Punakaiki Trip

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Ready to do river crossing
The Punakaiki Trip was very impressive for me. The Balloon Overhang was amazing and the Cave Creek Memorial made me know that the power of nature was unpredictable.
Punakaiki is on the West Coast, between Westport and Greymouth. We arrived in the afternoon, and it was cold even though it was summer. We stayed at the holiday House for two nights and camped at the Balloon Overhang one night.
The Pancake Rocks
The gorgeous ocean
After discussing our trip, we walked the beach and turned left to the Pancake Rocks which is a very popular tourist destination at the Dolomite Point.The rocks are limestone formations that began forming 30 million years ago and they looked like pancakes. We stood on the top of the rock to see the gorgeous ocean. When there’s a big sea running the blowholes are spectacular. It was sunset while we were walking back and the beach was colorful and getting dark.
Cave Creek memorial Track
The trip was easy and pretty. We crossed a swing bridge which was interesting,then walked in the forest. The weather was just nice, sunny and warm. Finally we walked down the steep, narrow chasm of Cave Creek which was surrounded by moss-covered rocks and trees. It was wet, muddy and slippery because the stream emerges from underneath rocks in several places near here. Di went ahead to explored more and took some excellent photos but I was scared when I thought of the tragedy- Thirteen students from Tai Poutini Polytechnic and one DOC staff member died when a platform they were standing on collapsed into a chasm here on 28 April 1995. I felt sad for them and wanted to show respect to the power of nature.
Truman Track
When we came back, it was still early so we went to the Truman Track to sense the beautiful sub-tropical rainforest featuring ferns, nikau palms and rimu. It was a pretty, cool rainforest park. And it emerges onto a headland with stunning views. We could see the beautiful landscape completely.
Balloon Overhang
The Ballroom Overhang
We started from the car park at the Pororari bridge. There is no formed track except the river bed. At first we followed the true left (south)bank, later we crossed the river numerous times. Sometimes it was shallow, sometimes it was deep or the trees had fallen down blocking the bank. It was hard to keep balance because we carried a heavy big bag. Some members walked fast, some were slow, but we had to be at the Balloon Overhang before sunset. If we couldn’t make sure how deep the river was, C ,who was very fit, always went ahead to check for us. Unfortunately, she fell into the river and got wet.
Even though I was cautious while I was crossing the river, I did enjoy the spectacular landscape of limestone towers or walls which reflected on the river. Furthermore, the Balloon Overhang was the largest, finest limestone, which I have never seen before. We were very excited to camp under the Ballroom Overhang. While I lay in my tent, some young people were playing guitar, singing and laughing with the sound of the river. I thought that if the Balloon Overhang collapsed, we might die there. However, I felt peaceful and slept well.
On the river flats, Di offer
I want to give thanks to the Waimea Tramping Club and our leader Di. Because of them, I could join the wonderful trip. 29-31/1/2021

紅毛雲的沙龍 的其他內容
Cobb Valley was a wonderful trip which included three kinds of tramping: long distance and steep and easy but we need more patience.
 Cobb Valley三天四夜的健行像一場盛宴,擺著各色不同的美食:長途而平坦的步道,展示古樸的Hu;攀登雪山,行走稜線的挑戰;稍富難度、需有耐心的健走。此外,這是我第一次住在帳篷中,感受與自然同在的奇妙滋味。那古雅樸拙的Hut,承載著悠久歲月中人類的足跡。
It was the wonderful experience for me to get the crayfish when I went to Kahurangi Lighthouse to go tramping.
