【親子英文vlog】Charlie 和六歲女兒教大家做台灣美食!

2022/07/05閱讀時間約 1 分鐘
今天由希平方創辦人 Charlie 帶著 6 歲的女兒 Yen 一起教大家做出 3 道台灣傳統美食!在料理的過程中,Charlie 不僅讓 Yen 體驗整個做菜的流程,同時也不斷引導 Yen 開口說英文,培養 Yen 在有趣的生活體驗中自然而然學好英文!想知道他們會教大家做出哪三道美味料理嗎?那你一定不能錯過今天的 Yen's kitchen!
Today, Charlie, the founder of Hope English, and his 6 year-old daughter, Yen, will teach you three traditional Taiwanese dishes! During the cooking show, Charlie will not only let Yen learn the different dishes but also guide Yen to speak English, so that Yen can learn the language naturally! Want to know what three delicious dishes they will be showing? Then you wouldn't want to miss today's episode of Yen's Kitchen!
HOPEnglish 希平方
HOPEnglish 希平方
「 創新、研發、整合至希望的平方,希望無限的意涵與新的希望。」 LOGO 設計取其企業創辦人 Charlie 與 CY 之英文姓名第一個字母,共同打造優質的英文影音學習平台,以重覆播放的學習理念為核心,為莘莘學子帶來學英文的新希望!