大家都知道,李鴻章與李經方簽署完成〈馬關條約〉之後,李經方被依約派來點交,可是李經方已台灣叛亂為由推三阻四。以下是當時李鴻章給日本總理伊藤博文的電文兩則1895.05.21 及1895.06.07:
第一封電文提及「台灣的sovereignty已經移轉給日本…」(As the sovereignty of Formosa has been transferred to Japan, ...),以及唐景崧總督奉旨撤離所有中國文武官員(唐景崧並非逃亡,而是奉旨撤離)。
第二封電文提及:「履行〈馬關條約〉移轉台灣之規定…」(effected the final transfer of Formosa in accordance with Shimonoseki Treaty)與「由於日本已經擁有台灣的sovereignty並任命總督行使統治權力…」(As Japan is now vested the sovereignty of Formosa and has appointed a governor to assume control)
Tientsin May 21 1895 3-15 p.m.
Rec'd " " "
His Excellency
Count Ito Kioto.
Your telegram of the 17th instant was referred to Peking and in consequence Li Ching-fang has been appointed by Imperial Decree commissioner to proceed to Formosa to meet the Japanese Governor. In discharge of this duty, as he has never held office in Formosa nor in Chinese Territory he is unacquainted with local affairs and I must ask you to request Admiral Kabayama to have consideration for his want of knowledge of these matters and cooperate with him in a spirit of friendship. As the sovereignty of Formosa has been transferred to Japan, she will be expected to sned such a military naval force as to preserve peace and order among the inhabitants. Li Ching-fang will proceed to Pescadores to meet the Japanese Commissioner or to any other place agreed upon by the two commissioners and full power will be confided to the two commissioners as to their future actions. Governor Tang of Formosa has been ordered by Imperial Decree to vacate the Island with all civil and military officers. Please inform Admiral Kabayama by telegram of the forgoing. I await your reply.
Li Hong-chang
外務省編纂、《日本外交文書:第28巻第2冊、明治28年/1895年 台灣澎湖島授受雜件》(東京:日本国際連合協会、1895),p.566
Tientsin June 7th 1895 12.35 p.m.
Rec'd " 8th " 1.25 a.m.
His Excellency
Count Ito
I have telegraphed from time to time regarding the revolt in Formosa. You were doubtless gratified to hear that the Chinese Commissioner Li Ching-fang arrived at Kelung on first instant and there met Admiral Kabayama and effected the final transfer of Formosa in accordance with Shimonoseki Treaty and exchanged the formal documents relating thereto. As Japan is now vested the sovereignty of Formosa and has appointed a governor to assume control China is no longer responsible for its internal affairs.
Li Hong-chang
外務省編纂、《日本外交文書:第28巻第2冊、明治28年/1895年 台灣澎湖島授受雜件》(東京:日本国際連合協会、1895),p.576,