Rain on Someone's Parade(搞砸某人的計劃)解釋: 意指使某人的計劃或活動受到干擾或破壞。例句: "I hate to rain on your parade, but the picnic might need to be postponed due to the heavy rain forecast."April Showers Bring May Flowers(四月的陣雨帶來五月的花朵)解釋: 表示即使天氣陰雨,也會迎來美好的事物。例句: "Don't be discouraged by the rain; remember, April showers bring May flowers."Come Rain or Shine(無論晴天陰天)解釋: 表示無論天氣如何,某事都會發生。例句: "We're going camping this weekend, come rain or shine."Rain Cats and Dogs(大雨滂沱)解釋: 形容非常大的雨。例句: "We couldn't go out because it was raining cats and dogs."Save It for a Rainy Day(留著等待雨天)解釋: 儲存某物或資源以備不時之需。例句: "I always save some extra money for a rainy day."Be Under the Weather(身體不適)解釋: 意指感到身體不適或生病。例句: "I won't be able to come to work today; I'm feeling under the weather."Weather the Storm(度過難關)解釋: 意指經歷困難或逆境,但成功克服。例句: "Despite the challenges, our team managed to weather the storm and complete the project."A Ray of Sunshine on a Rainy Day(雨天的一抹陽光)解釋: 表示在困難或悲傷的時刻出現一些希望或快樂。例句: "Her smile was like a ray of sunshine on a rainy day."Raining Buckets(傾盆大雨)解釋: 形容非常大量的降雨。例句: "We got caught in the storm, and it was raining buckets."Dressed for a Soaking(準備好淋濕了)解釋: 指的是穿著不適合雨天的衣物。例句: "I didn't bring my umbrella, and I'm dressed for a soaking. I should have checked the weather."