【🛒】每日英文單字 ㉘

2024/01/30閱讀時間約 7 分鐘

🛒 Children's goods store

字根、字首、字尾: 兒童 (children), 用品 (goods), 商店 (store)

解釋: 兒童用品商店

例句: The children's goods store specializes in products for young kids and infants.

🛒 Counter

字根、字首、字尾: 無 (N/A)

解釋: 櫃檯

例句: Approach the counter for assistance with your purchase or inquiries.

🛒 Stall/Stand

字根、字首、字尾: 無 (N/A)

解釋: 售貨攤

例句: Explore the various stalls and stands at the market for unique items.

🛒 Show window

字根、字首、字尾: 櫥 (show), 窗 (window)

解釋: 櫥窗

例句: The products in the show window display the latest arrivals and promotions.

🛒 Show case

字根、字首、字尾: 玻璃 (glass), 櫃檯 (case)

解釋: 玻璃櫃檯

例句: Valuable items are often showcased in the glass display case.

🛒 Shelf

字根、字首、字尾: 貨 (goods), 架 (rack)

解釋: 貨架

例句: The products on the shelf are organized for easy browsing.

🛒 Cash desk

字根、字首、字尾: 收 (collect), 銀 (money), 台 (desk)

解釋: 收銀台

例句: Proceed to the cash desk to make payment for your selected items.

🛒 Price tag

字根、字首、字尾: 價 (price), 簽 (tag)

解釋: 價簽

例句: Check the price tag for information on the cost of the product.

🛒 Discount

字根、字首、字尾: 打折 (discount), 扣 (subtract)

解釋: 打折扣

例句: Take advantage of the discount offered during the sale period.

🛒 Change

字根、字首、字尾: 無 (N/A)

解釋: 零錢

例句: Please provide the exact amount, as we may not have enough change.

🛒 Keep the bill

字根、字首、字尾: 留 (keep), 發票 (bill)

解釋: 留發票

例句: It's advisable to keep the bill for reference or in case of returns.

🛒 Wrap up

字根、字首、字尾: 包 (wrap), 裝 (up)

解釋: 包裝

例句: The store will wrap up your purchases securely for transportation.

🛒 Free of charge

字根、字首、字尾: 不 (not), 收費 (charge)

解釋: 不收費

例句: The additional service is provided free of charge.

🛒 Deliver

字根、字首、字尾: 送 (deliver)


例句: The courier will deliver the package to your specified address.

🛒 Out of stock/Sold out

字根、字首、字尾: 售 (sell), 完 (complete)

解釋: 售完

例句: We apologize, but the product is currently out of stock or sold out.

🛒 Salesman/Shop assistant

字根、字首、字尾: 售 (sell), 貨員 (staff)

解釋: 售貨員

例句: If you need assistance, feel free to approach a salesman or shop assistant.

🛒 Imitation

字根、字首、字尾: 仿製 (imitate), 品 (product)

解釋: 仿製品

例句: Be cautious of imitation products that may not meet quality standards.

🛒 Genuine

字根、字首、字尾: 真 (true), 的 (of)

解釋: 真的

例句: Ensure you are purchasing genuine products from authorized retailers.

🛒 Fake

字根、字首、字尾: 假 (false), 的 (of)

解釋: 假的

例句: Be wary of fake products that may not meet safety or quality standards.

🛒 Haberdashery

字根、字首、字尾: 男士 (men), 服飾 (apparel)

解釋: 男士服飾用品

例句: The haberdashery section offers a variety of men's apparel and accessories.

🛒 Dry goods

字根、字首、字尾: 服飾 (apparel)

解釋: 服飾

例句: Explore the dry goods section for a range of clothing and accessories.

🛒 Cosmetics

字根、字首、字尾: 化妝 (cosmetics), 用品 (goods)

解釋: 化妝用品

例句: The cosmetics department features a variety of beauty and skincare products.

🛒 Confectionery

字根、字首、字尾: 糕點 (pastry), 糖果 (candy)

解釋: 糕點糖果

例句: Indulge in the confectionery section with a selection of pastries and candies.

🛒 Jewelry

字根、字首、字尾: 無 (N/A)

解釋: 珠寶

例句: The jewelry store showcases a stunning collection of rings, necklaces, and bracelets.

🛒 Ornaments

字根、字首、字尾: 無 (N/A)

解釋: 裝飾品

例句: The shop has a variety of ornaments to decorate your living space.
