Diary Aug 16: The imminent train

更新於 2021/08/31閱讀時間約 6 分鐘
Without any sophisticated reasoning, I think I'm back to Medium. My main purpose of starting to write here again can be summarised as three main reasons.
First and foremost, it is also my #1 reason for restarting my writing here - I would love to check the connection of my like coin button and my articles here. I have written some pieces here in both Chinese and English. However, because of the absurdly low click rate and view rate here for my passages, I turned out giving up this platform since I really can't figure out the reasons for writing in a platform continuously when this is a place that is as quiet as a ghost town from my perspective. It is doubtlessly just from my perspective since scenes out there in other bloggers' Medium land are way more vibrant with over thousands of likes and lots of comments to read. Never mind, I'm just coming back to check if I will make it by seeing my like coin button or anyone's like coin button being here.
Besides, this thought pops up in my mind tonight: probably I should also start to write whatever I like in a format of diary to churn out my private thoughts, feelings and whatever that I can come up with in an improvisation kind of style. Writing in Matters takes me hours to think about what to write. Perhaps I'll copy this article to Matters too but the chance is so slim to non-existent because I don't hope my Matters to be a dump land for whatever I have just thought without my Shirley's final touch-up.
By the time I have reached here, I've forgotten my last reason for my writing here. Let's call it a day then. Sleeping too late is never good for my health either. Stepping into the late 20s, I have already realised the importance of adequate sleep despite my unwillingness to face it as something that is imminent like a train that is zipping down the underground to take me to my office in a tight schedule. Do I dare overlook it? No. I hope my answer is Yes, though.
p.s.* Wondering if I can see my like coin button at the end of article after publishing this passage on Medium.

Photo credit | Shirley Leung (ME!)

Venue | Hong Kong. It is a clock tower in a park that is near my apartment. I took it with my iPhone the other night with B&W filter.

Personal home page |
shirleyleungwriting.com (google.com)
Please feel free to sponsor me with just a cup of coffee if, so fortunately, you like reading some of my original work here or on the above home page. All you have to do is just to click the clapping hands button down below on VOCUS or click the sponsoring link inside my home page.
English passages of mine are exclusively posted on Medium and VOCUS.
我寫的散文,有中有英 I write in Chinese and English. Writing as therapy. 行過路過咪錯過!
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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
昨天出門逛展時,嘗試用「獨活」的意義來生活看看,在這當中體會到了何謂「只有一個人做時才能感受到得快樂」,按著自已想要的步伐,想停就停、想回頭時就回頭,好好地感受了整個氛圍,好滿足的一個下午。 -----------------------------------------------------
今天的「恐怖雷達」發出警訊,對那個一直心生疑慮的人,正式對他發起隔離訊號, 往後跟他相處時要再更謹慎一些、界限也要更清楚的劃分出來!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
限時動態的「成敗」拿下了33:0的壓倒性勝利 但理性上來說昨天表現得「超-級-爛」 爛到想要立刻剃度出家並當場圓寂的程度 我犯了許多低級錯誤 也沒達到自己預設的基本要求 不僅讓In-house大崩潰 我也像一隻小倉鼠一樣在昏暗的小房間裡stone 雖然我還是(也必須)給自己更多的
這是五杯Vodka Lime之後的檢討。 總的來說,我給自己60分。 / 高二的時候在後龍火車站前非常臨時地演了一場Punk、Hard Rock的Cover大約三首。只因為我經過了一台電子花車,而站在上面唱歌的是我國中的校長;我跟他說:「我們也想要表演!我們可以搬鼓跟音箱過來!」。 那時候大
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
昨天出門逛展時,嘗試用「獨活」的意義來生活看看,在這當中體會到了何謂「只有一個人做時才能感受到得快樂」,按著自已想要的步伐,想停就停、想回頭時就回頭,好好地感受了整個氛圍,好滿足的一個下午。 -----------------------------------------------------
今天的「恐怖雷達」發出警訊,對那個一直心生疑慮的人,正式對他發起隔離訊號, 往後跟他相處時要再更謹慎一些、界限也要更清楚的劃分出來!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
限時動態的「成敗」拿下了33:0的壓倒性勝利 但理性上來說昨天表現得「超-級-爛」 爛到想要立刻剃度出家並當場圓寂的程度 我犯了許多低級錯誤 也沒達到自己預設的基本要求 不僅讓In-house大崩潰 我也像一隻小倉鼠一樣在昏暗的小房間裡stone 雖然我還是(也必須)給自己更多的
這是五杯Vodka Lime之後的檢討。 總的來說,我給自己60分。 / 高二的時候在後龍火車站前非常臨時地演了一場Punk、Hard Rock的Cover大約三首。只因為我經過了一台電子花車,而站在上面唱歌的是我國中的校長;我跟他說:「我們也想要表演!我們可以搬鼓跟音箱過來!」。 那時候大