
2021/11/19閱讀時間約 5 分鐘
今天來跟大家介紹三首歌詞取材自市井小民生活,旋律令人朗朗上口的曲子,第一首是1992年艾爾帕西諾《女人香》裡的插曲 "Por Una Cabez"(一步之遙,又名一頭之差),歌詞主要敘述一個賭徒在賭馬慘輸後,歷經了一番嗚呼哀哉,隔天繼續進入賽馬場裡下注的賭性堅強人生,因優雅的旋律而成為最耳熟能詳的探戈名曲之一。
Por una cabeza de un noble potrillo 以一步之差
que justo en la raya afloja al llegar, 輸給了那匹賽後緩慢下來的高貴賽馬
y que al regresar parece decir: 當牠回過頭來時彷彿在說:
No olvidés, hermano, 『兄弟,別忘了
vos sabés, no hay que jugar. 你知道你不該賭的。』
Por una cabeza, metejón de un día 就那一步之差,
de aquella coqueta y risueña mujer, 贏得那賣弄風情女人的一日狂熱之愛
que al jurar sonriendo 她以迷人微笑誓言愛情,
el amor que está mintiendo, 騙人的愛情,
quema en una hoguera todo mi querer. 燃燒了我所有的愛。
Oh, sinnerman, where you gonna run to?
Sinnerman where you gonna run to?
Where you gonna run to?
All on that day
We got to run to the rock
Please hide me, I run to the rock
Please hide me, run to the rock
Please hide here
All on that day
But the rock cried out
I can't hide you, the rock cried out
I can't hide you, the rock cried out
I ain't gonna hide you there
All on that day
I said rock
What's the matter with you rock?
Don't you see I need you, rock?
Good Lord, Lord
All on that day.......
第三首是"Mack the Knife",最早出現在1928年德國柏林發表的音樂劇《三便士歌劇》,主要敘述了倫敦一位窮凶惡極的罪犯"尖刀麥奇"作奸犯惡從未被逮住的事跡,多年反覆被翻唱,也衍生出不少風格的版本,有爵士風,也有阿哥哥風格,但我個人最喜歡的版本,就是2009年法國監獄黑幫片《大獄言家》片尾曲,由藍調鄉村歌手Jimmie Dale Gilmore演唱的抒情版本。
Oh the shark has pretty teeth, Dear
And he shows them pearly white
Just a jacknife has Macheath, Dear
And he keeps it out of sight.
When the shark bites through his victim
Scarlet spreads amongst the green
But white gloves wears our Macheath, Dear
And the blood is never seen.
Seven children and their grandpa
In the fire near old Soho
Who's that creeping aound the corner?
Doesn't speak and doesn't know.
Solly Silverstein has vanished
Likewise other rich young men
And Macheath has all their money
Try and prove it if you can.
Sookey Tawdry, Jenny Diver Polly Peachum, Lucy Brown
Oh the line forms on the right, Dear
Now that Mackie's back in town.
Oh the shark has pearly teeth, Babe
And he keeps them in his face
Just a jacknife has Macheath, Babe
Keeps it in a different place.
「電影沒有好壞的區別,只有導演才有好壞的區別。」─ 楚浮(Francois Truffaut),1932 -1986年,法國『新浪潮』導演。有時我們寧可挑選好導演的壞電影看,也不看壞導演所製作表面上看起來是好的電影;而且,只有好導演才可能產生好電影。本系列將淺談我個人覺得當代最具影響力的導演們。敬請追蹤期待!