Thank you for your sponsorship and contribution to me

2024/02/05閱讀時間約 2 分鐘

Thank you for your sponsorship and contribution to me

I previously

Do good deeds with a kind heart

Instead, I was hurt by many people,

It caused me depression, bipolar disorder and many physical and mental illnesses.

Long-term unemployment and no income,

your sponsorship,

will help me have living expenses,

make me capable,

Continue to contribute to the world and society with good intentions and good deeds,

You allow me to indirectly help more kind and disadvantaged people,

Let future generations have a better living environment,

Thank you for your sponsorship and dedication to me,


You are welcome to buy me a cup of coffee, thank you!

I am good at thinking and executing actions that have long-term benefits.

I am good at writing, which can benefit readers in various ways

A nice and easy to read article,


Happiness Coach Mr. Huang

Trendy information media community editor


cycle of goodness


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