1945 - 2006:英國清償二次大戰戰爭借款

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Britain makes final WW2 lend-lease payment●inthenews(2006.12.29)

Sixty-one years after the end of the second world war, Britain has finally paid the US back for vital financial assistance it provided to help the UK continue to resist Nazi Germany.
The Treasury has announced that a payment of $83.25 million (£42.43 million) will be made today to the US, closing the account which was initially set up in 1941.
During the second world war, US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt convinced a doubtful Congress of the need to shore up Britain to prevent Adolf Hitler establishing an unchallenged dominance over Europe.
As a result $4.3 billion (£2.2 billion) of funds were provided at a two per cent interest rate for British use, a triumph for then-prime minister Winston Churchill who had exerted considerable diplomatic pressure in his efforts to win the loan from the Americans.
After victory was achieved in 1945, Britain remained in financial straits and won an additional loan of $1.2 billion (£0.6 billion) from Canada. A payment of $22.5 million (£11.5 million) is also being made today to clear that account.
"It was vital support which helped Britain defeat Nazi Germany and secure peace and prosperity in the postwar period," Treasury minister Ed Balls said in a statement.
"We honour our commitments to them now as they honored their commitments to us all those years ago."
Britain has paid nearly twice the original amounts provided to the lending countries. In total $7.5 billion (£3.8 billion) has been paid to the US and $2 billion (£1.1 billion) to Canada.



Britain pays 1945 war debt●The Sunday Times(2006.12.24)

THE government will this week close a chapter in Britain’s wartime history by completing the repayment of a loan taken out with America more than 60 years ago, just after the second world war.

Treasury officials said the repayment of the US war loan taken out under a 1945 agreement would be completed by December 31.

The loan dates back to September 1945. From 1941, Britain and other allied nations had received large quantities of equipment and supplies under Franklin Roosevelt’s Lend-Lease programme.

Britain received about $30 billion of goods — just over £7 billion at the prevailing exchange rate — during the war years, in effect gifts from America. But in September 1945 the US abruptly announced an end to the Lend-Lease programme, despite the need for large-scale reconstruction and with Britain on its knees economically.

Goods already in Britain or in transit were sold to the UK government at heavily discounted prices — one-tenth of their valuethe amount paid being in the form of a loan.

The amount, together with a line of credit, was $4.34 billion with a 2% interest rate, originally intended to be paid back over 50 years beginning in 1950.

Some critics, including Lord Keynes, saw the loan as a means used by America to subjugate Britain after the war.

As it was, keeping up the payments was often difficult. There were six years when Britain deferred payment as a result of economic crises and pressure on the official reserves. But this week’s £43m remittance will pay it off.

Many war loans are never repaid.

Britain borrowed money from America during the first world war but never fully settled the debt. This was because President Herbert Hoover declared a debt moratorium during the global financial crisis of 1931.

At the time of the moratorium, Britain was owed more in war debt by other countries than it owed to America.



