
2013/06/02閱讀時間約 14 分鐘
「今天早上,小青在Maharaja的面前哭得好慘喔!」2013年3月29日,星期五,妻在高鐵站一接到我就說。我們不先回家而直奔潭子Lalita住處,因為妻想拜為Guru的Kesava Bharati Dasa Goswami Maharaja(以下均稱Maharaja)今晚住在那裡,她要去為他做奉愛服務─烹調Prasadam晚餐。2009年初見Maharaja即淚如泉湧而不能自已的妻,當然很能體會小青心中澎湃的靈性情感,說不定小青的「感應」,多少受到妻對她講述自身經驗的「啟發」哩。
「……I sincerely ask Maharaja to accept me as your disciple. I would like to take shelter of you and serve you all my life. By your mercy, I may be able to get back to Godhead……」
2012年5月28日,妻寫了這封真誠卻難免充滿「行話」的信,委請Shyama翻譯後mail給Maharaja。然而據說他收受門徒是非常審慎的,尤其女門徒。2012年,閉關著書3個寒暑後,Maharaj再度周遊列國,傳播奉愛哲學,6月5日下午來到Shyama家,對他的蒞臨如大旱之望雲霓的妻,慎重地披上沙麗,點畫Tilak,於講課開始前,在敬拜房由Shyama口譯,正式請求Maharaj 為她啟迪,當二人正進行「試探」問答時,應妻請求於下班後趕到的我,被小曼打開房門一把推了進去,Maharaja看到我,瞪大眼睛,像看見了「那個光」,當聽Shyama介紹我是秀的husband時,搖著頭露出「不可置信」的神情:「Wow!Miracle!Miracle!這就是Krsna的仁慈!」Maharaj說:「我心裡正在想著應該問問秀的先生對這件事抱著什麼態度時?你就出現了!」他的宛如碰到「天啟」的反應,讓我覺得,妻已經當定了他的門徒。對他一再強調的Miracle,我說:「也許因為最近我正在讀聖典薄伽瓦譚吧!」關於我的「態度」,則回答:「雖然我不是奉獻者,但對秀的決定完全支持!」由於並不十分清楚「行規」,我回話時均以Guru稱之,後來妻指正我,只有經過啟迪後才能稱Maharaj為Guru的,但她認為這是一個「吉兆」。
在任何宗教中,一個真正的獻身者,在決定終生投入以前,多少會受到某種「天啟」吧!2013年4月,Maharaj第3次來台,5日晚住在家裡,隔天早上,召集我與妻、Shyama與初一,做較深入的談話,就提到了他踏上靈性之路的歷程,那時他20出頭,對人生懷有許多疑問,一天,在街頭閒晃,遇到有人派書,他隨手翻開,讀到的一段恰好解開困擾心中已久的迷惑,當下淚流不止,但他不知如何去聯絡這個團體,過了一段時間,在另一個城市的某個公園,他又遇到同樣裝扮的人在發傳單,便趨前請教,那人回答:「聖Prabhupada正好要來演講,過來聽吧!」他看著傳單,全身顫抖,再度流淚不止,從此堅定的走上奉愛之途。「就像 Srila Prabhupada在70高齡一無所有的去到美國傳播這門靈性的科學,我也是一無所有,但卻能走遍世界繼續傳播,一旦你全心臣服,Krishna就會為你指引道路。」
「…… "Separation is full of sorrows." This is what I talked to my daughter when I drove her to the airport, which brought me back to the feelings of separation three months ago when I saw you off at the airport…….」
「……It's certainly true that absence makes the heart grow fonder……
「……As soon as I began to get your association, I notice I have been transformed obviously in three aspects:
1) I am able to chant and study the scriptures regularly and steadily. It was very difficult for me to do my sadhana steadily because my tricky mind used to find all kinds of excuses to divert me from it and made me loose in my sadhana.
Now chanting and studying Srila Prabhupada's books become the priority in my everyday life.
……Very good. Our routine work of rising early and hearing and chanting every day forms the foundation of our spiritual strength. With that spiritual strength we can overcome the various obstacles that the material energy puts before us. I can't overstate how important it is to strictly follow the basics.
2) After you left Taiwan on June 7, Jahnava expressed her attachment and
admiration for you, which melted my stereotyped impression on her. Gradually,
I'm able to face Jahnava in an easy relaxing mood
3)I have been much disturbed by invisible spirits these years, which has been a torture physically and mentally. I have tried to take shelter of Narasimha diva and you completely, and become stronger and braver.
No ghost or disembodied spirit can stay in the presence of the Lord's holy name chanted without offense. And mostly these experiences are a result of a weak mind, not necessarily ghosts. In either case, I strongly recommend that you study the ten offenses against the holy name. Commit them to memory so thoroughly that they become second nature, just like our remembrance of our arithmetic tables. Then you will be able to perceive the difference between offensive chanting and inoffensive chanting. And eventually you'll not only be able to realize when you've made an offense and feel regret but also eventually you'll be able to begin catching yourself before making an offense and avoid making offenses. Srimad-Bhagavatam states clearly that if we are not experiencing transcendental pleasure when we chant the holy name, then we are committing offenses. That includes everyone in the beginning. The process of devotional service is not merely sentimental. It is a spiritual science that must be learned and applied into our lives in order that we clean our hearts, purify pour senses, and perceive for ourselves the spiritual truths Krsna presents in the Bhagavad-gita.
I feel myself is like a lost helpless child. If I make any tiny bit of progress, all the credit is supposed to go to devotees' mercy for me, especially your invisible power, which keeps pushing me further and reminding me not to give up half way.
I don’t have invisible, or mystic power. I have the instructions of my spiritual master. I will try to pass them on to you without changing them. That is what mercy is, the instructions coming down from Krsna through the parampara system, the system of disciplic succession.
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