A Powerful Lesson from Adrien Brody
ubiquitous assimilation即是absorbing everything, everywhere, all the time(隨時隨地吸收一切訊息)。但是,How are you to imagine anything if the images are always provided for you?(如果所有的影像都提供給你了,你還能如何運用想像力?)
權力掌控者戮力製造「行銷殺戮」(marketing holocaust),使我們一生麻木至死 (The powers that be are hard at work, dumbing us to death.) 它使得我們doublethink, 去相信明知是謊言的東西(to deliberately believe in lies while knowing they are false)。
We must fight assimilating this dullness into our thought processes. We must learn to read to stimulate our own imaginations, to cultivate our own consciousness, our own belief systems. We all need these skills to defend, to preserve our own mind.
【感謝網友 Southwind 提供對白與翻譯】