1import imageio
import numpy as np
import random
# Load the image
image_path = "[INSERT IMAGE PATH HERE]"
image = imageio.imread(image_path)
# Define the block size
block_size = 4
# Get the dimensions of the image
height, width, _ = image.shape
# Make sure the image dimensions are divisible by block size
height -= height % block_size
width -= width % block_size
# Crop the image to the new dimensions
image = image[:height, :width]
# Create a copy of the blocks dictionary to use for the animation
anim_blocks = blocks.copy()
# Create a dictionary to store the velocity of each block, with further reduced initial speed range
velocities = {key: [random.uniform(-2.5, 2.5), random.uniform(-2.5, 2.5)] for key in anim_blocks.keys()}
# Create a dictionary to store the start frame for each block, with upper blocks starting earlier and a random offset
start_frames = {key: int((key[0] / num_blocks_y) * num_frames) + random.randint(-num_frames//10, num_frames//10) for key in anim_blocks.keys()}
# Create a writer object to write the frames to a MP4 file
writer = imageio.get_writer('/mnt/data/animation_gradual_random.mp4', fps=24)
# Create a progress bar for the loop
pbar = tqdm(total=num_frames)
# Loop over the frames
for frame in range(num_frames):
# Create a blank image for this frame
frame_img = np.full(img_array.shape, 0, dtype=np.uint8)
# Loop over the blocks
for key in list(anim_blocks.keys()):
# If the block has not started to disintegrate yet, skip it
if frame < start_frames[key]:
# Draw the block on the frame image
frame_img[key[0]*block_size:(key[0]+1)*block_size, key[1]*block_size:(key[1]+1)*block_size] = anim_blocks[key]
# Update the position of the block
key_new = (int(key[0] + velocities[key][1]), int(key[1] + velocities[key][0]))
# If the block has moved off the image, remove it from the dictionary
if key_new[0] < 0 or key_new[0] >= num_blocks_y or key_new[1] < 0 or key_new[1] >= num_blocks_x:
del anim_blocks[key]
# Update the velocity of the block
velocities[key][0] -= air_resistance * velocities[key][0]
velocities[key][1] += gravity - air_resistance * velocities[key][1]
# Draw the block on the frame image
frame_img[key_new[0]*block_size:(key_new[0]+1)*block_size, key_new[1]*block_size:(key_new[1]+1)*block_size] = anim_blocks[key]
# Move the block in the dictionaries
anim_blocks[key_new] = anim_blocks.pop(key)
velocities[key_new] = velocities.pop(key)
# Add the frame to the MP4 file
# Update the progress bar
# Close the writer
# Close the progress bar