Diary Aug 26: An educated uncivilized person

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Photo Source: Unsplash by Volodymyr Hryshchenko
What would all of you feel if you received this kind of message:
“I can’t come to your class at 4 pm", my student client said.
“I think you could change your class to 4 pm,”I said.
“I suppose you should know it is 4 pm now.”
That was already 4 pm when I texted her but I was not so clear-minded when I typed this because I was still very sleepy at that time but I can’t resist saying Wow!
How come a decent Hong Kong educated girl with impressive English competency that she later showed in my class can be so disrespectful like that? I was totally blown away, but in a negative way, once I’d read her reply.
What does “I suppose you should know” mean? I apologize for my absent-mindedness in the text but WHAT does “I suppose you should know” MEAN? Is it something that is suitable to say as a student or any decently-behaving human being to another person who provides you a service? Who on earth does she think she is? Is she my boss? If yes, all I can say is that she is a really stern one but she IS BY NO MEANS my boss or any supervisor of mine! She is nothing but just a customer!
Oh! I’ve suddenly realised that there is no course in any official curriculum educating people on how to be a decent and polite customer.
After attending my class, I realised that her English competency and speaking proficiency were neither low. So, why is there such an unbearable attitude in a superficially presentable girl? I mean, she is dressed so tidily and everything on her just looks and sounds absolutely normal. Without her text, I would never ever in my lifetime imagining her as such a nasty impolite bastard, nor would I even drag her along the closest distance towards the noun “bastard”.
When everybody is indoctrinating their kids about how excellent their academic performance should be, who has ever taught them the appropriate manner they should at least show when talking to a stranger? Perhaps, the explanation lies on the equally unacceptable fact that people nowadays only respect another human being when that person is possessing a higher ranking or social power.
Some Chinese describe this kind of superficial, shallow person as a dog. To me, it is a humiliation to dogs.
When the poor (in terms of the lack of manner) girl texted me, she might not know that I was her English tutor in class. In other words, to my best estimation, she might just think of me, who is replying her on WhatsApp, as “the receptionist answering endless replies from WhatsApp for this poor, small-scale tutorial centre”. Actually, I am both.
What saddens me the most is not merely the awful attitude of the girl when she texted the “receptionist” but the disappointing fact that a well-educated person cannot guarantee the relevant level of civilization in the same person.
To me, civilization is not only about how to use a tool, how to build a house or not even law but the decency of a person.