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#3月10日 #3月10号 #3月10日东京大轰炸 1945年3月9日夜间到10日清晨,美国陆军航空军使用大量燃烧弹轰炸日本首都东京,造成九万甚至可能超过十万日本人丧生,其中大部分是平民,上百万人流离失所,破坏严重程度创下第二次世界大战单场空袭新纪录。此次空袭代号“会议室行动”(Operation
#3月10日 #3月10号 #3月10日东京大轰炸 1945年3月9日夜间到10日清晨,美国陆军航空军使用大量燃烧弹轰炸日本首都东京,造成九万甚至可能超过十万日本人丧生,其中大部分是平民,上百万人流离失所,破坏严重程度创下第二次世界大战单场空袭新纪录。此次空袭代号“会议室行动”(Operation
學校源於大陸時期的空軍子弟學校,徹台後移地花蓮,1966年軍方始移交給花蓮縣府,開始招收一般民眾子弟並命名為鑄強。 校名是紀念1947年大陳保衛戰中犧牲,當年才27歲的空軍上尉飛官的溫鑄強烈士,校內有烈士的半身銅像和生平略記,供後輩憑弔這保家衛國的壯舉。 .. 我一直在追尋國內的十餘所紀念空軍
  朋友们,周六愉快!今天我们来谈一谈臭名昭著的纳粹宣传部长约瑟夫·戈培尔(Joseph Goebbels)。1945年4月中旬,第二次世界大战达到了高潮,纳粹的失败即将来临。那么为什么在这种情况下,戈培尔仍然坚定地相信德国有可能取得胜利呢?尽管已经有了很多事实证明不可能实现,戈培尔仍然坚定地坚守自
1929年出生於日本,草間彌生是當代舉足輕重的藝術家,以標誌性的Polka dot 圓點圖案和鮮明的色彩運用而著稱。發掘草間彌生超凡絢爛嘅藝術之路,見證藝術連繫人心、治癒心靈的力量。 草間彌生:「我創作藝術是為了治癒全人類。」
已刊登於關鍵評論網 看到蠻多人打桃園神社的風向,已經完全把「忠烈祠=國民黨」,或許在台灣其他忠烈祠的歷史脈絡來看,這直觀的想法是正確的,但這放在桃園神社卻是錯誤的。相反的或許可以說桃園忠烈祠是全台忠烈祠當中真正「忠」台的起源。 而會有這樣的誤解與刻板印象,正是因為台灣經歷了國民黨的威權統治,使得台灣
1945年的上海回憶錄,回憶的不是1945年,也不是上海,只要是懷念你忘不掉的過去某個時間某個地點的某個人某件事,都可以在「Shanghai Memories of 1945」找到一個安身棲命的角落。
今日在萬華路上,無意間經過一家冰店-永富冰淇淋。 他的招牌簡單大方,看起來很亮眼,應該是剛更新過沒有多久,然而讓我最意外的是,它居然寫是創始於1945年的冰淇淋! 二話不說馬上進去拜訪。 一客冰淇淋是45元,可以任選三種口味。 沒想到居然有這麼久遠的老店。
#3月10日 #3月10号 #3月10日东京大轰炸 1945年3月9日夜间到10日清晨,美国陆军航空军使用大量燃烧弹轰炸日本首都东京,造成九万甚至可能超过十万日本人丧生,其中大部分是平民,上百万人流离失所,破坏严重程度创下第二次世界大战单场空袭新纪录。此次空袭代号“会议室行动”(Operation
#3月10日 #3月10号 #3月10日东京大轰炸 1945年3月9日夜间到10日清晨,美国陆军航空军使用大量燃烧弹轰炸日本首都东京,造成九万甚至可能超过十万日本人丧生,其中大部分是平民,上百万人流离失所,破坏严重程度创下第二次世界大战单场空袭新纪录。此次空袭代号“会议室行动”(Operation
學校源於大陸時期的空軍子弟學校,徹台後移地花蓮,1966年軍方始移交給花蓮縣府,開始招收一般民眾子弟並命名為鑄強。 校名是紀念1947年大陳保衛戰中犧牲,當年才27歲的空軍上尉飛官的溫鑄強烈士,校內有烈士的半身銅像和生平略記,供後輩憑弔這保家衛國的壯舉。 .. 我一直在追尋國內的十餘所紀念空軍
  朋友们,周六愉快!今天我们来谈一谈臭名昭著的纳粹宣传部长约瑟夫·戈培尔(Joseph Goebbels)。1945年4月中旬,第二次世界大战达到了高潮,纳粹的失败即将来临。那么为什么在这种情况下,戈培尔仍然坚定地相信德国有可能取得胜利呢?尽管已经有了很多事实证明不可能实现,戈培尔仍然坚定地坚守自
1929年出生於日本,草間彌生是當代舉足輕重的藝術家,以標誌性的Polka dot 圓點圖案和鮮明的色彩運用而著稱。發掘草間彌生超凡絢爛嘅藝術之路,見證藝術連繫人心、治癒心靈的力量。 草間彌生:「我創作藝術是為了治癒全人類。」
已刊登於關鍵評論網 看到蠻多人打桃園神社的風向,已經完全把「忠烈祠=國民黨」,或許在台灣其他忠烈祠的歷史脈絡來看,這直觀的想法是正確的,但這放在桃園神社卻是錯誤的。相反的或許可以說桃園忠烈祠是全台忠烈祠當中真正「忠」台的起源。 而會有這樣的誤解與刻板印象,正是因為台灣經歷了國民黨的威權統治,使得台灣
1945年的上海回憶錄,回憶的不是1945年,也不是上海,只要是懷念你忘不掉的過去某個時間某個地點的某個人某件事,都可以在「Shanghai Memories of 1945」找到一個安身棲命的角落。
今日在萬華路上,無意間經過一家冰店-永富冰淇淋。 他的招牌簡單大方,看起來很亮眼,應該是剛更新過沒有多久,然而讓我最意外的是,它居然寫是創始於1945年的冰淇淋! 二話不說馬上進去拜訪。 一客冰淇淋是45元,可以任選三種口味。 沒想到居然有這麼久遠的老店。