Thoughts after reading Normal People

更新於 2021/08/02閱讀時間約 7 分鐘
written by Sally Rooney
A cliche love story that writes into humanity.
from the online bookstore
Normal people seem to be a cliche love story if you just read the introduction at the back of the book cover: a young couple getting together, breaking up, getting together again, breaking up again, and finally getting back together.
The writing style is simple and plain, a bit like Hemingway, but all phrases appear to have deeper meanings behind them. They are quite elusive, philosophical, and even a little psychotic, like the humanity of Connell and Marianne.
They look to be lack of passion in life, and indifferent to all judgy people around them. But I could feel that quiet anxiety and depressive mood lying behind, and they probably reveal all the voices that are repressed inside everyone. We in this modern world are living in a very restrained way, to be honest. Oftentimes we chat, laugh, and seem very much relaxed and chill, but a sense of alienation always creeps into our mind, secretively.

Here are some parts I find interesting in this book:
Marianne’s hatred towards school, Connel’s view on literary events, and their after-making-love-debate on social issues regarding capitalism, racism, communism, and gender issue.
I grinned when I read Marianne’s feeling like being imprisoned in a school. Although she appears to be trapped most of the time, in her family, school life, or abusive relationship, school life seems to be the one that I could relate to the most.
I like that sense of anti-elitism of Connel’s view on those literary events. “They were attended only by people who wanted to be the kind of people who attended them.” Not only for literature though; we always have the tendency to let ourselves look good instead of truly becomes better.
As for their debate on the injustice of capitalism, racism, elitism, on any other social issue, fully expresses how the generation is bombarded with information and news of crisis. We share that sense of powerlessness in face of all these events and injustice. How do they resolve this sense of powerlessness then? By making love. Well, at least one’d be fulfilled and feel secured while surrounded by another one.
And, after all the cynicism pervading in the previous chapter, you could imagine why I feel the ending almost unbelievable:
They’ve done a lot of good for each other. Really, she thinks, really. People can really change one another.
We get to reach a such positive and inspiring ending! And this is probably the only and most optimistic part of the entire book. Please don’t take me wrong; I do like this ending. But to be honest, I thought they were going to break up again right before this. What a surprise when I read till the end!

So, this is a pretty grey and gloomy description of humanity and life for me. But strangely, while flipping the pages, you’ll feel cured by that little warmth that permeates gradually through that gloominess. After all, it’s not only a cliche love story but a story that goes down to Millennials’ identity, in an alienated modern world.
在一個風大的午後喝著果汁,毫無道理的創了這個帳號。// 原本在Medium,現在思考要不要轉戰方格子。
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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
自從從台東回到都市讀書後,一直都很嚮往安靜平淡的生活,長大的過程中不斷的在觀察自己的內在,隨著時間變化也慢慢發現自己真心喜歡什麼。 你想擁有什麼樣子的對象,想要擁有什麼樣子的機會與生活,那你就要多踏入那樣子的場域,跟那樣子的人親近。 也必須思考清楚,到底什麼樣子是你在生活當中想要遇到
Explore the meaning of Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken and the personal reflections on life, accompanied by a recitation of the poem.
我的愛在時間裡變厚 不再四處紛飛 藉由足夠的重力 有了形狀 閉起眼睛伸手碰觸— 那就是了 你當然可以繞著它走 從所有的角度觀察它 就像那株翠玉白菜 或肉形石 但 「所有的角度」卻是我們僅有的 在靈魂與意識相遇的十字路口, 總會有事情發生: 兩者錯身而過、兩者相匯、兩者對撞出了
想在一個純粹的夜裡沉浸   各處卻滿了街燈、車燈、霓虹燈   伴著無數分貝的響聲   擊潰了原本那夜的寧靜 在那心底廣袤的草原   鋪滿貧瘠的溝壑   浸滿無邊的黑暗   無法綻放內光的力量   罪把我丟進這雜亂的黑漆
本篇適合新手主管、仍在苦惱要如何向上管理的苦bb屬下們必讀! 今天要介紹的是當今世上富有盛名的思想家賽門・西奈克《最後吃,才是真領導》這本書,可視為繼《先問,為什麼?》、《找到你的為什麼》的最終篇。 誰是領導者?領導者的定義 我們都要勇敢選擇做正確的事 擁有主管職並不會讓你成為真正領導者
尋找讓你覺得最值得燃燒自己的行動計畫,即刻開始! 由內而外,從個人到組織都能找到你的為什麼 想找到自己的WHY,就從探索個人故事開始 站在巨人肩膀上看世界,經驗法則想告訴我們什麼? 快來看看如何找到你的為什麼?
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
自從從台東回到都市讀書後,一直都很嚮往安靜平淡的生活,長大的過程中不斷的在觀察自己的內在,隨著時間變化也慢慢發現自己真心喜歡什麼。 你想擁有什麼樣子的對象,想要擁有什麼樣子的機會與生活,那你就要多踏入那樣子的場域,跟那樣子的人親近。 也必須思考清楚,到底什麼樣子是你在生活當中想要遇到
Explore the meaning of Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken and the personal reflections on life, accompanied by a recitation of the poem.
我的愛在時間裡變厚 不再四處紛飛 藉由足夠的重力 有了形狀 閉起眼睛伸手碰觸— 那就是了 你當然可以繞著它走 從所有的角度觀察它 就像那株翠玉白菜 或肉形石 但 「所有的角度」卻是我們僅有的 在靈魂與意識相遇的十字路口, 總會有事情發生: 兩者錯身而過、兩者相匯、兩者對撞出了
想在一個純粹的夜裡沉浸   各處卻滿了街燈、車燈、霓虹燈   伴著無數分貝的響聲   擊潰了原本那夜的寧靜 在那心底廣袤的草原   鋪滿貧瘠的溝壑   浸滿無邊的黑暗   無法綻放內光的力量   罪把我丟進這雜亂的黑漆
本篇適合新手主管、仍在苦惱要如何向上管理的苦bb屬下們必讀! 今天要介紹的是當今世上富有盛名的思想家賽門・西奈克《最後吃,才是真領導》這本書,可視為繼《先問,為什麼?》、《找到你的為什麼》的最終篇。 誰是領導者?領導者的定義 我們都要勇敢選擇做正確的事 擁有主管職並不會讓你成為真正領導者
尋找讓你覺得最值得燃燒自己的行動計畫,即刻開始! 由內而外,從個人到組織都能找到你的為什麼 想找到自己的WHY,就從探索個人故事開始 站在巨人肩膀上看世界,經驗法則想告訴我們什麼? 快來看看如何找到你的為什麼?