2023年第95屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳女主角獎得主楊紫瓊(Michelle Yeoh)在發表得獎感言的時候,特別感謝了香港-開始她演藝生涯的第二個家,感謝香港讓她站在它的肩膀上,助她一臂之力,讓她今天能夠站在這裡(得獎)。
楊紫瓊榮獲奧斯卡最佳女主角金像獎(照片取自楊紫瓊MichMichelle Yeoh Instagram)
她是這麼說的:「to my extended home-Hong Kong where I started my career, thank you for letting me stand on your shoulders give me a leg up so that I could be here.」
give sb. a leg up 助某人一臂之力
to help someone to achieve something and become successful, especially by giving them an advantage that other people do not have (Collins Dictionary)
楊紫瓊是武打明星,憑藉著俐落的身手在影壇打出一片天,因此說到腿(leg),會令人聯想到她的拳腳功夫。而香港又是她的武打生涯啟蒙之處,所以她說香港give me a leg up,不僅恰如其份,還會讓人的腦袋中浮現出她的亮麗功夫身影。
說到腿(leg),讓我想起楊紫瓊在拍李安導演的《臥虎藏龍》影片時,曾經發生過的插曲:那時,她在院子裡拍的第一個動作戲就撕裂了前十字韌帶,必須去美國開刀治療,休息兩個星期就拄著拐杖,抱病回到拍攝現場。當她在拍最後一場戲-抱著周潤發告別的時候,其實她的腳還被木箱固定住,而且必須被吊得高高的,那個姿勢真的很可笑,但她當時內心是很激動的。同樣是leg up意義可是大不相同呢!
history in the making 歷史性的一刻
an event happening now that will be remembered in the future because it is very important. (Macmillan Dictionary)
楊紫瓊在發表得獎感言的最後,特別感謝了奧斯卡影藝學院,她是這麼說的:「Thank you, to the Academy, this is history in the making!」
history in the making英文字典上的解釋是,現在發生的事件,未來將會被記得,因為它非常重要,也就是說這是歷史性的一刻!
And the Oscar goes to… 得獎的是…
最後要來聊一聊,我們最常在奧斯卡頒獎典禮聽到的話:「And the Oscar goes to…」,其實,奧斯卡金像獎在1989年之前,宣布得獎者時,製作單位的腳本寫的都是「And the winner is…」,從1989年開始,製作單位為了減少競爭的火藥味,將腳本改成了:「And the Oscar goes to…」,直到2010年又被當年的製作人在奧斯卡演藝學院的同意下改回了「And the winner is…」,但是並不是一成不變的,今年就還是用「And the Oscar goes to…」。基本上,尊重製作單位的想法,只要事先知會奧斯卡演藝學院,獲得首肯就行。
「Thank you, thank you. For all the little boys and girls who look like me watching tonight, this is a beacon of hope and possibilities. This is proof that ... dream big, and dreams do come true. 」
「Ladies, don’t let anybody tell you : You are ever past your prime. Never give up.」
「I wouldn’t be standing here tonight without the Daniels, without A24, without my amazing cast and crew, without everyone who was involved with “ Everything, Everywhere, All at once”.」
「I have to dedicate this to my mom, all the moms in the world, because they are really the superheroes and without them, none of us would be here tonight.」
「She’s 84, I’m taking this home to her. She’s watching right now in Malaysia with my family and friends. I love you guys; I’m bring this home to you. 」
「And also to my extended home -Hong Kong where I started my career, thank you for letting me stand on your shoulders give me a leg up so that I could be here.」
And to my god children, to my sisters, all of them, to my brothers, oh god, to my family, thank you, thank you.
Thank you,to the Academy, this is history in the making!