我們一早從尼爾森出發,在Mangarakau Swamp lodge住了一宵,遊賞濕地景觀。次日驅車渡河,走向Kahurangi point, 住在Hut兩夜,探索Lighthouse與海岸美景,隊友捉Mussels 和鮑魚共嘗;遇見從Blenheim的帥哥三人組,贈我們龍蝦,使此行更為完美。
2019年北島之旅,是我腳踝受傷後的再出發,也是二十多年前與家人旅遊北島後重遊。我嘗試登山腳踏車之旅,完成Tongariro 國家公園Taranaki Falls 和Tama Lakes健行。Ohakune 小鎮幽靜的步道、朦朧的 Blue Lake、地熱公園秋色繽紛的湖畔,都美得令人迷醉。
獨遊時,發現住家附近Marsden Valley是好山水,沿著Barnicoat Range走向 Richmond Easby Park更是極佳挑戰。故選擇晴好日子去探索,不料竟走不出深山,只好求助朋友與警察,終得登山腳踏車客解危,開啟參加登山Club之旅。
Cobb Valley was a wonderful trip which included three kinds of tramping: long distance and steep and easy but we need more patience.
 Cobb Valley三天四夜的健行像一場盛宴,擺著各色不同的美食:長途而平坦的步道,展示古樸的Hu;攀登雪山,行走稜線的挑戰;稍富難度、需有耐心的健走。此外,這是我第一次住在帳篷中,感受與自然同在的奇妙滋味。那古雅樸拙的Hut,承載著悠久歲月中人類的足跡。
It was the wonderful experience for me to get the crayfish when I went to Kahurangi Lighthouse to go tramping.
我們一早從尼爾森出發,在Mangarakau Swamp lodge住了一宵,遊賞濕地景觀。次日驅車渡河,走向Kahurangi point, 住在Hut兩夜,探索Lighthouse與海岸美景,隊友捉Mussels 和鮑魚共嘗;遇見從Blenheim的帥哥三人組,贈我們龍蝦,使此行更為完美。
2019年北島之旅,是我腳踝受傷後的再出發,也是二十多年前與家人旅遊北島後重遊。我嘗試登山腳踏車之旅,完成Tongariro 國家公園Taranaki Falls 和Tama Lakes健行。Ohakune 小鎮幽靜的步道、朦朧的 Blue Lake、地熱公園秋色繽紛的湖畔,都美得令人迷醉。
獨遊時,發現住家附近Marsden Valley是好山水,沿著Barnicoat Range走向 Richmond Easby Park更是極佳挑戰。故選擇晴好日子去探索,不料竟走不出深山,只好求助朋友與警察,終得登山腳踏車客解危,開啟參加登山Club之旅。
Google News 追蹤
沒有料想這麼快在這個年紀,能夠完成人生清單─跳傘;踏上即將消失的冰川,體驗走在巨大流動固體上;一賭世界遺產景觀的米爾福德峽灣(Milford Sound)。我想人生的美好之一是與摯友享受這趟旅程,看看這個美麗世界,義無反顧。
2020 THE YEAR. 南澳-真的很神秘與海蝕洞。 一個人走過海岸線的磅礴壯麗。 第一次體驗什麼是神秘海岸的海蝕洞。 沿著海岸線,踩踏在浪花拍打的大小圓石、砂礫上,徒步漫行12公里,直到接近海岸線的盡頭、漲潮襲來的遍地蕾絲浪花,我還是找不到神秘的巨大海蝕洞跟海底瀑布,不過沿途各個小
紐西蘭的Wanaka小鎮是一個絕佳的旅遊勝地,以其清幽的湖泊和極限運動聞名,特別以跳傘體驗聞名,讓遊客可以在空中俯瞰湖泊美景。庫克山脈成為絕佳的跳傘地點。此外,Wanaka Tree的美麗景色也是遊客的必訪之地。
在紐西蘭公路旅行的最後一天,我們先在 Hokitika 小鎮吃早餐,接著沿著 6 號公路開往紐西蘭版的巨石陣 Kura Tawhiti Conservation Area,最後抵達在基督城最後一晚的營地。
在紐西蘭公路旅行的第九天,我們去到 Wanaka 鎮上吃了一家服務和品質都是滿分的早午餐,隨後再去看了一次 Wanaka tree,接著去攀登 Rpy's peak,中途發生了不在我規劃行程中的被求婚,午後再次回到鎮上享受小鎮時光
離澳後的空擋,我和男友去了一趟紐西蘭完成我們人生清單中的項目之一,開著露營車在紐西蘭公路旅行! 第四天是我們的「放鬆日」,因此行程上會以吃、喝、玩的內容去安排。一早從高地鄉村鮭魚為起點,接著去Omarama泡木桶浴、Mt Rosa酒莊品酒、最後抵達箭鎮品嚐了好吃的漢堡!
