此這個世界再也不能用同樣的心情聆聽 Sandy 這首歌。
1978年9月19日紐澤西Passaic的Capitol Theatre,這首歌叫做 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)。這場演唱會是Boss最經典的紀錄之一。畫面裡拉手風琴的Danny二十八歲,Bruce Springsteen二十九歲。
2008年3月20日,Danny Federici抱病重回舞台,演奏的仍是這首歌,這是他生平最後一場演唱會,時年五十八歲。
4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
Sandy, the fireworks are hailin' over Little Eden tonight
Forcin' a light into all those stoned-out faces left stranded on this Fourth of July
Down in town the circuit's full with switchblade lovers so fast so shiny so sharp
And the wizards play down on Pinball Way on the boardwalk way past dark
And the boys from the casino dance with their shirts open like Latin lovers along the shore
Chasin' all them silly New York girls
Sandy, the aurora is risin' behind us
The pier lights our carnival life forever
Love me tonight for I may never see you again
Hey Sandy girl
Now the greasers they tramp the streets or get busted for trying to sleep on the beach all night
Them boys in their spiked high heels ah Sandy their skins are so white
And me I just got tired of hangin' in them dusty arcades bangin' them pleasure machines
Chasin' the factory girls underneath the boardwalk where they promise to unsnap their jeans
And you know that tilt-a-whirl down on the south beach drag
I got on it last night and my shirt got caught
And that Joey kept me spinnin' I didn't think I'd ever get off
Oh Sandy the aurora is risin' behind us
The pier lights our carnival life on the water
Runnin' down the beach at night with my boss's daughter
Well he ain't my boss no more Sandy
Sandy, the angels have lost our desire for us
I spoke to 'em just last night and they said they won't set themselves on fire
for us anymore
Every summer when the weather gets hot they ride that road down from heaven on
their Harleys they come and they go
And you can see 'em dressed like stars in all the cheap little seashore bars
parked making love with their babies out on the Kokomo
Well the cops finally busted Madame Marie for tellin' fortunes better than they do
This boardwalk life for me is through
You know you ought to quit this scene too
Sandy the aurora's rising behind us, the pier lights our carnival life forever