Still remembering the fury among Hongkongers when there were a flood of Mainlanders visiting Hong Kong as tourists and some of them (Not all though, luckily) just peed on the street. We angrily pointed our fingers (probably the middle one) on them for this uncivilised behaviour publicly witnessed in the public area – an open outdoor street in a city centre. How about us? What about our yelling on the Japanese subways when every Japanese was quiet as if they were in a library? What about some Hong Kong people talked on the phone so loudly on the bus? What about some teenagers laughing so hilariously that made you and me feel the headache immediately and wonder if their parents had done a good job on parenting?
I think that poor girl in my class had no memory of all these.
Being educated is more than being scholastically educated. In fact, education in school is just a very little part of a human being.

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不負責任的人不可能會突然沒經歷過大事就變得有責任感。 就像以前學校分組報告永遠都有不做事情丟給其他同學做的那種混帳學生一樣,這種人出社會工作以後根本是職場未爆彈,工作態度、職場倫理跟出勤狀況絕對差到不行。 其實對於這種人,根本不用自己去幻想他們會突然懂事起來。
今天有個女學生一口氣噴了好多個問題給我 雖然我不喜歡每次找我都是有事的事實 但明確的目標與方向讓我感覺我有義務回答 也許這是深藏在我心裡的老師魂吧
近日在大學生社群Dcard流傳一組對話紀錄 老闆發文詢問年輕人都這樣講話嗎? 風向一面倒?! 但我看了覺得挺正常的 如果這是平常的對話沒有到很有禮貌但也不至於不禮貌吧? 但是如果這是加了通訊軟體後的第一句話 確實少了得體的「打招呼」 你們覺得呢? 老闆標記 #學校不敢教 #丟出來讓老闆教
女孩: 對不起,回信晚了。 妳在信裡問了我一個熟悉的問題,過去我是不願意正面回應的。我總是對來徵詢感情建議的年輕女孩們說,我的年紀足以成為妳們的老媽或阿姨,況且,現在我的生活,談感情,已經太過奢侈又擁擠,還是請妳們另找高明吧。
說實話剛開始遇到公民老師時,我真的蠻討厭的,但現在我轉變想法了 #隨便的印象 剛開始我覺得她教書還挺隨便的,常常上課聽不懂,我的個性就是不會就問到底,當然我也不放過公民老師,直到學期過了一半多一點,我發現她講解的很仔細 那到底我為何覺得她隨便? #隨便的來源 我覺得可能跟她講話的方式有關吧
最近有位他校外籍研究生來尋求合作的協助。原本對她的印象是人是聰慧的,英語程度還不錯,到台灣也有被要求修中文,並考試通過。上學期proposal 也已經通過。 可能是下學期比較急了,她想找學生作為實驗對象,只要做一節課的實驗,再分析當天實驗的資料就可以了。(這論文也挺輕鬆的)
昨天下午有位六年級家長來找了過客,這女學生每科成績都還算優異,很自律主動的孩子,現在算少見了~不被3C綁架° 昨天下午爸爸一走進來,沒頭沒尾的就跟過客說,家裡的家教說妹妹的英文程度不好,過客其實是一頭霧水的,因為這女學生在這裡上英文其實程度都還不錯的,我只跟爸爸說我會再問問英文老師
現在的社會,好像很容易用輕蔑來展現自己的高人一等。有時候你根本不知道是為了什麼?然後自己就如此被對待了! 也許輕蔑是不需要成本的!他根本不用証明自己是什麼,只要嘰嘰呱呱的說你不是什麼就好了!而自己確實也是平凡人群中的一階而已。雖然比對方要好上很多,但是還沒有好到令對方閉嘴的程度!所以你就只有兩個選
不負責任的人不可能會突然沒經歷過大事就變得有責任感。 就像以前學校分組報告永遠都有不做事情丟給其他同學做的那種混帳學生一樣,這種人出社會工作以後根本是職場未爆彈,工作態度、職場倫理跟出勤狀況絕對差到不行。 其實對於這種人,根本不用自己去幻想他們會突然懂事起來。
今天有個女學生一口氣噴了好多個問題給我 雖然我不喜歡每次找我都是有事的事實 但明確的目標與方向讓我感覺我有義務回答 也許這是深藏在我心裡的老師魂吧
近日在大學生社群Dcard流傳一組對話紀錄 老闆發文詢問年輕人都這樣講話嗎? 風向一面倒?! 但我看了覺得挺正常的 如果這是平常的對話沒有到很有禮貌但也不至於不禮貌吧? 但是如果這是加了通訊軟體後的第一句話 確實少了得體的「打招呼」 你們覺得呢? 老闆標記 #學校不敢教 #丟出來讓老闆教
女孩: 對不起,回信晚了。 妳在信裡問了我一個熟悉的問題,過去我是不願意正面回應的。我總是對來徵詢感情建議的年輕女孩們說,我的年紀足以成為妳們的老媽或阿姨,況且,現在我的生活,談感情,已經太過奢侈又擁擠,還是請妳們另找高明吧。
說實話剛開始遇到公民老師時,我真的蠻討厭的,但現在我轉變想法了 #隨便的印象 剛開始我覺得她教書還挺隨便的,常常上課聽不懂,我的個性就是不會就問到底,當然我也不放過公民老師,直到學期過了一半多一點,我發現她講解的很仔細 那到底我為何覺得她隨便? #隨便的來源 我覺得可能跟她講話的方式有關吧
最近有位他校外籍研究生來尋求合作的協助。原本對她的印象是人是聰慧的,英語程度還不錯,到台灣也有被要求修中文,並考試通過。上學期proposal 也已經通過。 可能是下學期比較急了,她想找學生作為實驗對象,只要做一節課的實驗,再分析當天實驗的資料就可以了。(這論文也挺輕鬆的)
昨天下午有位六年級家長來找了過客,這女學生每科成績都還算優異,很自律主動的孩子,現在算少見了~不被3C綁架° 昨天下午爸爸一走進來,沒頭沒尾的就跟過客說,家裡的家教說妹妹的英文程度不好,過客其實是一頭霧水的,因為這女學生在這裡上英文其實程度都還不錯的,我只跟爸爸說我會再問問英文老師
現在的社會,好像很容易用輕蔑來展現自己的高人一等。有時候你根本不知道是為了什麼?然後自己就如此被對待了! 也許輕蔑是不需要成本的!他根本不用証明自己是什麼,只要嘰嘰呱呱的說你不是什麼就好了!而自己確實也是平凡人群中的一階而已。雖然比對方要好上很多,但是還沒有好到令對方閉嘴的程度!所以你就只有兩個選