今天要從Te Anau到Lake Tekapo,展開一段路途遙遠的旅程。
紐西蘭海格利公園旁舉辦路跑活動,Castle Hill神奇巨石陣充滿想像空間。錯過亞瑟隘口,炸魚薯條餐廳吃飽後,前往Hokitika海灘,追夕陽擁有美景,結束滿滿一天。呈現紐西蘭旅行的精彩。
Tama Lakes Track 很美,但是他沒那麼有名,只有天氣很糟,一般人爬不了Tongariro Crossing的時候,又非要爬個什麼的時候才會被世人想起的一條步道。
沒有料想這麼快在這個年紀,能夠完成人生清單─跳傘;踏上即將消失的冰川,體驗走在巨大流動固體上;一賭世界遺產景觀的米爾福德峽灣(Milford Sound)。我想人生的美好之一是與摯友享受這趟旅程,看看這個美麗世界,義無反顧。
2020 THE YEAR. 南澳-真的很神秘與海蝕洞。 一個人走過海岸線的磅礴壯麗。 第一次體驗什麼是神秘海岸的海蝕洞。 沿著海岸線,踩踏在浪花拍打的大小圓石、砂礫上,徒步漫行12公里,直到接近海岸線的盡頭、漲潮襲來的遍地蕾絲浪花,我還是找不到神秘的巨大海蝕洞跟海底瀑布,不過沿途各個小
紐西蘭的Wanaka小鎮是一個絕佳的旅遊勝地,以其清幽的湖泊和極限運動聞名,特別以跳傘體驗聞名,讓遊客可以在空中俯瞰湖泊美景。庫克山脈成為絕佳的跳傘地點。此外,Wanaka Tree的美麗景色也是遊客的必訪之地。
在紐西蘭公路旅行的最後一天,我們先在 Hokitika 小鎮吃早餐,接著沿著 6 號公路開往紐西蘭版的巨石陣 Kura Tawhiti Conservation Area,最後抵達在基督城最後一晚的營地。
在紐西蘭公路旅行的第九天,我們去到 Wanaka 鎮上吃了一家服務和品質都是滿分的早午餐,隨後再去看了一次 Wanaka tree,接著去攀登 Rpy's peak,中途發生了不在我規劃行程中的被求婚,午後再次回到鎮上享受小鎮時光
離澳後的空擋,我和男友去了一趟紐西蘭完成我們人生清單中的項目之一,開著露營車在紐西蘭公路旅行! 第四天是我們的「放鬆日」,因此行程上會以吃、喝、玩的內容去安排。一早從高地鄉村鮭魚為起點,接著去Omarama泡木桶浴、Mt Rosa酒莊品酒、最後抵達箭鎮品嚐了好吃的漢堡!
今天要從Te Anau到Lake Tekapo,展開一段路途遙遠的旅程。
紐西蘭海格利公園旁舉辦路跑活動,Castle Hill神奇巨石陣充滿想像空間。錯過亞瑟隘口,炸魚薯條餐廳吃飽後,前往Hokitika海灘,追夕陽擁有美景,結束滿滿一天。呈現紐西蘭旅行的精彩。
Tama Lakes Track 很美,但是他沒那麼有名,只有天氣很糟,一般人爬不了Tongariro Crossing的時候,又非要爬個什麼的時候才會被世人想起的一條步道。