一問二答雅思口說Part 2範例:Receive Special News

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Talk about a time you received special news. You should say:
when and how you received the news
what the news was about
how you felt about the news
and explain why the news was special.


In June 2022, I received special news that I had been accepted into National Taiwan University for a master's program in International Business. It is worth mentioning that this news came to me through a phone call from my best friend, who saw the results online before I did. I had applied a few months earlier and had been anxiously waiting for the outcome. When I heard the news, I was overjoyed and felt a tremendous sense of achievement. The acceptance into NTU, one of Taiwan’s most prestigious universities, was a testament to my hard work and dedication. It also opened doors to numerous academic and professional opportunities, which would significantly benefit my future career. This news was special because it marked a major milestone in my academic journey, promised a bright future, and reassured me that I was on the right path toward achieving my career goals. Moreover, it strengthened my resolve to pursue excellence in my studies and professional life.




In March 2023, I received special news through a direct message on my social media account. It is worth mentioning that this message came from a stranger who had seen my travel photos from Australia and was interested in knowing more about the working holiday program there. The news was exciting because the person was eager to learn from my experience and had many questions about the application process, the kind of jobs available, and living in Australia. This unexpected inquiry made me feel proud and validated, as it showed that my public posts had made a positive impact and were inspiring others. Sharing my journey and giving advice felt rewarding, and it strengthened my sense of connection to a broader community of travelers. The news was special because it not only highlighted the influence of social media but also underscored how my personal experiences could help others in planning their own adventures. Moreover, it reminded me of the value of storytelling and sharing our journeys with the world.



Describe a time when you were disturbed by noise. You should say: when and where the noise was how it affected you who else was affected
Describe an advertising campaign that caught your attention. You should say: what the campaign was promoting what different media were used in
Describe a time when you had to work with others to overcome a challenge. You should say: what the challenge was who you worked with what
Describe an occasion when you had to make time for someone. You should say: what the situation was how you rearranged your plans what
Describe an occasion when your offer to help was not accepted. You should say: who you offered to help what kind of help you offered why
Describe something you enjoy doing that is healthy. You should say: what you do where and how often you do it why you enjoy doing it and e
Describe a time when you were disturbed by noise. You should say: when and where the noise was how it affected you who else was affected
Describe an advertising campaign that caught your attention. You should say: what the campaign was promoting what different media were used in
Describe a time when you had to work with others to overcome a challenge. You should say: what the challenge was who you worked with what
Describe an occasion when you had to make time for someone. You should say: what the situation was how you rearranged your plans what
Describe an occasion when your offer to help was not accepted. You should say: who you offered to help what kind of help you offered why
Describe something you enjoy doing that is healthy. You should say: what you do where and how often you do it why you enjoy doing it and e
Google News 追蹤
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
11/20日NVDA即將公布最新一期的財報, 今天Sell Side的分析師, 開始調高目標價, 市場的股價也開始反應, 未來一週NVDA將重新回到美股市場的焦點, 今天我們要分析NVDA Sell Side怎麼看待這次NVDA的財報預測, 以及實際上Buy Side的倉位及操作, 從
Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
1.職場難免會有一些灰色地帶,當沒有規則規範時,很容易讓部屬感到無所適從。 2.主管當面臨部屬語帶情緒質問時,很容易沒有控制好情緒,如此一來可能讓情況更糟。 3.溝通的過程中,可以使用的方式很多,文章提供五種說服的技巧,可根據情境交換使用。
昨天聽了Lady Gaga唱的Hold my hand,起初的感受是歌手把這首歌詮釋得很好,就沒有其他想法了。由於這首歌是捍衛戰士二的片尾曲,想必歌曲的詮釋和電影故事有關,所以就決定去電影院欣賞這部經典神作。 電影中有個橋段,獨行俠為了救公雞,犧牲自己,長官要求所有任務成員盡快飛回基地。
去年開幕的星乃,排隊熱潮終於淡了一些,但如果到現場才掃碼訂位,還是要等上許久,網路上有許多食記分享都有放上二維碼,可以估算一下時間提前預約。 內含舒芙蕾熱蛋糕和鹹食心得。
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
11/20日NVDA即將公布最新一期的財報, 今天Sell Side的分析師, 開始調高目標價, 市場的股價也開始反應, 未來一週NVDA將重新回到美股市場的焦點, 今天我們要分析NVDA Sell Side怎麼看待這次NVDA的財報預測, 以及實際上Buy Side的倉位及操作, 從
Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
1.職場難免會有一些灰色地帶,當沒有規則規範時,很容易讓部屬感到無所適從。 2.主管當面臨部屬語帶情緒質問時,很容易沒有控制好情緒,如此一來可能讓情況更糟。 3.溝通的過程中,可以使用的方式很多,文章提供五種說服的技巧,可根據情境交換使用。
昨天聽了Lady Gaga唱的Hold my hand,起初的感受是歌手把這首歌詮釋得很好,就沒有其他想法了。由於這首歌是捍衛戰士二的片尾曲,想必歌曲的詮釋和電影故事有關,所以就決定去電影院欣賞這部經典神作。 電影中有個橋段,獨行俠為了救公雞,犧牲自己,長官要求所有任務成員盡快飛回基地。
去年開幕的星乃,排隊熱潮終於淡了一些,但如果到現場才掃碼訂位,還是要等上許久,網路上有許多食記分享都有放上二維碼,可以估算一下時間提前預約。 內含舒芙蕾熱蛋糕和鹹食心得。